
Complication arises in that Scripture makes numerous mentions of men and women having sex (directly, or by inference) sans marriage. As with ruling classes using prostitutes, concubines, courtesans, and the like. And a strict reading and literal interpretation of Genesis reveals Adam and Eve were not in fact married.

Instead of blowing off "complications" why not try to resolve the command against adultery with the rules about sex with concubines or slave girls if the subject is sex outside of marriage.

How could it be both forbidden and allowed in the same book of the law unless sex outside of marriage is not the subject?
Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????
Thank you so much hobelim for the kind words. :smiliehug: It was not that the question was inappropriate but how the question was worded that some may have found offensive. I will be a little more sensitive in fufure. :)
Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????
Thank you so much hobelim for the kind words. :smiliehug: It was not that the question was inappropriate but how the question was worded that some may have found offensive. I will be a little more sensitive in fufure. :)


with all due respect, in my opinion, you should not be feeling guilty for being insensitive. After all the 'offended' are people who perpetuate irrational beliefs and degrading practices that have inspired witch hunts, the inquisition, the holocaust and every pogrom and persecution, prohibition, and merciless punishment of anyone who refused to worship another man as if he was god ever since the temple was last destroyed and if they had their way would turn society into a perverse hell over and over and over again..

There is a lot of blood on their hands.

Its hardly appropriate to be nice about it,
God is qualified to be a Civil Engineer ... Who else would lay a sewer line through a playground?


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