Antifa protestor stabs police horse with nail studded flagpole, but Antifa hates Nazis


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Everyone who isn’t an ignorant dunce knows leftists are anything but peaceful. Case in point?

An Antifa broad, and Stranger Things girl lookalike, stabbed a police horse with a nail-studded flagpole. Before the rage makes your blood boil and smoke billows out of your ears, chill. The noble steed is a-okay. His attacker earned herself an all-expenses-paid trip to the slammer
Antifa Protestor Stabs Police Horse with Nail-Studded Flagpole. But Antifa Hates Nazis…

Oh look who is a huge fan of animals most often the leftist freaks who would save their pet over a human baby. The leftist liberal freaks are going to have to turn on their own now. They are going bat shit crazy man these sob's are mental cases beyond repair.

The little bitch should be charged no differently than the charges one would get if harming a police dog these animals are considered police.

And we can tell the little Nazi looking bitch has been over vaccinated because over vaccination signs are when one eye or the other droops or is called a lazy eye. That is one of the signs of it.

So you see loons those vaccinations cause you to act like morons and you don't even know why or how come because everything is just a conspiracy. Even though the insert tells you this is a symptom.
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She better hope her bull dyke prison room mate doesn't have a nail studded flagpole.

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