Like using your phone to post? Uh oh, push data, Government, Apple, Google...

"Government investigators in the United States and foreign countries have used push notification data to pursue people of interest, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a letter Wednesday to the Justice Department, revealing for the first time a way in which Americans can be tracked through a basic service provided by their smartphones."

Federal government is using data from push notifications to track contacts​

Apple and Google had been told to keep the practice secret until Sen. Ron Wyden revealed it in a letter Wednesday.​

People who like using their phones to post should've had a clue about push data, Seems the Government does, and a Democrat ratted out Apple, Google. A liberal Democrat from Oregon. A Portland type Democrat.
Paywall for a left wing “media” site.

Hard pass.
Mr. Trump is out on bail. He's an accused criminal.
Accused of what exactly? Y’all have been accusing him since 2016 and still got nothing. The best you got was some porn star he supposedly banged but that fell flat on its face and her lawyer is in jail.

Your no victim crimes he supposedly committed aren’t sticking. Like the NY “loan scam” where the bank is saying he was a great customer and paid his loan in full. It’s all a sham and you know it. Meanwhile of course you idiots completely ignore the Biden’s obvious corrupt dealings with Ukraine and China. Millions of dollars laundered to the Bidens and all you do is make excuses. America sees through your bullshit and that is why his approval ratings are in the sewers.
Accused of what exactly? Y’all have been accusing him since 2016 and still got nothing. The best you got was some porn star he supposedly banged but that fell flat on its face and her lawyer is in jail.

Your no victim crimes he supposedly committed aren’t sticking. Like the NY “loan scam” where the bank is saying he was a great customer and paid his loan in full. It’s all a sham and you know it. Meanwhile of course you idiots completely ignore the Biden’s obvious corrupt dealings with Ukraine and China. Millions of dollars laundered to the Bidens and all you do is make excuses. America sees through your bullshit and that is why his approval ratings are in the sewers.
Mr. Trump is out on bail. He's an accused criminal.
"Government investigators in the United States and foreign countries have used push notification data to pursue people of interest, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a letter Wednesday to the Justice Department, revealing for the first time a way in which Americans can be tracked through a basic service provided by their smartphones."

Federal government is using data from push notifications to track contacts​

Apple and Google had been told to keep the practice secret until Sen. Ron Wyden revealed it in a letter Wednesday.​

People who like using their phones to post should've had a clue about push data, Seems the Government does, and a Democrat ratted out Apple, Google. A liberal Democrat from Oregon. A Portland type Democrat.
Fuck the fucking DOJ.

The rotten bastards are violating our Constitution EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN DAY.
Mr. Trump is out on bail. He's an accused criminal.

Bfd. Every person who ever won an acquittal or gotten a conviction overturned on appeal has been an “accused criminal.”

It’s not the accusation that’s important, you ignorant twat. It’s the presumption of innocence.
"Government investigators in the United States and foreign countries have used push notification data to pursue people of interest, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a letter Wednesday to the Justice Department, revealing for the first time a way in which Americans can be tracked through a basic service provided by their smartphones."

Federal government is using data from push notifications to track contacts​

Apple and Google had been told to keep the practice secret until Sen. Ron Wyden revealed it in a letter Wednesday.​

People who like using their phones to post should've had a clue about push data, Seems the Government does, and a Democrat ratted out Apple, Google. A liberal Democrat from Oregon. A Portland type Democrat.
Yes, hackers can also potentially use data from push notifications to track contacts. Push notifications are messages that are sent from apps or websites to a user's device, alerting them about new content or updates. These notifications can contain sensitive information, such as the sender's name or the content of the message, which can be exploited by hackers.

To deal with this potential risk, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Be cautious with app permissions: When installing or using an app, pay attention to the permissions it requests. Limit the permissions granted to apps, especially those related to accessing contacts or sending push notifications. Only grant permissions that are necessary for the app's functionality.

2. Regularly review app settings: Periodically review the settings of the apps installed on your device. Check if any apps have unnecessary access to your contacts or are sending excessive push notifications. Disable or uninstall apps that you no longer use or that have questionable permissions.

3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA whenever possible for your accounts, including email and messaging apps. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, such as a unique code sent to your device, in addition to your password.

4. Keep your device and apps up to date: Regularly update your device's operating system and the apps installed on it. Updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

5. Use strong, unique passwords: Create strong and unique passwords for your accounts, including email and messaging apps. Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts, as this can increase the risk of a hacker gaining access to multiple accounts if one password is compromised.

6. Be cautious with public Wi-Fi: Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive activities, such as accessing personal or financial information. Public Wi-Fi networks can be insecure and may allow hackers to intercept data, including push notifications.

7. Regularly monitor your accounts: Keep an eye on your accounts for any suspicious activity, such as unrecognized push notifications or contacts being added or deleted without your knowledge. If you suspect that your accounts have been compromised, change your passwords immediately and report the incident to the relevant service provider.

Remember, these steps can help mitigate the risk of hackers using data from push notifications to track contacts, but it's important to stay vigilant and practice good cybersecurity hygiene.

If possible, start using Linux or other alternative operating systems. Yes, those big tech companies are way too rich. The Big Brother & greed always exist. lol. :)

Here is a list of websites where you can find Linux distributions for smartphones and tablets:

1. Ubuntu Touch (official website): Home | Ubuntu Touch

2. Sailfish OS (official website): Sailfish OS fourth generation - Sailfish OS

3. postmarketOS (official website): postmarketOS // real Linux distribution for phones

4. Plasma Mobile (official website): Plasma Mobile

5. PureOS (official website): PureOS

These websites provide more information about their respective Linux distributions, including device compatibility, installation instructions, community support, and available apps and features. It is recommended to visit their websites and explore the documentation to choose the most suitable distribution for your specific device and requirements. :)
Bfd. Every person who ever won an acquittal or gotten a conviction overturned on appeal has been an “accused criminal.”

It’s not the accusation that’s important, you ignorant twat. It’s the presumption of innocence.

He's an accused criminal. He's out on bail. The rest is irrelevant to the point that was made. But thank you for the deflection.

Lots of well known criminals get away on technicalities, on appeals, and...

Trump says he changed his mind about taking the Fifth, which he once said was for 'the mob'​

"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" he said in 2016.
He's an accused criminal. He's out on bail. The rest is irrelevant to the point that was made. But thank you for the deflection.

Lots of well known criminals get away on technicalities, on appeals, and...

Trump says he changed his mind about taking the Fifth, which he once said was for 'the mob'​

"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" he said in 2016.
Yeah yeah. We all know that already you lump. He said something stupid. He did later recant. He found out how idiotic his statement had been.

But thanks for sharing that old irrelevancy.
Yeah yeah. We all know that already you lump. He said something stupid. He did later recant. He found out how idiotic his statement had been.

But thanks for sharing that old irrelevancy.

Mr. Trump is a self-professed Stable Genius. He uses the best words, and he never said it was stupid. He just changed his mind like he does his underwear.

How many people had he called for to be jailed before trials?

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