Anyone Else Sick of Obama being two faced? Watch this video

Dear Corky,

The Democrats can pass the public option without one Republican vote.


Any non libtard

This is another often repeated innacuracy...that being the democrats need republican votes. They have enough votes to pass ANY bill without ONE republican vote.

This and the lie that republicans have no plans to reform health insurance are the 2 biggest lies I hear repeated as facts constantly.

That's not quite true. Sixty votes are needed for cloture, which will end debate and move to a final up-or-down vote on the matter. The Senate can't move until cloture is agreed to. Voting against cloture is essentially a filibuster, which Republicans will do in order to virtually suspend any roll call voting indefinitely. Because it takes 3/5ths of senators to achieve cloture, it is used as a tool by those against the matter to avoid the final simple-majority vote. Harry Reid does NOT have 60 Democrats yet. But both the House and Senate versions have yet to formally come out of conference, so we'll see.

You mean Reid doesn't have 3/5 in the house but pelosi has the 60 democrats if she can get them all on board right?

I see what your saying though, if they want republicans in the house can still hold bills up....right?
Dear Corky,

The Democrats can pass the public option without one Republican vote.


Any non libtard

This is another often repeated innacuracy...that being the democrats need republican votes. They have enough votes to pass ANY bill without ONE republican vote.

This and the lie that republicans have no plans to reform health insurance are the 2 biggest lies I hear repeated as facts constantly.

That's not quite true. Sixty votes are needed for cloture, which will end debate and move to a final up-or-down vote on the matter. The Senate can't move until cloture is agreed to. Voting against cloture is essentially a filibuster, which Republicans will do in order to virtually suspend any roll call voting indefinitely. Because it takes 3/5ths of senators to achieve cloture, it is used as a tool by those against the matter to avoid the final simple-majority vote. Harry Reid does NOT have 60 Democrats yet. But both the House and Senate versions have yet to formally come out of conference, so we'll see.

Maggie, Remember The Senate Makes it's Own Rules and can change that rule with a simple majority vote at any time. It has been suggested before, even this session.
Try me just leave out the insults. What do you want to debate about obama being two faced....meaning that his words dont match his actions as far as bi-partisanship goes.

I know what being two-faced means. But think about it. Is that the best way to start a debate with people that you know support Obama??? It would be better to just ask a question. Why did Obama say in his campaign that he would send us all $500 every month, but he hasn't done it? You see? That doesn't intimidate or anger anyone. It is a straightforward question.

Personally, I think people expected magic from him. It takes time to change things. I really think he's doing the best he can. And if people are unhappy, I wish they would just refer to the issue without all of the anymosity.

Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

To your first comment about lack of Republican participation, I've posted numerous times the background where Obama DID try to include the Republican leadership (McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, etc.), but they turned on him within days. You don't recall some of their comments on national television? Well I sure do.

I agree that he let Nancy Pelosi take the lead on health care and do whatever she wanted, even when it was obvious that she ignored some of his basic requirements. But I also think Obama knew that the first House draft was basically going nowhere anyway; it was the first step in a very, very long process involving a major national policy change (also the reason it's 2,000 pages long). Sloppy? Lazy? Whatever, yes, he should have reined her in.

As for Afghanistan, I continue to be stunned that people just expect this country to jump into another iffy ground war by putting an additional 40,000 combat troops there, no questions asked. Over the past 18 months, troop levels in Afghanistan have almost tripled. An additional 40,000 would mean a 400% increase in troop levels since 2008. So, it is NOT "dithering" as Cheney so rudely put it, to try to figure out why previous troop increases have not worked, and why we think 40,000 more would.

Finally, the media battle is silly. Fox is what Fox is, period.
I know what being two-faced means. But think about it. Is that the best way to start a debate with people that you know support Obama??? It would be better to just ask a question. Why did Obama say in his campaign that he would send us all $500 every month, but he hasn't done it? You see? That doesn't intimidate or anger anyone. It is a straightforward question.

Personally, I think people expected magic from him. It takes time to change things. I really think he's doing the best he can. And if people are unhappy, I wish they would just refer to the issue without all of the anymosity.

Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

To your first comment about lack of Republican participation, I've posted numerous times the background where Obama DID try to include the Republican leadership (McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, etc.), but they turned on him within days. You don't recall some of their comments on national television? Well I sure do.

I agree that he let Nancy Pelosi take the lead on health care and do whatever she wanted, even when it was obvious that she ignored some of his basic requirements. But I also think Obama knew that the first House draft was basically going nowhere anyway; it was the first step in a very, very long process involving a major national policy change (also the reason it's 2,000 pages long). Sloppy? Lazy? Whatever, yes, he should have reined her in.

As for Afghanistan, I continue to be stunned that people just expect this country to jump into another iffy ground war by putting an additional 40,000 combat troops there, no questions asked. Over the past 18 months, troop levels in Afghanistan have almost tripled. An additional 40,000 would mean a 400% increase in troop levels since 2008. So, it is NOT "dithering" as Cheney so rudely put it, to try to figure out why previous troop increases have not worked, and why we think 40,000 more would.

Finally, the media battle is silly. Fox is what Fox is, period.

Of Course Afghanistan would pick up as Iraq winds down Maggie. If the Commanding General says there are not enough Troops for Command Presence, I would go with His Advice. It was overwhelming numbers with the surge that brought stability. Indecision and Hesitations show Weakness.
I could not bring Myself to vote for Bloomberg, so I voted for the Conservative Candidate Stephen Christopher.

Oh, good. I found a New Yorker. I keep hearing all the time how rich Bloomberg is. And last night they said he spent one hundred million dollars of his own money for the campaign. Damn!!!! How rich is this guy and where did he get it??

If you know, please tell me. I'm so curious!!! Thanks much.
This is another often repeated innacuracy...that being the democrats need republican votes. They have enough votes to pass ANY bill without ONE republican vote.

This and the lie that republicans have no plans to reform health insurance are the 2 biggest lies I hear repeated as facts constantly.

That's not quite true. Sixty votes are needed for cloture, which will end debate and move to a final up-or-down vote on the matter. The Senate can't move until cloture is agreed to. Voting against cloture is essentially a filibuster, which Republicans will do in order to virtually suspend any roll call voting indefinitely. Because it takes 3/5ths of senators to achieve cloture, it is used as a tool by those against the matter to avoid the final simple-majority vote. Harry Reid does NOT have 60 Democrats yet. But both the House and Senate versions have yet to formally come out of conference, so we'll see.

You mean Reid doesn't have 3/5 in the house but pelosi has the 60 democrats if she can get them all on board right?

I see what your saying though, if they want republicans in the house can still hold bills up....right?

Pelosi needs a simple majority of the full House, around 218, not just 60, and she has those votes. The 60 is the Senate rule (60 out of 100 Senators). If Harry Reid puts a motion for cloture on the floor and doesn't get 60 votes, the bill can be filibustered and thereafter will require a simple majority to pass (51).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Origins & Development > Powers & Procedures > Filibuster and Cloture
This is another often repeated innacuracy...that being the democrats need republican votes. They have enough votes to pass ANY bill without ONE republican vote.

This and the lie that republicans have no plans to reform health insurance are the 2 biggest lies I hear repeated as facts constantly.

That's not quite true. Sixty votes are needed for cloture, which will end debate and move to a final up-or-down vote on the matter. The Senate can't move until cloture is agreed to. Voting against cloture is essentially a filibuster, which Republicans will do in order to virtually suspend any roll call voting indefinitely. Because it takes 3/5ths of senators to achieve cloture, it is used as a tool by those against the matter to avoid the final simple-majority vote. Harry Reid does NOT have 60 Democrats yet. But both the House and Senate versions have yet to formally come out of conference, so we'll see.

Maggie, Remember The Senate Makes it's Own Rules and can change that rule with a simple majority vote at any time. It has been suggested before, even this session.

Except that they won't. There's always the danger that Republicans will use it when it's their turn at fucking things up.
Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

To your first comment about lack of Republican participation, I've posted numerous times the background where Obama DID try to include the Republican leadership (McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, etc.), but they turned on him within days. You don't recall some of their comments on national television? Well I sure do.

I agree that he let Nancy Pelosi take the lead on health care and do whatever she wanted, even when it was obvious that she ignored some of his basic requirements. But I also think Obama knew that the first House draft was basically going nowhere anyway; it was the first step in a very, very long process involving a major national policy change (also the reason it's 2,000 pages long). Sloppy? Lazy? Whatever, yes, he should have reined her in.

As for Afghanistan, I continue to be stunned that people just expect this country to jump into another iffy ground war by putting an additional 40,000 combat troops there, no questions asked. Over the past 18 months, troop levels in Afghanistan have almost tripled. An additional 40,000 would mean a 400% increase in troop levels since 2008. So, it is NOT "dithering" as Cheney so rudely put it, to try to figure out why previous troop increases have not worked, and why we think 40,000 more would.

Finally, the media battle is silly. Fox is what Fox is, period.

Of Course Afghanistan would pick up as Iraq winds down Maggie. If the Commanding General says there are not enough Troops for Command Presence, I would go with His Advice. It was overwhelming numbers with the surge that brought stability. Indecision and Hesitations show Weakness.

McChrystal has already been surging a' la Iraq and The Petreaus Plan. Another 40K means a third surge. To what end? For one thing, Afghanistan is a much larger country and the terrain is nearly impossible (as opposed to mostly flat desert in Iraq), the various tribes are suspicious of US forces, regardless how much we may try to coddle them and steer them away from The Taliban. I think one strategy under consideration is actually two-fold: A Patreaus counterinsurgency for the major population areas, and a counterterrorism plan for the deep-seated Taliban militants who operate from their mountain refuges.
That's not quite true. Sixty votes are needed for cloture, which will end debate and move to a final up-or-down vote on the matter. The Senate can't move until cloture is agreed to. Voting against cloture is essentially a filibuster, which Republicans will do in order to virtually suspend any roll call voting indefinitely. Because it takes 3/5ths of senators to achieve cloture, it is used as a tool by those against the matter to avoid the final simple-majority vote. Harry Reid does NOT have 60 Democrats yet. But both the House and Senate versions have yet to formally come out of conference, so we'll see.

You mean Reid doesn't have 3/5 in the house but pelosi has the 60 democrats if she can get them all on board right?

I see what your saying though, if they want republicans in the house can still hold bills up....right?

Pelosi needs a simple majority of the full House, around 218, not just 60, and she has those votes. The 60 is the Senate rule (60 out of 100 Senators). If Harry Reid puts a motion for cloture on the floor and doesn't get 60 votes, the bill can be filibustered and thereafter will require a simple majority to pass (51).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Origins & Development > Powers & Procedures > Filibuster and Cloture

I apologize maggie I was being dixlexic. I wrote pelosi where I meant to write reid. DOH :slap:


On a side note Stupak, a Democrat, is currently holding the bill up in the senate because he wants clear language guaranteeing no money will go toward abortions.
You mean Reid doesn't have 3/5 in the house but pelosi has the 60 democrats if she can get them all on board right?

I see what your saying though, if they want republicans in the house can still hold bills up....right?

Pelosi needs a simple majority of the full House, around 218, not just 60, and she has those votes. The 60 is the Senate rule (60 out of 100 Senators). If Harry Reid puts a motion for cloture on the floor and doesn't get 60 votes, the bill can be filibustered and thereafter will require a simple majority to pass (51).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Origins & Development > Powers & Procedures > Filibuster and Cloture

I apologize maggie I was being dixlexic. I wrote pelosi where I meant to write reid. DOH :slap:


On a side note Stupak, a Democrat, is currently holding the bill up in the senate because he wants clear language guaranteeing no money will go toward abortions.

As it should be. But that won't prevent private insurers from paying for one if no federal money is involved.
Pelosi needs a simple majority of the full House, around 218, not just 60, and she has those votes. The 60 is the Senate rule (60 out of 100 Senators). If Harry Reid puts a motion for cloture on the floor and doesn't get 60 votes, the bill can be filibustered and thereafter will require a simple majority to pass (51).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Origins & Development > Powers & Procedures > Filibuster and Cloture

I apologize maggie I was being dixlexic. I wrote pelosi where I meant to write reid. DOH :slap:


On a side note Stupak, a Democrat, is currently holding the bill up in the senate because he wants clear language guaranteeing no money will go toward abortions.

As it should be. But that won't prevent private insurers from paying for one if no federal money is involved.

I dont think the government should do that either. If a private company wants to cover abortions they should be allowed to.
Try me just leave out the insults. What do you want to debate about obama being two faced....meaning that his words dont match his actions as far as bi-partisanship goes.

I know what being two-faced means. But think about it. Is that the best way to start a debate with people that you know support Obama??? It would be better to just ask a question. Why did Obama say in his campaign that he would send us all $500 every month, but he hasn't done it? You see? That doesn't intimidate or anger anyone. It is a straightforward question.

Personally, I think people expected magic from him. It takes time to change things. I really think he's doing the best he can. And if people are unhappy, I wish they would just refer to the issue without all of the anymosity.

Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.
I know what being two-faced means. But think about it. Is that the best way to start a debate with people that you know support Obama??? It would be better to just ask a question. Why did Obama say in his campaign that he would send us all $500 every month, but he hasn't done it? You see? That doesn't intimidate or anger anyone. It is a straightforward question.

Personally, I think people expected magic from him. It takes time to change things. I really think he's doing the best he can. And if people are unhappy, I wish they would just refer to the issue without all of the anymosity.

Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.

Replying @ bold.

After all those "lies", tell us... what Obama did to prove them wrong?
Eight Years we put up with all of the Bullshit from the Left. Actually a life time of You screwing up the quality of Life. We grew thick skins, You should too. There Is Balance, You should try to find it, There is nothing too inflammatory in that last Post. We don't like what You do with Our money. You hurt Us, You hurt the Republic. Best get used to criticism.

As I've gotten older I have almost run out of patience. At least we disliked Bush for very good reasons. Mostly that he paid no attention to domestic issues and focused his entire presidency on Iraq.

But the things said about Obama are outrageous and mostly lies. So the personal insults to me get on my last nerve. I have nothing pointy sticking out of my face!!! I am gorgeous!!! :razz:

Yes Dear. :):lol::):lol::)

Fresh!!! :)
Ame®icano;1682831 said:
Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.

Replying @ bold.

After all those "lies", tell us... what Obama did to prove them wrong?

I don't think he should try!!! He will never win Republican approval. I sent the prez an email about it. I told him to stop being Mr. Nice Guy. I totally agree with Ed Schultz:

"What does President Barack Obama want when it comes to health care in this country? What does he want in the bill?" Schultz asked, then declared Obama was backstabbing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and would sell his soul for republican support on health care.

"The White House is backstabbing Harry Reid on the public option," Schultz said emphatically. He added: "I think the president would sell his soul for some republican support at this hour."

Schultz concluded: "Mr. President, don't cave."

Read more at: Ed Schultz: Obama Would "Sell His Soul" For GOP Support On Health Care (VIDEO)

Ed is so right. Why does the prez even care??
Why does Obama care?

Because he is an empty shell. He desparately needs validation. The worthless Nobel Prize didn't help. Some quick coattail Dem wins didn't materialize. Unemployment exceeded his estimates. Can't get out of Iraq or Afghanistan. He will shove ANYONE under the bus to win. Leaders do not have to do that.
I know what being two-faced means. But think about it. Is that the best way to start a debate with people that you know support Obama??? It would be better to just ask a question. Why did Obama say in his campaign that he would send us all $500 every month, but he hasn't done it? You see? That doesn't intimidate or anger anyone. It is a straightforward question.

Personally, I think people expected magic from him. It takes time to change things. I really think he's doing the best he can. And if people are unhappy, I wish they would just refer to the issue without all of the anymosity.

Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.

It sure is. I do agree with some of what you said and disagree with some. If you would like i can get specific but I dont think I will change your mind much.

I think in words he tried but in actions he didn't. That being said he has been treated harshly by many right out of the gate regardless of what he has and hasn't done. I dont disagree with everything he has done but his domestic plans (cap and trade/single payer healthcare) bother me a lot.

Yes the Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity shows do come down very harshly on obama. I think hannity is unfair while beck is just wild. That being said their news shows, such as chris wallace on sundays or shepard smith have been very honest and fair.

I basically agree with what you say here other than the trust part. I dont trust him or the congress but then again i haven't trusted a president or congress since the mid 90's.
Ame®icano;1682831 said:
Ok lets start there then.

Why did obama say in his campaign that he was going to be transparant and Bi-Partisan yet he has not chastized his congress for shooting down every republican health care bill or their additions to the democrats health care bill? Why did he not come out publicly against pelosi wanting to withold the bills from going online until after they are introduced for a vote?

Why does obama say he doesn't want the republicans to do a lot of talking about health care? Why does he criticize conservatives who are telling him they do not like several aspects of his current health proposal(Dont tell me how to hold the mop)?

Why does he feel the need to have his administration attack FOX news opinion commentators for using their first ammendment rights to express their feelings.

Those two questions above are in regards to his administrations partisan behavior the two below are 2 things I am highly dissapointed in that I would like your input on.

Why hasn't Obama listened to the general he put on the ground in afghanistan and sent in more troops to "concentrate on the real war in afghanistan" Why has it been 3 months since receiving the request for more troops in august without any decision from the president?

Why is he continuing the Bush iraq policies when during bush's presidency he criticized the same plans?

When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.

Replying @ bold.

After all those "lies", tell us... what Obama did to prove them wrong?

Because presidents don't jump into silly politics themselves. George Bush didn't personally remark on all the allegations that he was AWOL, or even comment on the 911 conspiracy theories that he and his family were involved with the bin Laden family, etc., etc.

Rinata is correct on all points.
Ame®icano;1682831 said:
When Obama took office, I think he really tried and really wanted to work together with Republicans. It was a bad idea and I did not want him to waste his time. And that's exactly how it turned out. So I think Obama got disgusted and quit trying.

I mean, look at the campaign and how he has been treated since he took office. So many lies and distortions that I can't remember them all. Let's see, Obama is not a citizen, Obama was an organizer for Acorn, born alive accusations, swift boaters tying Obama to William Ayres, Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year, Obama's going to kill your Grandma, and on and on.

Some of these lies are really dumb. There are a lot more.

I am so glad that he came down on Fox News. I see no reason for him to try and pretend that they treat him as fairly as they have any other prez. They despise him and it shows. Sean Hannity constantly repeats negative stories about Obama that have proven to be false!! There are at least 10 lies just on William Ayers alone. And Beck calling him a racist and saying he hates white people. He's crazy.

I wish I knew. I am very disappointed that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought for sure that we would be out by now or that our leave taking would at least be soon.

I am not an expert on war strategy or on war period. Why he is not listening to the general, I don't know. Is he maybe getting other advise and is conflicted?

And yes, I know he has kept some of the policies of the Bush administration and that is disturbing. I don't get it. However, I trust him and that's why I voted for him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know my answers to your questions might not be your opinions. But that's okay, isn't it?? Thanks.

Replying @ bold.

After all those "lies", tell us... what Obama did to prove them wrong?

I don't think he should try!!! He will never win Republican approval. I sent the prez an email about it. I told him to stop being Mr. Nice Guy. I totally agree with Ed Schultz:

"What does President Barack Obama want when it comes to health care in this country? What does he want in the bill?" Schultz asked, then declared Obama was backstabbing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and would sell his soul for republican support on health care.

"The White House is backstabbing Harry Reid on the public option," Schultz said emphatically. He added: "I think the president would sell his soul for some republican support at this hour."

Schultz concluded: "Mr. President, don't cave."

Read more at: Ed Schultz: Obama Would "Sell His Soul" For GOP Support On Health Care (VIDEO)

Ed is so right. Why does the prez even care??

He cares because eventually he will need Republican support on a myriad of other things, too. No president should operate as a dictator, period, not even Obama.

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