AP??? Obama new low?? 56% Disapprove of Obama on economy. November coming!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama earned his lowest marks ever on his handling of the economy in a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which also found that an overwhelming majority of Americans now describe the nation's financial outlook as poor.

A frustrated electorate could take it out on the party in power — Obama's Democrats — in the November elections.

Eleven weeks before the Nov. 2 balloting, just 41 percent of those surveyed approve of the president's performance on the economy, down from 44 percent in April, while 56 percent disapprove. And 61 percent say the economy has gotten worse or stayed the same on Obama's watch.

Now note this laughable CYA. This IS the liberal press. They have to cover for Obama somehow!

Still, three-quarters also say it's unrealistic to expect noticeable economic improvements in the first 18 months of the president's term. And Obama's overall approval rating was unaffected; it remained at 49 percent, in part because most Americans still like him personally.

AP Poll: Obama at new low for handling economy - Politics - msnbc.com

What a joke! :lol::lol::lol::lol: They have to spin the news somehow.

Look even Bill Clinton got that one right. IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID! You think "likeability" is going to save Democrats in November?

It's the economy, stupid! ;)
Well 0bama will just have to go out and fix that! I suggest heavy attendence at Democratic campaign rallies and a healthcare/oil spill/jobs victory tour.

How do you take your socialism? One lump or two?
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Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.
Well 0bama will just have to go out and fix that! I suggest heavy attendence at Democratic campaign rallies and a healthcare/oil spill/jobs victory tour.

How do you take your socialism? One lump or two?


I wonder if he will be parting the Red Sea as well????
Well 0bama will just have to go out and fix that! I suggest heavy attendence at Democratic campaign rallies and a healthcare/oil spill/jobs victory tour.

How do you take your socialism? One lump or two?

If the SEIU gets involved, it will be with a lot of lumps. A whole lot of lumps! ;)
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Yeah, because it's sooooooooooo wrong to point out Democrats on the economy suck!

That must mean we like bad numbers for the economy.

Let's all vote Democrat and keep them that way!

HUH??????? :eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh:
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.

We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

The President's policies and leanings are slowing the recovery. If he has such great answers, then why are Democratic candidates keeping arm's length?
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Trust me the economy will not be any better in the next few months. Not with Obama doing everything he can to destroy it.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Trust me the economy will not be any better in the next few months. Not with Obama doing everything he can to destroy it.

And just remember the tax hikes come in January as the Bush tax cuts sunsets. :eek:

Trust me, things are going to get A LOT WORSE if we don't do something in November.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Yeah, because it's sooooooooooo wrong to point out Democrats on the economy suck!
but never mention that the republicans gave us this mess
That must mean we like bad numbers for the economy.
The numbers have improved from what Bush left us
Let's all vote Democrat and keep them that way!
That is better than voting republican and going backwards to what caused this mess
HUH??????? :eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh:

I know you are confused but dont expect all thof the sane people to join you in your confusion
As TM tries to distract, I would like to point out that the most important point of this poll is the continued and dramatic results of the polls. 0bama is moving us further from where Americans want the economy to be. 0bama is not doing anything different from his choosen path, so there can be no other result but further problems.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Trust me the economy will not be any better in the next few months. Not with Obama doing everything he can to destroy it.

And just remember the tax hikes come in January as the Bush tax cuts sunsets. :eek:

Trust me, things are going to get A LOT WORSE if we don't do something in November.

I agree and I don't see any positive changes in the unemployement rates coming anytime soon either. Jobs and economy are the two major issues that are going to be the democrats downfall and they have no one to blame but themselves. But of course they'll still blame Bush.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.
The recovery was created by Obama policy, it has slowed because the corps are not hiring and the banks are not loaning money not to mention the losses to the economy given to us by a MAJOR disaster in the gulf that Bleed jobs.
We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus.You are fucking insane if you think the jobs saved by the stim were bad for the economy. Monitary infusion from ANYWHERE is good for any economy. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.How does stablizing the freefall of a economy harm anyone? Its all a partisan lie with NO real world physical proof.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.No you are lapping up pablum

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.

You analogy failed to make sense
All I know is one thing for sure...

When marketing the stimulus, he said he took the advice of as many as 100 top world economists. He said he trusted their opinons and trusted their advice and he was following their direction.

He then, after the fact when responding to the "8% unemployement" issue, said "we miscalculated the extent of the problem."

Hmmm...so 100 of the worlds top economists miscaluated while doing what they do for a living?

Something tells me that he did not follow their advice and direction....OR...they are not what he claimed they were.

It is obviously one or the other.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.
The recovery was created by Obama policy, it has slowed because the corps are not hiring and the banks are not loaning money not to mention the losses to the economy given to us by a MAJOR disaster in the gulf that Bleed jobs.
We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus.You are fucking insane if you think the jobs saved by the stim were bad for the economy. Monitary infusion from ANYWHERE is good for any economy. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.How does stablizing the freefall of a economy harm anyone? Its all a partisan lie with NO real world physical proof.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.No you are lapping up pablum

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.

You analogy failed to make sense

It makes as much sense as your drivel.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.
The recovery was created by Obama policy, it has slowed because the corps are not hiring and the banks are not loaning money not to mention the losses to the economy given to us by a MAJOR disaster in the gulf that Bleed jobs.
We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus.You are fucking insane if you think the jobs saved by the stim were bad for the economy. Monitary infusion from ANYWHERE is good for any economy. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.How does stablizing the freefall of a economy harm anyone? Its all a partisan lie with NO real world physical proof.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.No you are lapping up pablum

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.

You analogy failed to make sense

No it didnt.
I will lay it out for you.

Leaking roof=failing economy
Stimulus=piece of plastic (per the rights explanation of the stimulus)
small up tick in economy with stimulus=no noticeable drip in roof due to plastic
Economy better off with tax rebates for every hire made=Full repair of the roof (per rights beleifs).

The stimulus shows some positive change...but not what it could be.
Plastic shows NO drip, but it so small, it is there but cant be seen.

Someone with no knowledge of economic factors would say "look, the stimulus is working"
Someone with no knowledge orf roofing systems would say "look, that plastic fixed the problem"

On the right we are saying "sure iot seems to be working, but there is a more effcient way to fix the economy...and with a stimulus we are creating problems down the road for our economy

To my wife, I would say "sure, it seems to be fixed, but there is a more efficient way. The plastic is still letting moisture in and it will ujltimately rot the rafters creating bigger problems"

It is not that I want the plastic to fail. It is not that the plastic is not acting as a band aid...but it will create bigger problems down the raod.

It is a valid analogy. You may not agree with my sentiments of the stimulus, but the analogy is sound.

It is not that I want the stimulus to fail. It is that I do not want poeople to think it is the best solution anbd the solution we should continually employ.

It is a very valid and sound analogy.
Keep your fingers crossed the economy doesnt show any progress in the next couple of months and keep praying for job losses.

We know how much you want the country to recover even if means a loss for the republican party.

Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.
The recovery was created by Obama policy, it has slowed because the corps are not hiring and the banks are not loaning money not to mention the losses to the economy given to us by a MAJOR disaster in the gulf that Bleed jobs.
We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus.You are fucking insane if you think the jobs saved by the stim were bad for the economy. Monitary infusion from ANYWHERE is good for any economy. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.How does stablizing the freefall of a economy harm anyone? Its all a partisan lie with NO real world physical proof.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.No you are lapping up pablum

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.

You analogy failed to make sense

Your crap in red and larger..........

You say the recovery is due to Obama policy, and the problem was the corporations are not hiring and the banks are not lending.

Hey idiot...the problem was the corporations were not hiring and the banks were not lending....

So obviously his policies did not do what they were supposed to do....which mean they failed.

I mean....are you really that dense?

"His policies are working but they are not working" is what you are saying you moron.
Very poor attempt of a deflection from the topic.

We want a recovery. Only a fool would think that a trillion dollars wont help. But we beleive that it will actually slow a recovery...and it seems to be doing just that.
The recovery was created by Obama policy, it has slowed because the corps are not hiring and the banks are not loaning money not to mention the losses to the economy given to us by a MAJOR disaster in the gulf that Bleed jobs.
We simply dont want people to think that thge only way to help an economy is with a stimulus.You are fucking insane if you think the jobs saved by the stim were bad for the economy. Monitary infusion from ANYWHERE is good for any economy. It slows a recovery and creates a bigger mess for future generations....so of course we like to point out the negatives of the recovery we are experiencing.How does stablizing the freefall of a economy harm anyone? Its all a partisan lie with NO real world physical proof.

We are trying to wake people up to reality.No you are lapping up pablum

To my wife, if I went on the roof and put a piece of plastic over the hole, the roof is fixed!

To me, it was a foolish way to repair the problem...and it will be that much more difficult for me to convince my wife that there is a better more efficient way to fix it.....and I will try to show her why...

That does not mean I want the plastic to fail.

You analogy failed to make sense

It makes as much sense as your drivel.

That is an insult to my analogy...which is quite sound mind you.

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