Anti-U.S. billboards ordered taken down in Tehran

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
(CNN) -- Anti-American sentiment is nothing new in Iran. But what about government officials ordering that billboards expressing such views be taken down?

That's what is happening in Tehran, where billboards bearing anti-U.S. slogans were collected, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency.

Hadi Ayazi, a spokesman for Tehran municipality, told reporters that a cultural institute had installed the billboards without the consent of Tehran municipality's cultural council, IRNA reports.

The move comes during a seeming thaw in U.S.-Iran relations, amid ongoing talks over the latter's nuclear program. U.S. President Barack Obama and Iranian Hassan Rouhani have even exchanged letters, with both signaling openness to further improvement.

Anti-U.S. billboards ordered taken down in Tehran -
Iran must want something.

Or, they could just be trying to get rid of their image in the international community as a hateful, anti-West nation. If anything, they might want to take them down so that negotiations with the West will go smoother, as an act of good faith of sorts.
Or its a con to give them enough time to make nukes.

Always a possibility I suppose, but I see little reason to assume that is their intention. Logically, they know the repercussions of developing such weapons at this point. No matter what their ideology preaches or what they say in their speeches, self-preservation will win out in the long run. They certainly won't halt their production of uranium though, and nor should they.

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