AP: Obama will not allow any more Cuban defectors, all without VISAS will be deported

WOW. That is an class one ASSHOLE move.
Yet he'll invite scores of Jihadis who want to kill us in here.
He actually plays a game with numbers and deportations with illegals....so technically is doing catch and release. He wants to give them Amnesty and The Right To Vote.
He's allowed Sanctuary Cities, and Illegals to illegally get welfare, foodstamps, Driver Licenses, and Tax Payer IDs, and looks the other way while Employers Illegally hire Illegals putting painters, plumbers, electricians and other tradesmen who are American Citizens out of work.

I agree with enforcing THE LAW. Just do it fairly.
Like Feinsten told Sessions TODAY.


That shitstain you fuckers voted into the whitehouse will in fact continue importing just as many of your Jahadi pals from all your favorite third world Islamic shitholes. That won't change. Enjoy
Obama will deport CUBANS trying to flee a murderous DICTATORSHIP, but he lets convicted FELONS stay in the USA??



News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is ending a longstanding immigration policy that allows any Cuban who makes it to U.S. soil to stay and become a legal resident, a senior administration official said Thursday.

The repeal of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy is effective immediately, according the official. The decision follows months of negotiations focused in part on getting Cuba to agree to take back people who had arrived in the U.S.

The U.S. and Cuba planned to issue a joint statement late Thursday. The official insisted on anonymity in order to detail the change ahead of the announcement.
So are you complimenting and agreeing with Obama's actions regarding the Cuba situation?

I am saying there should be consistent application of deportation rules.

Until this rule change, there was NOT "consistent application". Cuba was the only country with which we had a "wet foot/dry foot" policy...now we don't.
WOW. That is an class one ASSHOLE move.
Yet he'll invite scores of Jihadis who want to kill us in here.
He actually plays a game with numbers and deportations with illegals....so technically is doing catch and release. He wants to give them Amnesty and The Right To Vote.
He's allowed Sanctuary Cities, and Illegals to illegally get welfare, foodstamps, Driver Licenses, and Tax Payer IDs, and looks the other way while Employers Illegally hire Illegals putting painters, plumbers, electricians and other tradesmen who are American Citizens out of work.

I agree with enforcing THE LAW. Just do it fairly.
Like Feinsten told Sessions TODAY.


That shitstain you fuckers voted into the whitehouse will in fact continue importing just as many of your Jahadi pals from all your favorite third world Islamic shitholes. That won't change. Enjoy

Butt Hurt Much? I prefer to actually believe this President as opposed to Obama Bin Lying's many prevarications. And I especially would not believe any of his supporters who are natural born liars, and told us all No One had a chance against The Criminal Hildabeast. Landslide, yah know et al.

Build that wall baby.
Obama will deport CUBANS trying to flee a murderous DICTATORSHIP, but he lets convicted FELONS stay in the USA??



News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is ending a longstanding immigration policy that allows any Cuban who makes it to U.S. soil to stay and become a legal resident, a senior administration official said Thursday.

The repeal of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy is effective immediately, according the official. The decision follows months of negotiations focused in part on getting Cuba to agree to take back people who had arrived in the U.S.

The U.S. and Cuba planned to issue a joint statement late Thursday. The official insisted on anonymity in order to detail the change ahead of the announcement.

It's about time. A bunch of goddam freeloaders anyway.

According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available

Creative Accounting, just like our Unemployment Numbers. They are not actually deporting them. They are releasing them and telling them to voluntarily return to Mexico.

Ever think this has something to do with lifting the Cuban embargo and Obamas efforts to restore relations with Cuba? Yall aren't very good at connecting the dots here are you?
Obama Bin Lying has never taken one action in his sorry life that was not partisan, and was not designed to push his liberal agenda, or protect his legacy, or help his party even if that meant "HURTING AMERICA" So.......No.
WOW. That is an class one ASSHOLE move.
Yet he'll invite scores of Jihadis who want to kill us in here.
He actually plays a game with numbers and deportations with illegals....so technically is doing catch and release. He wants to give them Amnesty and The Right To Vote.
He's allowed Sanctuary Cities, and Illegals to illegally get welfare, foodstamps, Driver Licenses, and Tax Payer IDs, and looks the other way while Employers Illegally hire Illegals putting painters, plumbers, electricians and other tradesmen who are American Citizens out of work.

I agree with enforcing THE LAW. Just do it fairly.
Like Feinsten told Sessions TODAY.


That shitstain you fuckers voted into the whitehouse will in fact continue importing just as many of your Jahadi pals from all your favorite third world Islamic shitholes. That won't change. Enjoy

Butt Hurt Much? I prefer to actually believe this President as opposed to Obama Bin Lying's many prevarications. And I especially would not believe any of his supporters who are natural born liars, and told us all No One had a chance against The Criminal Hildabeast. Landslide, yah know et al.

Build that wall baby.

Yup. All your Jahadi pals are on their way. Enjoy
Obama will deport CUBANS trying to flee a murderous DICTATORSHIP, but he lets convicted FELONS stay in the USA??



News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is ending a longstanding immigration policy that allows any Cuban who makes it to U.S. soil to stay and become a legal resident, a senior administration official said Thursday.

The repeal of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy is effective immediately, according the official. The decision follows months of negotiations focused in part on getting Cuba to agree to take back people who had arrived in the U.S.

The U.S. and Cuba planned to issue a joint statement late Thursday. The official insisted on anonymity in order to detail the change ahead of the announcement.
So are you complimenting and agreeing with Obama's actions regarding the Cuba situation?

I am saying there should be consistent application of deportation rules.

Until this rule change, there was NOT "consistent application". Cuba was the only country with which we had a "wet foot/dry foot" policy...now we don't.

So now Obama can ignore his own law and refuse to deport Cubans.

Once again with snowflakes, reality means nothing. It's all about perception and optics.

Now that Cubans aren't supposed to be here, then make sure you deport the Cubans.

Snowflakes seem oddly fired up about this law.I don't know what bullshit perception they are under.

Will Obama now deport illegal Cubans like he should?
The disastrous and intentional policies of Barak Hussein Obama are not even worth debating they are so obviously subversive and damaging to American Interests and Security.
Y'all crack me up. If Trump would have made the same move you would be applauding it but because it was Obama it was a racist anti American move. Your partisan blinders are so thick you can't see in front of you. At least it's mildly entertaining watching y'all walk into walls.
Y'all crack me up. If Trump would have made the same move you would be applauding it but because it was Obama it was a racist anti American move. Your partisan blinders are so thick you can't see in front of you. At least it's mildly entertaining watching y'all walk into walls.

I want anyone here illegally for ANY reason to be deported. That's the LAW. The LAW should be followed. Cuban/Mexican/German/Swedish/Libyan/Canadian...if you are here illegally because you snuck in the country or overstayed your VISA...you should be DEPORTED.

It's pretty simple.

Where is the inconsistency in my position?
Obama will deport CUBANS trying to flee a murderous DICTATORSHIP, but he lets convicted FELONS stay in the USA??



News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is ending a longstanding immigration policy that allows any Cuban who makes it to U.S. soil to stay and become a legal resident, a senior administration official said Thursday.

The repeal of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy is effective immediately, according the official. The decision follows months of negotiations focused in part on getting Cuba to agree to take back people who had arrived in the U.S.

The U.S. and Cuba planned to issue a joint statement late Thursday. The official insisted on anonymity in order to detail the change ahead of the announcement.
So are you complimenting and agreeing with Obama's actions regarding the Cuba situation?

I am saying there should be consistent application of deportation rules.

Until this rule change, there was NOT "consistent application". Cuba was the only country with which we had a "wet foot/dry foot" policy...now we don't.

Yep, Carter allowed the Mariel boatlift.

Odd that Obama didn't change this policy on his first week in office instead of the last week, isn't it?

This seems VERY political. Now that he doesn't need the Cuban vote....FUCK THE CUBANS.

Obama is a political hack. NOTHING MORE.
Don't worry, the liberals will create sanctuary cities in some slum neighborhood for the Cubans.

Most Cubans do not want to leave South Florida....some go to Tampa.

Obama changed the law, but I doubt he actually deports Cubans over the next 7 days.

This incredible idea should have been done in 2009, right?
Y'all crack me up. If Trump would have made the same move you would be applauding it but because it was Obama it was a racist anti American move. Your partisan blinders are so thick you can't see in front of you. At least it's mildly entertaining watching y'all walk into walls.

I want anyone here illegally for ANY reason to be deported. That's the LAW. The LAW should be followed. Cuban/Mexican/German/Swedish/Libyan/Canadian...if you are here illegally because you snuck in the country or overstayed your VISA...you should be DEPORTED.

It's pretty simple.

Where is the inconsistency in my position?

Tough to find the inconsistency on that position, huh?
Let's try to guess.

Now that Cubans are NOT allowed to immigrate to the USA, HOW MANY CUBANS WILL OBAMA DEPORT IN HIS LAST WEEK?

Just ballpark it....how many Cubans will Obama deport because of this new policy?
Y'all crack me up. If Trump would have made the same move you would be applauding it but because it was Obama it was a racist anti American move. Your partisan blinders are so thick you can't see in front of you. At least it's mildly entertaining watching y'all walk into walls.

I want anyone here illegally for ANY reason to be deported. That's the LAW. The LAW should be followed. Cuban/Mexican/German/Swedish/Libyan/Canadian...if you are here illegally because you snuck in the country or overstayed your VISA...you should be DEPORTED.

It's pretty simple.

Where is the inconsistency in my position?
Obama just took actions that apparently you agree with yet you think it opens the door to bash him... I just think it's funny when people are so lopsided
Let's try to guess.

Now that Cubans are NOT allowed to immigrate to the USA, HOW MANY CUBANS WILL OBAMA DEPORT IN HIS LAST WEEK?

Just ballpark it....how many Cubans will Obama deport because of this new policy?
The policy wasn't about deportations you knucklehead. It means Cubans don't get anymore free passes, they need to go through the legal immigration process if they want citizenship.
Let's try to guess.

Now that Cubans are NOT allowed to immigrate to the USA, HOW MANY CUBANS WILL OBAMA DEPORT IN HIS LAST WEEK?

Just ballpark it....how many Cubans will Obama deport because of this new policy?
The policy wasn't about deportations you knucklehead. It means Cubans don't get anymore free passes, they need to go through the legal immigration process if they want citizenship.

Right, from Cuba. Not from within the USA, like all immigrants are legally obliged to do.
Actually this move was way overdue.
Never made and sense to begin with.

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