Apple Inc.


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Dear Apple Inc.,
I'd like to express a sincere Thank you for your service to humanity for staving off the "Official Organized Crime" movement of the US Godvernemt!

The following is an advertisement for the "we have to do something" crowd.

AP Explains: The Justice Department's new quarrel with Apple

The squabble raises two big questions. First, is Apple required to help the government hack its own security technology when requested? Second, is government pressure on this issue the prelude for a broader effort to outlaw encryption technology the feds can't break?


I could have saved AP some effort: A formal reply from Apple lawyers should simply be; You aren't trustworthy. Argument over.
`I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'
Trump demands Apple unlock iPhones: ‘They have the keys to so many criminals and criminal minds’
President Donald Trump on Wednesday stepped up his pressure over Apple’s refusal to unlock iPhones for authorities in criminal cases.

“Apple has to help us. And I’m very strong on it,” Trump told “CNBC Squawk Box” co-host Joe Kernen from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “They have the keys to so many criminals and criminal minds, and we can do things.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook has been credited with being able to work with the president and his administration in a way other Silicon Valley companies have stumbled. In November, Cook toured Apple’s Austin campus with Trump.

Trump told CNBC he’s helped Apple a lot, including waivers from tariffs put on Chinese-made imports in the trade war between Washington and Beijing.

“I’ve given them waivers, because it’s a great company, but it made a big difference,” Trump said.

Last week, Trump slammed Apple for declining the government’s request to unlock password-protected iPhones used by the shooter who killed three people in December at the Pensacola Naval Air Station before being fatally shot.


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