Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”

Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat in the Uşaklı Mound at the Büyük Taşlık village in Turkey there laid a cuneiform tablet unearthed after laying there for 4000 years (2,000 B.C.) The cuneiform tablet in the Sorgun district of Yozgat shows symbols of Ishtar, known as the Hittite goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality. Ishtar or “the queen of harlots” goddess was found mentioned more clearly in this cuneiform than those on any other unearthed tablets.

Linking Ishtar to other archaeologic relics, also written in the same cuneiform is the Epic of Atrahasis cuneiform dating just as far back in ancient history (1700-1800 B.C.), which reveal that this ancient deity known as Ishtar and the snake beast god known as Ishtaran another name for “Allah” who is literally mentioned in the epic by name and was a transvestite (dual male and female nature).

Interesting read, if you are so inclined.
Beheadings and jihad against the archeologists for daring to even utter such a thing?
Shoebat? Anything Shoebat should be discounted automatically, The man is insane! If anybody on this board gives any credibility to that idiot, well, you are the epitome of gullibility! PLEASE - don't embarrass yourself any further!
I have no clue who shoebat is. So, he's batshit crazy, eh? :lol:

I just thought it an interesting read, so I posted it for those to make of it what they will.
Shoebat? Anything Shoebat should be discounted automatically, The man is insane! If anybody on this board gives any credibility to that idiot, well, you are the epitome of gullibility! PLEASE - don't embarrass yourself any further!
I have no clue who shoebat is. So, he's batshit crazy, eh? :lol:

I just thought it an interesting read, so I posted it for those to make of it what they will.

I deleted my post because I wasn't sure if the Shoebat you linked to is the same Shoebat I was thinking of. In all fairness, I'm not sure. I don't ever want to deride a post until I'm sure it's what I think it is. Sorry. But if it has anything to do with Theodore Shoebat, It is insane and should be avoided. But who knows, maybe there's another Shoebat? Who knew?
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No problem. I have no clue who wrote what. Mostly I was interested in the archeological find.

It is interesting. I wonder what the Islamic reaction to this (if any) there will be?

Muslims would find your question to be amusing. First of all, Islam was established by the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century AD; thus documents thousands of years old could not apply to Islam. Second, the word Allah is simply the Arabic word for God and was used by Arab Christians for centuries. Here is how one of the many available sources explains it:

“And what about the 10 to 12 million Arab Christians today? They have been calling God ‘Allah’ in their Bibles, hymns, poems, writings, and worship for over nineteen centuries. What an insult to them when we tell them not to use this word ‘Allah’! Instead of bridging the distance between Muslims and Christians, we widen the gulf of separation between them and us when we promote such a doctrine. Those who still insist that it is blasphemy to refer to God as Allah should also consider that Muhammad’s father was named Abd Allah, ‘God’s servant,’ many years before his son was born or Islam was founded!”
It's all fairy-stories, anyhow. The fact that people in this day and age subscribe to this BS shows how effectively inter-generational brainwashing works.
I've been watching this board for a couple of weeks now, and it saddens me how much woo reigns supreme. This must change!
Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”

Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat in the Uşaklı Mound at the Büyük Taşlık village in Turkey there laid a cuneiform tablet unearthed after laying there for 4000 years (2,000 B.C.) The cuneiform tablet in the Sorgun district of Yozgat shows symbols of Ishtar, known as the Hittite goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality. Ishtar or “the queen of harlots” goddess was found mentioned more clearly in this cuneiform than those on any other unearthed tablets.

Linking Ishtar to other archaeologic relics, also written in the same cuneiform is the Epic of Atrahasis cuneiform dating just as far back in ancient history (1700-1800 B.C.), which reveal that this ancient deity known as Ishtar and the snake beast god known as Ishtaran another name for “Allah” who is literally mentioned in the epic by name and was a transvestite (dual male and female nature).

Interesting read, if you are so inclined.

Astounding especially when Allah was not alive in 2000 BC.. Ptah (Set) was alive and doing evil deeds in 2000 BC.
Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”

Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat in the Uşaklı Mound at the Büyük Taşlık village in Turkey there laid a cuneiform tablet unearthed after laying there for 4000 years (2,000 B.C.) The cuneiform tablet in the Sorgun district of Yozgat shows symbols of Ishtar, known as the Hittite goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality. Ishtar or “the queen of harlots” goddess was found mentioned more clearly in this cuneiform than those on any other unearthed tablets.

Linking Ishtar to other archaeologic relics, also written in the same cuneiform is the Epic of Atrahasis cuneiform dating just as far back in ancient history (1700-1800 B.C.), which reveal that this ancient deity known as Ishtar and the snake beast god known as Ishtaran another name for “Allah” who is literally mentioned in the epic by name and was a transvestite (dual male and female nature).

Interesting read, if you are so inclined.

Astounding especially when Allah was not alive in 2000 BC.. Ptah (Set) was alive and doing evil deeds in 2000 BC.
Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”

Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat in the Uşaklı Mound at the Büyük Taşlık village in Turkey there laid a cuneiform tablet unearthed after laying there for 4000 years (2,000 B.C.) The cuneiform tablet in the Sorgun district of Yozgat shows symbols of Ishtar, known as the Hittite goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality. Ishtar or “the queen of harlots” goddess was found mentioned more clearly in this cuneiform than those on any other unearthed tablets.

Linking Ishtar to other archaeologic relics, also written in the same cuneiform is the Epic of Atrahasis cuneiform dating just as far back in ancient history (1700-1800 B.C.), which reveal that this ancient deity known as Ishtar and the snake beast god known as Ishtaran another name for “Allah” who is literally mentioned in the epic by name and was a transvestite (dual male and female nature).

Interesting read, if you are so inclined.

Astounding especially when Allah was not alive in 2000 BC.. Ptah (Set) was alive and doing evil deeds in 2000 BC.

The dead can't do it unless you believe in ghosts.

edit: What does Holy Ghost mean in layman's terms?
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Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion”

Amid excavations at four different ancient sites in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat in the Uşaklı Mound at the Büyük Taşlık village in Turkey there laid a cuneiform tablet unearthed after laying there for 4000 years (2,000 B.C.) The cuneiform tablet in the Sorgun district of Yozgat shows symbols of Ishtar, known as the Hittite goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality. Ishtar or “the queen of harlots” goddess was found mentioned more clearly in this cuneiform than those on any other unearthed tablets.

Linking Ishtar to other archaeologic relics, also written in the same cuneiform is the Epic of Atrahasis cuneiform dating just as far back in ancient history (1700-1800 B.C.), which reveal that this ancient deity known as Ishtar and the snake beast god known as Ishtaran another name for “Allah” who is literally mentioned in the epic by name and was a transvestite (dual male and female nature).

Interesting read, if you are so inclined.
Allah wasn't invented until 3000+ years later.
Shoebat? Anything Shoebat should be discounted automatically, The man is insane! If anybody on this board gives any credibility to that idiot, well, you are the epitome of gullibility! PLEASE - don't embarrass yourself any further!
I have no clue who shoebat is. So, he's batshit crazy, eh? :lol:

I just thought it an interesting read, so I posted it for those to make of it what they will.

I deleted my post because I wasn't sure if the Shoebat you linked to is the same Shoebat I was thinking of. In all fairness, I'm not sure. I don't ever want to deride a post until I'm sure it's what I think it is. Sorry. But if it has anything to do with Theodore Shoebat, It is insane and should be avoided. But who knows, maybe there's another Shoebat? Who knew?

It's Walid Shoebat , not Theodore. :)
It goes to show that Androgyny and Intersex have been around for eons.
There's so many problems with this OP.
1) Allah is not a figure/form like Ishtar is based on. They teach Allah (meaning God) as reality and use many "descriptions" (names) of creations reality source/force.
2)Why would Allah & a religion who takes pilgrimages to MECA circle "Sheva" times around a rock mystery given by Michael?
How do you explain Lucifer can't send Michael? Wouldn't they require a legend of Samael sending the rock or being reminded and focused on? Then if the dedication rememberance is first and last name of the Head Imam (rising Evening Star) how do you twist it opposite to the nemesis Lucifer(fallen morning star)?
3)Ishtar's (Easter's)son is the Morning Star which Jesus claimed to be-Rev 22:16
and the Morning Star was the Fish born out a giant egg hence the Easter Egg and the Pope's Fishman ring, scale robe and fishead hat called Mitre.
Because Dagon the fishman god was the father of Baal and grandfather of the Morning star (son of Baal).
So by bringing up Ishtar, you are busting on Christianity not Islam.
The Islamic star moon symbol originally was the 8 ray star called
the Evening Star(Night) which was the Morning Star's(Day's) nemesis hence Jesus claimed the thief in the Night like Mithras was.
One can say LAILAH (Night) is Arabic version of Shalem (the Evening Star) thus
Allah derived from Al(God)Lailah(of Night)=Shalem
while the nemesis
God of Day =sun harvest god was Baal, his son Morning star= Lucifer.
The Essence of God is "Shalem" (i.e. to be stable, whole, Completed)
This is why it's said the Holy City in his name describes God's Essence.
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Type; David named 2 sons after Shalem
into google search.

Legend of how The city of Shalem becomes the city of peace is when the NIGHT(Evening Star) removes (overturns) the Day (Morning Star) there will be peace.
Even Muslims repeat this expectation through the Al Isra-"when Night ascends to Jerusalem there will be Peace."
This means the Rightful Son of David will take back his inheritance in the Mikdash (Temple) in his name at the Holy City in his name.
You still don't know that name because it is hidden through improper transliterations.
Shalem is not the original transliteration from the Canaanite tablets found which the first 3 letters without giving the full name is: SHV.
This is why you are told to keep
the Sheva (7th) day holy in rememberance of that name. It's why Hindus tell you the King (Lord) is Shva.
It's why the Michaeline sect of Christianity calls themselves
the Sheva (7th) Day Adventist not the
Jesus Adventist.

Now look up who the Evening Star is, it's common sense if fallen
Morning star=Lucifer then rising arch messenger(Dan 12:1-4) Evening Star=
So now you have the first and last name that Judaism teaches as head of host (High Priest) and even Islam calls Michael
The Head Imam (head priest).
Hence why the Temple (MIKdash) in his name.
Sources: [See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal, adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special birthday as father and son are the same Mythology as found through ancient tablets predating the Jesus myth.
Research Marduk's Ordeal tablet in the British Museum for proof.
Same sun cross and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

Source name in Temple:
The name must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”

The name must be remembered by the Sheva (7th) day kept holy.

"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name-(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)
Thus in the name of the Holy City:
(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael
scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)

Moshiach must have his name in
"the bible" (Mikra)-Melakim
{I Kings8:43} Torah-Devarim 14:22

The Torah portions(Miketz,Shevitz)must
carry his first and last name.
Helps to know Hebrew; MIKEtz-
(Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)
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