Anyone else giving to Bush/Cheney campaign?

Captain_Steel said:
F@#$ no, I'm not giving them any of my hard-earned money. Both of thoose fools are lying posers, phonies.

Neither of which give a s@#$ about me or my issues: immigration, affirmative action, and foriegn aid.

Unless a guy comes along who wants to tackle those "taboo" issues, I'm not supporting any of them. With my dollar or my vote.

Calm down Captain Anger!! :slap: I am curious why you are on a Republican board? Are you a Republican,but don't like the way Bush does things or what? I work with a guy who feels a lot like you. He thinks politicians are crooks and none of them have anyone's best interest at heart.

My feelings are,no one is perfect,but if you want things the way you want them,you have to vote and support the best guy. I personally like G.W. and think he is overall honest. Aslo,I believe Bush has addressed affirmative action.
krisy said:
Calm down Captain Anger!! :slap: I am curious why you are on a Republican board? Are you a Republican,but don't like the way Bush does things or what? I work with a guy who feels a lot like you. He thinks politicians are crooks and none of them have anyone's best interest at heart.

My feelings are,no one is perfect,but if you want things the way you want them,you have to vote and support the best guy. I personally like G.W. and think he is overall honest. Aslo,I believe Bush has addressed affirmative action.

Krisy.................... :beer: Well said!
Just a clarification.. this isn't a Republican Board, although many of us are.

I'd estimate that most here are independent.

There's even a few Democrats! (gasp!)
NightTrain said:
Just a clarification.. this isn't a Republican Board, although many of us are.

I'd estimate that most here are independent.

There's even a few Democrats! (gasp!)

I consider myself an Independent, though I do tend to agree with the Republican candidates more often than not. The year I spread my votes out the most was 1996 while I was living in Wichita Falls, Texas. Along with the presidential election, there were U.S. and state house and senate seats up for grabs, as well as the elections for mayor, railroad commissioner, and several other offices. As I recall, I voted for 8 Republicans, 7 Democrats, 3 Independents, 2 Libertarians, and a Natural Law.
Krisy, don't feel too bad about your "weakly" $20 donation. It will go a long way. I volunteer in finance for a couple of community not-for-profits. We get lots of $5 and $10 donations which add up to far more than the infrequent $500 donation someone sends in. Of course, we would like to receive more of the $500 kind, but its the $5 and $10 donations that get the job done.

The Republican National Committee is only recommending a $25 donation, so your gift is in line with that.
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