AP- new home sales worst on record


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.
Home sales hit 11-month high | Reuters

(Reuters) - Home sales hit an 11-month high in December and the number of properties on the market was the fewest in nearly seven years, pointing to a nascent recovery in the housing sector.

The National Association of Realtors said on Friday existing home sales increased 5 percent to an annual rate of 4.61 million units, with all four of the nation's regions recording gains.

Sales of both multifamily and single-family homes rose.
Do you know the differance between new and exsisting home sales?

Sorry to ruin your dreams of bad times for this country.

I know you love it when Americans are in pain.
Do you know the differance between new and exsisting home sales?

Sorry to ruin your dreams of bad times for this country.

I know you love it when Americans are in pain.

Trying to derail another thread I see.
They know the difference. It is you that keeps bring up existing homes.
This thread and the other is about new homes. New home sales are more important because they have to be built and that means more people are working.
You don't want to deal with the topic because it puts Obama in a bad light.
Uncle Ferd lookin' fer a house to move his fat g/f's into...
Nationwide, new home sales had worst year in 2011
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 - Sales of new homes nationwide slumped to a record low in 2011, ending the year on an unexpected downward slide.
For three straight months, homebuyers had ramped up purchases and hopes that 2011 was headed for a stronger finish, but a 2.2 percent decrease in December sales to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 307,000 dashed aspirations of an extended resurgence. The sales marked the lowest on record since measurements began in 1963, according to a Commerce Department report released Thursday. "It appears to have hit rock bottom," said Stan Geberer, a senior associate with the Orlando-based consulting firm Fishkind & Associates, who is predicting higher Florida sales in 2012.

Nationally, 2011's sales total was less than half of what economists said is typical for a healthy market, and 75 percent below the peak sales year of 2005. The South, a 17-state region that includes Florida, saw the biggest December dip, falling 10 percent from November and nearly 5 percent from the same time in 2010. But Palm Beach County builders remain optimistic, pointing to increases in newly started home construction that picked up at the end of 2011 and crowds of interested buyers hitting open houses. "The best sub-markets are getting buyers and the best companies are reasonably prosperous," said Brad Hunter, chief economist for the Royal Palm Beach-based firm MetroStudy.

The median sales price of a new home nationally fell 12.8 percent from 2010 to $210,300. Hunter said he was surprised by the December drop in sales, considering the end of 2011 experienced a spike in new home starts locally. During the fourth quarter of 2011, construction began on 406 new Palm Beach County homes, up from 318 in the previous quarter, MetroStudy found. At the same time, total new home inventory in Palm Beach County fell to 1,037, a 20 percent decline from the peak inventory year of 2007. "Consumer confidence, as well as builder confidence, is doing better," Hunter said. "They are still in the pits, but they're climbing out at a steady pace."

Geberer is predicting 43,000 new home starts in Florida in 2012, up from 30,000 last year and 26,000 in 2010. But those annual tallies are down from Florida's more typical pre-boom housing starts of between 100,000 and 120,000. "When you've spent three years tearing down the size of your organization, firing a lot of staff and watching the value of your assets plummet, your perspective on what is good news changes," Geberer said. "We're at such dismally low levels that any glimmer of hope tends to bring rejoicing."

New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.

Run this through the Democrat translator aka TM and the whole MSNBC crowd and it comes out the other end as .....

Another triumph for Obama and the housing market....:lol:
New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.

Maybe it's because people are buying "good deals" on foreclosures, REO'S and short sales. Much of the aforementioned is because of the reckless lending and borrowing that occurred under the previous Administration and because of a bad economy.
New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.

Yep, and New Unemployment Claims rose this week.

Notice how they ignored both these facts and trump the pathetic 2.8% Growth (which is sure to be revised down in the Future if History has anything to say)

New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.

Yep, and New Unemployment Claims rose this week.

Notice how they ignored both these facts and trump the pathetic 2.8% Growth (which is sure to be revised down in the Future if History has anything to say)


What would you be saying if there was a 2.8% decline?
Yep, and New Unemployment Claims rose this week.

This can't be possible....lol
All I hear about is the millions of jobs saved....
All I hear about is the millions and millions of new jobs created.....
How is it unemployment numbers are still very high.?
New home sales are the lowest since they have been keeping records and the AP adds that unemployment is up but "the trend is encouraging". If anybody ever doubted the liberal media's slavish promotion of liberal administrations all you have to do is look at the happy face the AP tries to put on bad news for Barry.

Yep, and New Unemployment Claims rose this week.

Notice how they ignored both these facts and trump the pathetic 2.8% Growth (which is sure to be revised down in the Future if History has anything to say)


Imagine , post christmas layoff of temp workers.

Gee what a surprize

Home sales hit 11-month high | Reuters

(Reuters) - Home sales hit an 11-month high in December and the number of properties on the market was the fewest in nearly seven years, pointing to a nascent recovery in the housing sector.

The National Association of Realtors said on Friday existing home sales increased 5 percent to an annual rate of 4.61 million units, with all four of the nation's regions recording gains.

Sales of both multifamily and single-family homes rose.

good news they refuse to give him credit for
Until the glut of foreclosed homes, etc., is moved the housing market cannot significantly recover. All of America, from rich to poor, from business people to private individuals, got greedy and stupid. And guess what, America? America paid for it.

I compliment those who prepared for what was obviously coming down the pipeline. For those who did not get greedy. For those who ensured cash flow and the ability to leverage when times became tight. For those who have been purchasing private and commercial rental realty at decent prices and very low % rates.

Those Americans who refused to recognize historical narrative are now suffering for their stupidity: thinking they could keep doing the same thing believing the results could never change.

I am unhappy about greedy Americans, greedy institutions, and greedy government. I am very happy for those who acted maturely and wisely with their finances.
I am very unhappy about so many who lost their jobs because so many Americans got greedy stupid.

My GOP is going to pay for it this fall if we nominate Newt. The sunuva buck could cost us the House, and if that happens, Zander's dear leader and a compliant Senate and House will make "class warfare" on the wealth builders unlike they can imagine in their worst dreams.

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