Anyone who thinks coaches should hit their players

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I saw him speak acouple of decades ago and the man was so wonderful a human being this non sports fan just cant get enough of him.

So sorry he is not still on the planet
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John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010) was an American basketball player and coach. Nicknamed the "Wizard of Westwood", he won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period—seven in a row[1]—as head coach at UCLA, an unprecedented feat.[2][3] Within this period, his teams won a record 88 consecutive games.[1] He was named national coach of the year six times.

As a player, Wooden was the first to be named basketball All-American three times and he won a Helms National Championship at Purdue in 1932, seven years before the birth of the NCAA tournament. Wooden was named a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame as a player (inducted in 1961) and as a coach (in 1973), the first person ever enshrined in both categories. Only Lenny Wilkens and Bill Sharman have since had the same honor.[4]

He was one of the most revered coaches[1] and was beloved by his former players, among them Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bill Walton. Wooden was renowned for his short, simple inspirational messages to his players, including his "Pyramid of Success". These often were directed at how to be a success in life as well as in basketball.[1]
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won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period—seven in a row

that is one hell of a winning record.

he treaated his players like his own kids.

Many stayed in his life till his death.

A great man by nay standards
So, you've been drinking so much today that you heard some imaginary person say they thought coaches should hit their players? How many drinks does THAT take. I mean I can drink quite a bit but I've never reached that level.
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Wooden remained devoted to Nellie until his own death decades after hers. He kept to a monthly ritual — health permitting — on the 21st of every month, when he would visit her grave then write a love letter to her. After completing each letter, he placed it in an envelope and added it to a stack of similar letters that accumulated over the years on the pillow she slept on during their life together.[22] Wooden only stopped writing the letters in the last months of his life due to failing eyesight.[23]

a man who knew how to love a woman
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John Wooden's Seven Point Creed,[94] given to him by his father Joshua upon his graduation from grammar school:
Be true to yourself.
Make each day your masterpiece.
Help others.
Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
Make friendship a fine art.
Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.
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"He never made more than $35,000 a year salary (not including camps and speaking engagements), including 1975, the year he won his 10th national championship, and never asked for a raise," wrote Rick Reilly of ESPN. He was given a Bruin powder blue Mercedes that season as a retirement gift.[45] According to his own writings, Wooden turned down an offer to coach the Los Angeles Lakers from owner Jack Kent Cooke that may have been ten times what UCLA was paying him.

John Wooden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

money was NOT his master
he was already mentioned a couple times in the other thread on one seemed to they do here....
he was already mentioned a couple times in the other thread on one seemed to they do here....

I'm still trying to find out how many drinks it takes for someone to be drunk enough to actually think someone actually said coaches should hit their players.

the one thing i thought the guy really was wrong doing was throwing the Basketball at their knees.....a Basketball could have done some knee damage if it hit right.....but the yelling and pushing... i played football in survive that is a part of that....and im sure most guys who sign up for that expect it....

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