Approaching ‘grand solar minimum’ could cause global cooling


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Of course, many claim the sun has absolutely nothing to do with the Earth's weather. It's all Mankind's fault for every tornado, hurricane, cyclone, and blizzard.


And we all know how much they adore their charts and graphs. So, just for them, here goes:




The results could be catastrophic. Before the Dark Ages, crops flourished and civilizations grew. We then entered the mini-Ice Age and things reversed with famines and plagues. We came out of it and things have been somewhat hunky-dory since. If this cycle does happen, what are we going to face?

Read the full piece @ Approaching ‘grand solar minimum’ could cause global cooling
Number 24 is very low, yet in that span we have had the 4 warmest years on record. This may slow the warming, but, according to the scientists that study it, will not stop it.
You mean the output of the energy of the sun could actually effect the climate of the earth? Noooooo! Say it ain't so! We all know the climate of the earth is caused by all the Trump voting White men driving around in gas guzzling SUVs.
You mean that you have never read any science at all, and would have to repeat the third grade to start your understanding of basic science?

Two things determine the temperature of the Earth. The amount of energy it receives from the sun, and the amount of that energy it retains. The sun controls the first, the amount of GHG's in the atmosphere determines the second. We have added more GHG's to the atmosphere than is added in the natural swing from deep glacial to warm interglacial. And given the natural inertia in the climate, we are just starting to see the effects of what has been added.

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