April Fool's Day - great time for this thread


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
Watch it there, Buster. In many parts of the world, calling a true believer a liar can be a capital offense.
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
FYI - There's NO proof either way, none. This horse has been beat to death here, and everywhere else for centuries. If I remember correctly, we had this same conversation going last week on this forum. Your point is? I think that everyone that had something to say on this subject has already spoken their mind. It must be a slow day to want to rehash this topic.
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
Looks like you're the one trying to convince somebody to believe a certain way.
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
FYI - There's NO proof either way, none. This horse has been beat to death here, and everywhere else for centuries. If I remember correctly, we had this same conversation going last week on this forum. Your point is? I think that everyone that had something to say on this subject has already spoken their mind. It must be a slow day to want to rehash this topic.

That the question remains despite the obviousness of the answer tells me this horse isn't 'all dead' yet. It's only 'mostly dead.' :)
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
FYI - There's NO proof either way, none. This horse has been beat to death here, and everywhere else for centuries. If I remember correctly, we had this same conversation going last week on this forum. Your point is? I think that everyone that had something to say on this subject has already spoken their mind. It must be a slow day to want to rehash this topic.

That the question remains despite the obviousness of the answer tells me this horse isn't 'all dead' yet. It's only 'mostly dead.' :)
Slow day, very slow so far.
If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great.
You are absolutely missing the idea of GOD by envisioning a gray bearded old man sitting in the clouds who wants you to follow this or that. It is you who makes decisions to follow them or not. It is your responsibility to make that decision. If you do not follow them and hurt others' legal interests in any way, you will face the consequences also known in some belief systems as KARMA. Basic behavioral rules are laid down for the benefit of all. Those rules or laws are designed to have people to live in harmony with each other. Similar laws were laid down separately and independently from the Mosaic Law by Hammurabi.
If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great.
You are absolutely missing the idea of GOD by envisioning a gray bearded old man sitting in the clouds who wants you to follow this or that. It is you who makes decisions to follow them or not. It is your responsibility to make that decision. If you do not follow them and hurt others' legal interests in any way, you will face the consequences also known in some belief systems as KARMA. Basic behavioral rules are laid down for the benefit of all. Those rules or laws are designed to have people to live in harmony with each other. Similar laws were laid down separately and independently from the Mosaic Law by Hammurabi.

Compared to some of the "good" people of various religions I'm the ultimate expression of what they're going on about about being good AND religious. But I'm good without religion. I'm good simply because good IS good. Not because of some book. Or risk-reward analysis.

I'm good because (while I hate admitting this one) because of something Oprah said. :) She said giving to others gives to us most of all, or to that effect. And she's right. So I live my life to give joy to others however I can. Not to be rewarded after I die as my Grandmother did, not because I'm afraid of being judge poorly by God as some do, but because being good gives to ME right now.
If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great.
You are absolutely missing the idea of GOD by envisioning a gray bearded old man sitting in the clouds who wants you to follow this or that. It is you who makes decisions to follow them or not. It is your responsibility to make that decision. If you do not follow them and hurt others' legal interests in any way, you will face the consequences also known in some belief systems as KARMA. Basic behavioral rules are laid down for the benefit of all. Those rules or laws are designed to have people to live in harmony with each other. Similar laws were laid down separately and independently from the Mosaic Law by Hammurabi.

Compared to some of the "good" people of various religions I'm the ultimate expression of what they're going on about about being good AND religious. But I'm good without religion. I'm good simply because good IS good. Not because of some book. Or risk-reward analysis.

I'm good because (while I hate admitting this one) because of something Oprah said. :) She said giving to others gives to us most of all, or to that effect. And she's right. So I live my life to give joy to others however I can. Not to be rewarded after I die as my Grandmother did, not because I'm afraid of being judge poorly by God as some do, but because being good gives to ME right now.
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.

Ironically, the reason I am not an atheist is because of the lies. Instead of delving into scripture, the culture, history, and its time; searching for the intent of the original author, atheists present their untruthful interpretation of scripture as fact. They search for similarities in religion and we have page after page of silly, untrue conclusions of what this "really" means. Their ignorance of all is pathetic. You would think they would at least do an in depth study of one. Or, alternately, also take into account the differences.

When atheists stop lying, perhaps I can take them more seriously.
If you don't believe in gods, what's some of your reasons? For me it's the lies. If something's true, like an all-powerful god exists and wants me to live well by following its' rules that'd be great. But before I change how I live because of a god I want some proof of the gods' existence, and I don't think that that's asking too much if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle. But because religion never has any proof to offer, the only reasonable conclusion is the ones claiming there's a god are lying.
Maybe I misread a post of yours. But don't you believe that the Jewish people are of Moses?
if I'm being asked to dramatically alter my lifestyle.
….. what that "lifestyle" would that be you are being asked to alter?
You never answer what "lifestyle" you are asked to change
You have never answered the question about your "lifestyle" I asked twice nicely. Maybe I need to ask it more to the point:
Are you homosexual?
I think it may be more serious than that.
Well, standard "revelation" is immoral.


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