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Arab Muslim Hatred Rooted In Envy Of Israel


Jun 29, 2011

Arab-American Executive Lee Habeeb: Arab Like Me Arab Like Me - Lee Habeeb - National Review Online
Maybe, just maybe, Arabs can break out of their self-destructive hatred and envy
An Arab American friend of mine who works for a large NGO is a case in point. He is Jordanian, he’s well educated, and he speaks five languages. But mention the word Israel, and watch his blood boil immediately. He will go into a lengthy diatribe about the injustices perpetrated against the Palestinians by Israel. When Prime Minister Netanyahu’s name is mentioned, I worry that he will have a seizure on the spot.

Why is this? Why is all of his passion, all of his anger and rage, directed at this one country, this one people?

Why is it not directed at Syria, I ask him? By all accounts, the Syrian government orchestrated the assassination of one of the Arab world’s great men of peace, former Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri. And President Assad continues to terrorize his own people.

Why not at Hezbollah, which orchestrated the takeover of Lebanon?

Why not at Hosni Mubarak when he was in power? Or Saddam Hussein?

Why not at the ways in which Islam degrades women in the Middle East, trapping them in a life of servitude?

Why not at the ways some Muslims are persecuting Christians throughout the Middle East, as reports pour in about atrocities upon atrocities?

Why not a critique of the Koran itself, which regrettably finds little separation between mosque and state, thus relegating the majority of Arabs to life under theocratic regimes?

Two reasons: fear, and envy.

To the dismay of Arabs around the world, Jewish people turned an ancient piece of real estate in the Middle East into a thriving oasis of intellectual, political, religious, and commercial activity, where people are free to do as they please. One of the oldest places on earth — a place where Abraham walked — Israel is as thoroughly modern as any place on earth, with a functioning government that respects religious and economic freedom.

A young person in Israel can choose to work in some of the best high-tech companies in the world, or can pursue a life dedicated to Talmudic studies. A woman has an equal right to pursue any career she likes, and people of different sexual orientations are not driven underground — or worse.

The fact is, the God-given talents of the people of Israel are allowed to flourish in ways Arabs should want to emulate, and replicate.

Despising Israel the way Israel is despised in much of the Arab world is all about anti-Semitism. And most anti-Semitism anywhere in the world has its origins in envy.

Benjamin Netanyahu once gave a speech in which he pointed at a map of the Middle East. He rattled off many of the countries in the region, and the relative size of those nations to Israel. Jordan is four times the size of Israel, Iraq 20, Egypt 46; Saudi Arabia is nearly 90 times the size of Israel.

“Big countries,” he said. “But small accomplishments.”

He then went on to describe Israel, which is just slightly bigger than one of America’s smallest states, New Jersey.

“Little country,” he concluded. “But big accomplishments.”

And there you have it, in one perfectly formulated binary

Maybe, over time, Arabs will build governments worthy of their people, as Israel and America have done.

Maybe, Arabs will come to see Jews not as their enemies, but as their neighbors, and as their trading partners.

And maybe, just maybe, as their friends.

Here is one Arab praying that will happen.
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Bill Gates...
Israel is by many measures the country, relative to its population, that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution

Warren Buffett...
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't even stop at Israel. But, if you go looking for brains, for energy and for integrity, Israel is the only stop you make.

When you look at the NASDAQ, companies are listed from around the world. There's one country, though, that truly stands out and that is Israel
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHStBGk_D8Y]Israel Innovation - YouTube[/ame]
GAZA, (PIC)-- Al-Mizan center for human rights said the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed last year 114 Palestinian citizens, including 15 children and two women, in the impoverished Gaza Strip.

In a report covering Israel's violations in Gaza during 2011, Al-Mizan center added 467 Palestinians, including 120 children and 35 women, were also wounded during Israeli military attacks on the densely-populated enclave.

152 civilian homes sustained different damage and 10 of them were completely destroyed during military operations. Israeli military attacks also inflicted during the reporting year damage upon 31 stores, 23 industrial facilities, 73 public buildings, and 23 vehicles, the report states.

The IOF also razed during military incursions into the eastern areas of Gaza 8, 410 square meters of cultivated land.

Report: Israel killed 114 Gazans, wounded 467 others in 2011
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Warren Buffett...
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"
Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube

The Misery of Arabs/Apple R&D In Israel :lol: :clap2:
Apple will open a research and development center in Israel that will focus on semiconductors

The R&D center in Herzliya, Israel’s version of Silicon Valley, would be Apple’s first outside California

Earlier this week, Israeli media reported Apple was in advanced talks to buy Anobit, an Israeli maker of flash storage technology, for $400-$500 million

It is so sad and frustrating to see APPLE investing in Israel, while we as Arabs are not able to attract these investments to our countries! I don’t know what our leaders are doing to create proper environment for such investments!

I would prefer seeing APPLE as well as MICROSOFT having their R&D in Lebanon or any other Arab Country instead of being in ISRAEL!


The Misery of Arabs ! Apple R&D in ISRAEL! | What do You Think ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA4wnqRAuhI]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH1mYikmYzo]Apple to Acquire Anobit? - YouTube[/ame]

Apple today confirmed earlier reports it has acquired Israel-based flash memory startup Anobit....which makes flash memory technology found in the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air.. The deal was reported to be worth $400 million to $500 million.
Apple confirms Anobit acquisition | Apple - CNET News
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xU-rJNgoWU&feature=related]Bloody Keyboard Guy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Vp642ERhM&feature=related]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
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Warren Buffett Congratulating Israeli Stef Wertheimer, Founder of Iscar, the Hugely Successful Israeli Company In Which Mr. Buffett Has Invested $4 Billion, For Winning The Dun & Bradsteet Leadership Excellence Award
Dun & Bradstreet couldn't have made a better choice and it's particularly impressive when someone is chosen for that award in Israel because the talent level is so high.

If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbX60Pktzsk]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKyh8l02tg&feature=related]ISCAR IMAGE-New ver.flv - YouTube[/ame]
We have several Sunni families in our small southern town. Well educated (much better than our locals), prominent in business and professions, generally liked, but mention Israel and the blood-lust fills their souls.

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We have several Sunni families in our small southern town. Well educated (much better than our locals), prominent in business and professions, generally liked, but mention Israel and the blood-lust fills their souls.

:lol: :clap2: :lol:

If you're not a muslime, your muslime "neighbors" are cursing you 5x each day in prayer for incurring their imaginary allah's wrath [surah al-fatihah in the wretched quran].

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Today's muslime neighbors are tomorrow's terrorists

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books
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Our Sunnis are generally no more vicious than our long-time KKK baptist families who still live here.

We still keep an eye on em.
Our Sunnis are generally no more vicious than our long-time KKK baptist families who still live here.

We still keep an eye on em.

When did the KKK ever blow themselves up or fly airplanes into buildings?

The KKK are angels compared with the muhammadan children of satan
JStone, no, they blew up buildings with little girls in em.

KKK no diff than homicide bombers: the filth of the earth.
JStone, no, they blew up buildings with little girls in em.

KKK no diff than homicide bombers: the filth of the earth.

Which God instructs the KKK? Allah tells muslimes to kill the infidel.
And I knew some klucker crackers believed God was telling them to preserve their sacred way of Christian society here by terrorizing, torturing, and killing black folks. In this town, we had to put a stop to it the hard way. The Sunnis understand the same rules apply here.
And I knew some klucker crackers believed God was telling them to preserve their sacred way of Christian society here by terrorizing, torturing, and killing black folks. In this town, we had to put a stop to it the hard way. The Sunnis understand the same rules apply here.

Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say to kill all non-Christians? Most islimic scripture is devoted to persecuting, subjugating and murdering the infidel
Nonsense, Jstone. Take a hike. I don't talk to haters once they are clear. You are no different than the kluckers.
Nonsense, Jstone. Take a hike. I don't talk to haters once they are clear. You are no different than the kluckers.

You're dismissed, go sit in the corner, dunce

Sharia Law: Jihad Umdat al-Salik wa Uddat al-Nasik
Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion.

The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians... until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax.

The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim.

"The scriptural basis for jihad issuch Koranic verses as...

"Fighting is prescribed for you"...
Quran 2.216...
Jihâd[] (holy fighting in Allâh's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know.

"Slay them wherever you find them"
Quran 4.89...
They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliyâ' (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allâh (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islâm), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliyâ' (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them.

"And such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet [Allah bless him and give him peace] said:"

Hadith: "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And their final reckoning is with Allah"

"and the hadith reported by Muslim,"
Hadith: "To go forth in the morning or evening to fight in the path of Allah is better than the whole world and everything in it.
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Haters continue hating, JStone.

That's you.

Have the last word,because I am done with you.
Haters continue hating, JStone.

That's you.

Have the last word,because I am done with you.
No worries, you're allowed to be dumb. You clearly excel at it. :clap2:

Quran 60:4 We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"
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BBC: How Israel Became A High-Tech Hub
Tiny Israel, a country embroiled in conflicts for decades, has managed to transform itself from a stretch of farmland into a high-tech wonder

Israel currently has almost 4,000 active technology start-ups - more than any other country outside the United States, according to Israel Venture Capital Research Centre

In 2010 alone the flow of venture capital amounted to $884m (£558m).

The result: high-tech exports from Israel are valued at about $18.4bn a year, making up more than 45% of Israel's exports, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics

Israel is a world leader in terms of research and development spending as a percentage of the economy; it's top in both the number of start-ups and engineers as a proportion of the population; and it's first in per capita venture capital investment. Not bad for a country of some eight million people - fewer than, say, Moscow or New York.

Over just a few decades, Israeli start-ups have developed groundbreaking technologies in areas such as computing, clean technology and life sciences, to name a few.
BBC News - How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub

The Economist Magazine: Arab World Self-Doomed To Failure
WHAT went wrong with the Arab world? Why is it so stuck behind the times? It is not an obviously unlucky region. Fatly endowed with oil, and with its people sharing a rich cultural, religious and linguistic heritage, it is faced neither with endemic poverty nor with ethnic conflict. But, with barely an exception, its autocratic rulers, whether presidents or kings, give up their authority only when they die; its elections are a sick joke; half its people are treated as lesser legal and economic beings, and more than half its young, burdened by joblessness and stifled by conservative religious tradition, are said to want to get out of the place as soon as they can.

One in five Arabs still live on less than $2 a day. And, over the past 20 years, growth in income per head, at an annual rate of 0.5%, was lower than anywhere else in the world except sub-Saharan Africa. At this rate, it will take the average Arab 140 years to double his income, a target that some regions are set to reach in less than ten years. Stagnant growth, together with a fast-rising population, means vanishing jobs. Around 12m people, or 15% of the labour force, are already unemployed, and on present trends the number could rise to 25m by 2010.

Freedom. This deficit explains many of the fundamental things that are wrong with the Arab world: the survival of absolute autocracies; the holding of bogus elections; confusion between the executive and the judiciary (the report points out the close linguistic link between the two in Arabic); constraints on the media and on civil society; and a patriarchal, intolerant, sometimes suffocating social environment. The great wave of democratisation that has opened up so much of the world over the past 15 years seems to have left the Arabs untouched. Democracy is occasionally offered, but as a concession, not as a right. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are both sharply limited. Freedom House, an American-based monitor of political and civil rights, records that no Arab country has genuinely free media, and only three have “partly free”. The rest are not free

Knowledge. “If God were to humiliate a human being,” wrote Imam Ali bin abi Taleb in the sixth century, “He would deny him knowledge.” Although the Arabs spend a higher percentage of GDP on education than any other developing region, it is not, it seems, well spent. The quality of education has deteriorated pitifully, and there is a severe mismatch between the labour market and the education system. Adult illiteracy rates have declined but are still very high: 65m adults are illiterate, almost two-thirds of them women. Some 10m children still have no schooling at all. One of the gravest results of their poor education is that the Arabs, who once led the world in science, are dropping ever further behind in scientific research and in information technology. Investment in research and development is less than one-seventh of the world average. Only 0.6% of the population uses the Internet, and 1.2% have personal computers.

Women's status. The one thing that every outsider knows about the Arab world is that it does not treat its women as full citizens. How can a society prosper when it stifles half its productive potential? After all, even though women's literacy rates have trebled in the past 30 years, one in every two Arab women still can neither read nor write. Their participation in their countries' political and economic life is the lowest in the world.
Arab development: Self-doomed to failure | The Economist

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