AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
What a riot.

The AP issued new guidance on Wednesday telling journalists to avoid using the word "riot" when covering leftwing events and refrain from reporting on property destruction because, according to the AP, such reporting has been used in the past as a way to stigmatize protests against lynching and racial injustice.

AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence
What a riot.

The AP issued new guidance on Wednesday telling journalists to avoid using the word "riot" when covering leftwing events and refrain from reporting on property destruction because, according to the AP, such reporting has been used in the past as a way to stigmatize protests against lynching and racial injustice.

AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence
In most dictatorships those who seek control start by intimidating the journalists

but the leftwing in America have taken over the journalism schools that train and launch the journalists, who are willing allies of the dictatorship
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Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
Her house was a stash house and she was shot standing next to her latest boyfriend who had just shot a cop entering her house with a warrant. Brionna Taylor was a lowlife drug dealer. Your story is fake news.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
Her house was a stash house and she was shot standing next to her latest boyfriend who had just shot a cop entering her house with a warrant. Brionna Taylor was a lowlife drug dealer. Your story is fake news.
Well that makes it alright that the cops can just bust in your house and kill you then? The war on drugs somehow excuses police state tactics while Americans can still get all the drugs they want. I can tell you right now someone just busting in my door in the middle of the night is probably going to get shot at.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
Then why do they do it to Whites Hispanics and 4 legged dogs also ?
Its not about blacks
Morons make it only about blacks
What a riot.

The AP issued new guidance on Wednesday telling journalists to avoid using the word "riot" when covering leftwing events and refrain from reporting on property destruction because, according to the AP, such reporting has been used in the past as a way to stigmatize protests against lynching and racial injustice.

AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence
/——/ Won’t that dilute the effects of the riots? Isn’t the message, do things our way or we’ll burn down you city too?
She wasn't a drug dealer, dope was not being stashed at her home, and not even a speck of any drugs were found, her boyfriend who shot at the door where he thought thugs were breaking in, was CLEAN AS A WHISTLE, not a felon, and even had a license to conceal carry, and she and boyfriend DID NOT KNOW it was plain clothes police at the door, the 911 call from her boyfriend after Breonna was shot, CLEARLY SHOWS he DID NOT KNOW it was the police.
Good rules! :D

Trumpet tactics to change the subject from the protest grievance is a well known, racist tactic, as the AP pointed out, it has been used many many times....

Even on Colin Kaepemick, trumpets changed the subject from the peaceful protest of bending a knee, to bring attention to the injustices done to blacks, the trumpists made it all about the Flag.....never acknowledging the grievance and diverting the topic away from the protest grievance.

The AP is on to you!!!! :)
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Ummmmm. The media tells them when to be angry, why, and when to protest, even before info is divulged. They play people, create their mood swings, and use them as tools and as bait and pawn pieces on their chess board game.
This is not the fifties, demonstrations are proven to make things worse not better, it's an archaic use of time, money, and energy and a terrible strategy used by people with no logic, creativity, or direction. We have access to the law makers now and a voice that can reach those with the audiences without leaving the house or getting out of your robe and risking your or someone elses life, and without being a media puppet or a shield for ulterior motive bad actors.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.

The people who are rioting care only that we are not yet a Communist nation, and never will be.
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
What did Ms Taylor's race have to do with her death?
Proud 'weak' boys covered in link. Weak men are so sad and yet they are led by a weak man. See bottom. Words come to be their strength. Enlist boys and grow up.

"Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth called Trump,"

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny
Since you people still don't know what people are angry about it's clear that the media has been directing your attention almost exclusively at the occasional chaos rather than why people are out there demonstrating in the first place.
Actually no some of us righties and libertarians have been bitching about the militarization and tactics of the police for a long time now

Where you brainwashed morons been?
Oh that's right you highjacked it for criminal ******* while innocent people and EVEN dogs have been getting screwed over by the entire system for years

Its got nothing to do with race either
It's got everything to do with race when someone like Breanna Taylor can get murdered in her bed and the police and the system are still not held accountable.
Still talking that same ol bullshit.
Is that what they are rioting over? Made up bullshit like hands up dont shoot?
Proud 'weak' boys covered in link. Weak men are so sad and yet they are led by a weak man. See bottom. Words come to be their strength. Enlist boys and grow up.

"Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth called Trump,"

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny
/----/ " "Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth called Trump," "
What does he call 5 deferment Dementia Joe? Oh wait - Joe has a D after his name - all os forgiven.
These guidelines make sense, given the prevalence of people misusing the term "riot" to refer to people who are just protesting. Rioting involves violence, deliberate property damage, looting, etc. Protest does not. Using the term "riot" in regard to a situation in which, for example, 500 people walk down the street carrying signs and chanting, and five of them indulge in criminal activity, is an illegitimate use of the term for misleading propaganda purposes. Journalists should not be sucked into this.
These guidelines make sense, given the prevalence of people misusing the term "riot" to refer to people who are just protesting. Rioting involves violence, deliberate property damage, looting, etc. Protest does not. Using the term "riot" in regard to a situation in which, for example, 500 people walk down the street carrying signs and chanting, and five of them indulge in criminal activity, is an illegitimate use of the term for misleading propaganda purposes. Journalists should not be sucked into this.
/—-/ libtards love to stifle free speech.
These guidelines make sense, given the prevalence of people misusing the term "riot" to refer to people who are just protesting. Rioting involves violence, deliberate property damage, looting, etc. Protest does not. Using the term "riot" in regard to a situation in which, for example, 500 people walk down the street carrying signs and chanting, and five of them indulge in criminal activity, is an illegitimate use of the term for misleading propaganda purposes. Journalists should not be sucked into this.
/—-/ libtards love to stifle free speech.

We are talking about journalists covering an event. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "free speech." Reporters have a duty to report in a neutral manner and not use politically "loaded" terms. A reporter can say something like, "I'm at 16th and Maple, and there is a store burning in the middle of the block. Firefighters are working to put the blaze out and police are looking for a man in a blue t-shirt, black shorts, and a bike helmet," and then interview bystanders, who give the quotes. Your "libtards" comment is ignorant. The rules are designed to maintain neutrality. You are demanding that reporters take political stands and further propaganda. It doesn't work that way.

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