Apparently we really need a "debate" over the term ICE AGE because y'all are all wrong...

Nope. Data from ice cores show that the planet has experienced multiple glacial cycles in the last 3 million years.

Absolutely laughable given the definition... that during a so called "interglacial" ice is supposed to retreat, but THERE IT IS GROWING ON BOTH AA AND GREENLAND STRAIGHT THROUGH THE "interglacial."



IQ over 5 required
If Earth is in an "interglacial period" why are Antarctica and Greenland growing new ice core layers every year??

(and did so straight through all the rest of the bullshit "interglacials" too...)
Shut up you stupid git.

How long can we expect the present Interglacial period to last?

No one knows for sure. In the Devils Hole, Nevada paleoclimate record, the last four interglacials lasted over ~20,000 years with the warmest portion being a relatively stable period of 10,000 to 15,000 years duration. This is consistent with what is seen in the Vostok ice core from Antarctica and several records of sea level high stands. These data suggest that an equally long duration should be inferred for the current interglacial period as well. Work in progress on Devils Hole data for the period 60,000 to 5,000 years ago indicates that current interglacial temperature conditions may have already persisted for 17,000 years. Other workers have suggested that the current interglacial might last tens of thousands of years.
Absolutely laughable given the definition... that during a so called "interglacial" ice is supposed to retreat, but THERE IT IS GROWING ON BOTH AA AND GREENLAND STRAIGHT THROUGH THE "interglacial."



IQ over 5 required
I think I'll go with this...

...over a batshit crazy idiot like yourself.
Shut up you stupid git.

How long can we expect the present Interglacial period to last?

No one knows for sure. In the Devils Hole, Nevada paleoclimate record, the last four interglacials lasted over ~20,000 years with the warmest portion being a relatively stable period of 10,000 to 15,000 years duration. This is consistent with what is seen in the Vostok ice core from Antarctica and several records of sea level high stands. These data suggest that an equally long duration should be inferred for the current interglacial period as well. Work in progress on Devils Hole data for the period 60,000 to 5,000 years ago indicates that current interglacial temperature conditions may have already persisted for 17,000 years. Other workers have suggested that the current interglacial might last tens of thousands of years.

You either have a brain or you do not.

You are arguing that "ice retreated" during a period where both Greenland and AA GREW ICE which is WHY YOUR STUPID ASS CAN PARROT ICE CORE DATA....

You need to increase ice to form A NEW LAYER IN THE ICE CORE

IQ over 5 required
You either have a brain or you do not.

You are arguing that "ice retreated" during a period where both Greenland and AA GREW ICE which is WHY YOUR STUPID ASS CAN PARROT ICE CORE DATA....

You need to increase ice to form A NEW LAYER IN THE ICE CORE

IQ over 5 required
Put the, "Novice Science Magazines", down.
Put the, "Novice Science Magazines", down.

Look who is talking....

Your argument is, "interglacials" are periods when ice retreats, and "we know this" because "we have data documenting THE ICE GREW during the interglacial"


Go back to chasing Dick Dastardly
You either have a brain or you do not.

You are arguing that "ice retreated" during a period where both Greenland and AA GREW ICE which is WHY YOUR STUPID ASS CAN PARROT ICE CORE DATA....

You need to increase ice to form A NEW LAYER IN THE ICE CORE

IQ over 5 required
Listen fool, facts beat eloquence. So fluff up, as much as you want, the crap you blurt out to every single post on the environment, but facts and science doesn't care about your claptrap. So shut up and learn.

It's like you're flicking through some Amateur/Novice science magazine.
Listen fool, facts beat eloquence. So fluff up, as much as you want, the crap you blurt out to every single post on the environment, but facts and science doesn't care about your claptrap. So shut up and learn.

It's like you're flicking through some Amateur/Novice science magazine.

So how did Antarctica and Greenland grow new ice core layers during a time you claim "ice was retreating?"


No wonder your car always lost to Dastardly... and the Arkansas Chug-a-Lug

That's your car, cavey, Car #1 left side second row down...

Wacky Races by on @DeviantArt | 80's cartoon ...

Wacky Races (TV Series 2017–2019) - IMDb

What is an ICE AGE?

Most apparently still believe it is a terrifying horror movie event where Earth all at once freezes up. The data has never supported such a scenario. Since 2010, there has been a massive effort to re-write Earth climate history into a series of rapid "glaciations" and ice retreats, as if "Day After Tomorrow" movie is accurate... LOL!!! What was North American Ice Age before 2010 is now spun into a series of rapid "ice ages" where it took a mere 75k years for the "ice age" to start in Northern Canada and put 2.5 mile thick glaicers on Chicago. This is "Milankovich" cycles, which I call McBullshit, and the data and debate on North American Ice Age vs. McBullshit is here...

and it isn't close. McBullshit is off by a factor of 10+ on every measure of ice age glacier available today.

The original definition of ICE AGE which is still used today was formed without any knowledge that land moves via the tectonic plates. It was thought that glaciation of South America's southern tip was the result of ice from Antarctica, in its current position, growing out over ocean and freezing up southern South America "during an ice age". Since 2010 that is now recorded, cough cough, as a rapid series of Dennis Quaid style ice ages coming and going. Neither of those are correct. As this map with sea level depth exposed shows, South America on the southern tip glaciated because 20 million or so years ago it was still attached to Antarctica, but isn't anymore and that's why it melted to just mountains today...


Antarctica itself has 70 million year old dinosaur fossils, because 70 million years ago it was not on the South Pole (and not covered with 2+ mile thick ice age glacier), but halfway to South Africa where it originated.

Rule 1 = Ice Age Glacier does not grow out over ocean, it breaks off - see Antarctica and Greenland, Titanic

Rule 2 = Ice Ages are Continent Specific Events because of Rule 1

The proof of this is the indisputable fact that Greenland froze while North America thawed. 20k years ago there was ice still in Chicago and Indiana. That is now gone. The Vikings were farming the southern tip of Greenland until the 1400s, when they were frozen off/out. For the past 20k years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. How far back that goes is in debate now, but it is a laughable debate. The data from Greenland is pretty well defined.

Greenland was unfrozen, completely unfrozen, 2 million years ago, as its northern tip was a flourishing forest....

Center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago...

The continent specific ice age on Greenland is under 2 million years old.

North America had this for either 75k years or 30-50 million years (the latter is the sane answer)


This map was done before the data from Greenland kept rolling in, as it was assumed Greenland and NA were attached and Greenland had been frozen for a long time = NOT THE CASE according to the data above. North America was covered with ice age glacier down to Indiana. That is the debate in the first link at the top of the post, how old that ice was and how long it took to grow and melt. Clearly, it melted, and Greenland is now frozen.

North America thawed while Greenland froze. Ice Ages are continent specific (with a planetary effect) but not planetary. THAT is the DATA...

So what causes an ICE AGE?

Land moving near the poles. When land gets to within - roughly- 600 miles of a pole, as Greenland just did, the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the summer, and then it starts to stack. Stack for a million or 2 years = Greenland. Stack for 40+ million years = Antarctica. Ice ages like North American Ice Age end when the land moves outside of the 600 miles to a pole barrier.

Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages. Earth Climate Change is 99% about where land is. If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have no ice (much warmer). If Earth had two polar continents, two "Antarcticas" it would have roughly twice the ice, oceans would be lower, there would be a thinner atmosphere with less humidity, and it would be colder...

Earth climate change is about ice. Ice controls sea level, temperature, atmospheric thickness, and humidity.

Ice is about where land is. 90% on Antarctica, 7% on Greenland today.

Land moves.

Not that hard.

Atmosphere, Co2 in atmosphere and Sun are not causes of climate CHANGE. Co2 does nothing. Sun is constant. What changes is where land is...

If you understand what an ice age is, it all makes sense. If you blur it and allow the Co2 fraud to define "ice age" as a Dennis Quaid movie, you are lost, and you are playing their game of debating their fudged fraud....
I get this from all of that.

You believe that there is no ice age.
You believe it vanished.
You do not believe at all what the scientist Richard Lindzen says that the problems originate in the Tropics. He disputes there is a danger associated with global warming.
You believe that there is no ice age

You are a seriously sick liar... from the link you were supposed to read, but apparently something went .... wrong...

So what causes an ICE AGE?

Land moving near the poles. When land gets to within - roughly- 600 miles of a pole, as Greenland just did, the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the summer, and then it starts to stack. Stack for a million or 2 years = Greenland. Stack for 40+ million years = Antarctica. Ice ages like North American Ice Age end when the land moves outside of the 600 miles to a pole barrier.

Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages.
You are a seriously sick liar... from the link you were supposed to read, but apparently something went .... wrong...

So what causes an ICE AGE?

Land moving near the poles. When land gets to within - roughly- 600 miles of a pole, as Greenland just did, the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the summer, and then it starts to stack. Stack for a million or 2 years = Greenland. Stack for 40+ million years = Antarctica. Ice ages like North American Ice Age end when the land moves outside of the 600 miles to a pole barrier.

Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages.
You manage to piss off we who tell the nuts that they need not fear global warming, nor by god, an ice age. You manage to create enemies on all camps of your fucked up argument. Greenland and Antarctica are not the whole of Earth either.
Greenland and Antarctica are not the whole of Earth either

More precisely, they are 97% of Earth ice today...

Greenland is at 7%

Maps Of Greenland Map Library Maps Of The World | Images and Photos finder

Antarctica is at 90%...

See Antarctica's Entire Seafloor With New Map | Live Science

and both are covered with mile plus thick ice... and no other continent is...

so tell us, that these are not "ice ages..."


Maybe someday you'll be on the witness stand defending that....
More precisely, they are 97% of Earth ice today...

Greenland is at 7%

Maps Of Greenland Map Library Maps Of The World | Images and Photos finder

Antarctica is at 90%...

See Antarctica's Entire Seafloor With New Map | Live Science's Entire Seafloor With New Map | Live Science

and both are covered with mile plus thick ice... and no other continent is...

so tell us, that these are not "ice ages..."


Maybe someday you'll be on the witness stand defending that....
F*ck, F*ck, F*ck. I hate shoveling snow. I wish those global warming theories were correct. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck. Here cometh another 20 years hard labor : - (
Antarctic NH_decadal_plot.webp
F*ck, F*ck, F*ck. I hate shoveling snow. I wish those global warming theories were correct. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck. Here cometh another 20 years hard labor : - (
View attachment 1063005

The Earth can and does warm. Jurassic was warmer, wetter, and had higher surface air pressure, what happens to Earth when it has little to no land near the poles. Right now Earth has 9 million cubic miles of ice. During Jurassic it was under 1 million and may have actually achieved zero at some point. What is trapped in ice age glacier is compressed gas. When that gas is released back into the atmosphere, it increases surface air pressure.

Surface Air Pressure proves today that

1. Earth is NOT WARMING
2. Earth is not experiencing an ongoing net ice melt

When that gas is released back into the atmosphere, it increases surface air pressure.
Incorrect. The atmosphere is not a fixed volume.

According to your logic, farts would increase surface air pressure, right?
Incorrect. The atmosphere is not a fixed volume.

According to your logic, farts would increase surface air pressure, right?

How stupid is a "climate scientist?"

Let's put it this way, invalid. If you remove all the gas from the atmosphere, what happens to surface air pressure...??

How does it prove this? 25 words or less please.

Because when a planet warms its surface air pressure rises.



Seasonal variation of Mars' global mean surface pressure at five ...
How stupid is a "climate scientist?"

Let's put it this way, invalid. If you remove all the gas from the atmosphere, what happens to surface air pressure...??

Which doesn't prove the atmosphere is a fixed volume because it's not.

So... in your world do farts of billions of animals and people increase air pressure?
Which doesn't prove the atmosphere is a fixed volume because it's not.

So... in your world do farts of billions of animals and people increase air pressure?

Nobody is claiming it is a fixed volume.

But you claim adding gas to it doesn't increase SAP, and that is IQ<5 par for the course CO2 FRAUD IDIOCY...
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