Apartheid? Abbas' wife hospitalized in Israel

Israel is so damn apartheid it is the only country in the entire Middle East to have citizens of most races, religions & ethnicities including Muslim Palestinians with equal voting rights in the Israeli Knesset.

Palestinian president's spouse underwent surgery at a private hospital in Tel Aviv while Netanyahu held her husband responsible for fate of 3 kidnapped boys.


Apartheid! Apartheid! Apartheid!:mad::mad::mad:
They're out educating the world to all of the Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization.

Where are all the "apartheid" whiners?>
What would those contributions be? I understand the list is numerous but could you list a few? Start with aviation, medicine, technology and work your way down the list.
It's a good thing Hitler is 6 feet under. Chances are, if he lived today, we would have had to take care of him in our hospitals, too.:doubt:
It's a good thing Hitler is 6 feet under. Chances are, if he lived today, we would have had to take care of him in our hospitals, too.:doubt:

This sort of thing is what puzzles me about Israeli policies. I understand the helping of bystanders, women, children, etc., when something happens, but providing medical care for terrorists is just nuts, frankly.

Abba's wife can easily afford to go elsewhere for this stuff, her hubby is a very wealthy gangster; why would Israeli hospitals take her as a patient?
You know what is 10 times more annoying? That my father waited for operation for over 7 months.

And he's a good citizen.
What does having an operation (she should get an independent x-ray to see if she still has both kidneys) ;) have to do with zionists' racist domestic and international policies and agenda?
What does having an operation (she should get an independent x-ray to see if she still has both kidneys) ;) have to do with zionists' racist domestic and international policies and agenda?

How are the Israelis " Racist?" Can you see an Israeli getting Medical treatment in Gaza? :lol:
They're out educating the world to all of the Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization.

Where are all the "apartheid" whiners?>
What would those contributions be? I understand the list is numerous but could you list a few? Start with aviation, medicine, technology and work your way down the list.
[MENTION=35577]MJB12741[/MENTION] do you have your list compiled or are you still doing research?
They're out educating the world to all of the Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization.

Where are all the "apartheid" whiners?>
What would those contributions be? I understand the list is numerous but could you list a few? Start with aviation, medicine, technology and work your way down the list.

They did create the model defining how Islamic terrorists can fleece the international community for billions of dollars in welfare payments while the UN establishes an entire agency dedicated solely to propping up a failed Islamic terrorist enclave.

An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.
What does having an operation (she should get an independent x-ray to see if she still has both kidneys) ;) have to do with zionists' racist domestic and international policies and agenda?

Your knuckle-draggin' aside, Adolph, don't you find it at least curious that an Arab head of "state" would choose to send his wife to an Israeli hospital for repair? Considering the recent abduction of 3 Israeli students, one would think other options would have been considered. Evidently Abbas trusts the Jews to act justly and humanely.
Too bad no Jew can trust Abbas and his "people" to do the same.
What does having an operation (she should get an independent x-ray to see if she still has both kidneys) ;) have to do with zionists' racist domestic and international policies and agenda?

If we were so racist, so 'apartheid' worshippers, we wouldn't have let an Ishmaelite woman get near our hospitals, now, would we?
What does having an operation (she should get an independent x-ray to see if she still has both kidneys) ;) have to do with zionists' racist domestic and international policies and agenda?

Your knuckle-draggin' aside, Adolph, don't you find it at least curious that an Arab head of "state" would choose to send his wife to an Israeli hospital for repair? Considering the recent abduction of 3 Israeli students, one would think other options would have been considered. Evidently Abbas trusts the Jews to act justly and humanely.
Too bad no Jew can trust Abbas and his "people" to do the same.


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