Are Most Of The Richest People In The World Democrats Now?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
"Just a few dollars more on the Amazon share price and the world will have a new richest man. Jeff Bezos, the company’s founder, is on the brink of overtaking Bill Gates to become the wealthiest person on the planet.

Bezos, 53, has been having a very good year. His net worth has risen by almost $20bn (£16bn) in the past five months to $85.2bn, putting him just behind Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, who is valued at $89.3bn, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index."

Jeff Bezos: the 'obsessive' Amazon founder and world's next richest man

Maybe we need another internet crash. Capitalism needs a boost.
The globalization of markets did not help the US economy at all. It just made those in charge of the service sector a ton of cash since they hired illegals flooding into the US for low wage, unskilled work. Trump is trying to change that by bringing back capitalism and improve skilled labor in the US. We need to have these kinds of jobs in manufacturing. The other thing Trump is trying to do is bring back a free market economy instead of globalization or a planned economy by the socialist liberals. He knows that Jeff Bezos is not his friend. In fact, we do not want Bezos to be the richest a-hole on the planet.
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"Just a few dollars more on the Amazon share price and the world will have a new richest man. Jeff Bezos, the company’s founder, is on the brink of overtaking Bill Gates to become the wealthiest person on the planet.

Bezos, 53, has been having a very good year. His net worth has risen by almost $20bn (£16bn) in the past five months to $85.2bn, putting him just behind Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, who is valued at $89.3bn, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index."

Jeff Bezos: the 'obsessive' Amazon founder and world's next richest man

Maybe we need another internet crash. Capitalism needs a boost.

The richer they are the more Dim they become.

Just look at all the fat cats in Hollywood.

The Dim party is the party for the rich folk. Just look at all the red and blue states. All the blue states have all the money. In fact, far more people in the red states are on public assistance, yet it is the red states that are conservative.

That is very telling.
Most OLD MONEY are democrats. Like the Rockefellers, for instance.

Let's understand something here. OLD MONEY despises something above everything else. It is NEW MONEY. You think you understand the sense of entitlement? Most of us have no clue when it comes to how OLD MONEY thinks.

It is about entitlement, blood lines, generational wealth, or ROYALTY if you will.

In fact OLD MONEY are deeply offended even by the NOTION that someone from the peasant class (serfs) can even have an OPPORTUNITY to reach their STATUS in life.

Hence a big reason why OLD MONEY even tolerates or likes the peasants more than new money, cause they "know their place."

The term socialism or Marxism is just another term for the old FEUDAL SYSTEM which always had clear lines of demarcation. Two classes, the rich and the fucked.

Oh, there are those who are NEW MONEY who take on the characteristics of OLD MONEY, but they really are not. Like Oprah, for example.

Most of those old money families yern for the days where the poor remain the poor and rich are the rich and there are no doors open for the poor.

The best friend for the anyone that is ambitious that are in the poor class are the opportunities that a FREE MARKET SYSTEM gives them.

Want to know why marxist countries build walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN? That is for those who will claim Trump wants to build a wall and will compare it to the Berlin Wall. No one was trying to "sneak into East Germany." However, there sure were a whole hell of a lot of people who desperately tried to get out. Just a bit of a difference.
So the RWnuts have taken up a new cause? Wage class warfare against rich Democrats?

Wealthy Elite Liberals are the worst kind. It's not class warfare. It's Liberal Hypocrisy warfare.

Since I don't know any RW'ers who aren't hypocrites, I don't see where you people have standing to throw those stones.

I know plenty of Right Wingers who are hypocrites. To me, it is most laughable to watch the wealthy liberal elite jet set, yacht set, and be driven around in oversized limousine SUV's protected by proxys carrying licensed firearms so they can wag their finger at the middle class about "how much is too much money", climate change, gun control, and the evil 1 percent.
The filthy Democrat Party is a collation of all the despicable greedy assholes in the US:

Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, Feminaizis, queers, illegals, globalists, limousine liberals, union thugs and confused college kids and their batshit crazy Marxist professors.
There are wealthy people on both sides. Fact is, the wealthiest zip codes lean liberal. Difference is Republicans are generally more responsible, more charitable, & generally speaking the base is made up of commoners.

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