Are liberal finally rallying to save liberty?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It is refreshing that a few in the liberal media have come to defend this guy even though his views differ from the left. They bring up some good points as far as what is an acceptable way to deal with those who disagree with you. What we are seeing from a majority of the liberals is the Alinsky tactic of ridiculing those who oppose you on an issue and shunning them. When enough people in the media do this, it serves as a warning to others that agreeing with the 'outcast' will earn them the same treatment. It's about shutting people up by threatening to humiliate them publicly. The media also knows that they can give the appearance that their views are shared by the majority, again to intimidate those who would stand against what is perceived to be public opinion.

It is the epitome of intolerance when the left acts like their way is the only way and that those who take a different stand should treated like deranged lepers and avoided at all costs. I notice around here that when a liberal disagrees with you, they don't debate by explaining why they disagree. They are quick to call names in lieu of honest debate. To the informed, it's the ones doing the name calling that look small and ignorant, but the bully goes away thinking they put people in their place.

"No part of our culture wars draws more heat than same-sex marriage. It is therefore noteworthy when vituperative tactics get so extreme that some members on one side of the debate call foul on their own comrades. Alas, that doesn’t happen in America very often anymore.

The incipient revolt against the tactics prescribed by Saul Alinsky (if that is what it is) is taking place regarding my colleague Ryan Anderson, The Heritage Foundation’s William E. Simon fellow and lead researcher on marriage."

Why These Liberals Defended Ryan T. Anderson
Your OP title: just one single Liberal?
Is that all you read?

The OP was a great read...

No. I read the entire article, which is based on the false premise that liberals are somehow not for Liberty to begin with...

They are NOT. What liberty is found in EBT cards or section 8 housing?

You are a CONSERVATURD. What do CONSERVATURDS know about real Liberty? We know it better then you, two.
I tried to read the linked article....but I just couldn't summon the shit to give. How about telling us in your own words what the libs did that you like? Then...I will tell you if I agree with them or not.
I didn't see any conservatives here defending Ryan T. Anderson. Whoever that is.

Hence, by the OP's logic, all conservatives hate liberty. Case closed. me.....have always been for liberty. The OP is mistaken.
The only liberty you liberals like is the liberty to take MY money and spend it on your failing programs.

The only liberty you CONSERVATURDS like is the liberty to bitch and moan from the armchair while changing the channels between GOD-TV and Rush LIMBAUGGGG.
Yo.....Matthew.......please refrain from agreeing with anything I write. It gives me great pause and might send me into a fit of self doubt. Ya little fucking bigot, ya.


I tried to read the linked article....but I just couldn't summon the shit to give. How about telling us in your own words what the libs did that you like? Then...I will tell you if I agree with them or not.

First line of the OP explains it. Reading comprehension is needed in order to grasp the point I made. Already made it as clear as possible, so can't help you.

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