Are presidential press conferences now gone forever? (Poll)

Has Joe Biden proven that US presidents no longer need to have formal press conferences?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
I saw a recent press conference with Karine Jean-Pierre.

All she did was lie her ass off. She make "Baghdad Bob" look like a truth teller.

Joe Biden does not have regular/formal press conferences, especially in "primetime".

So why should any future president hold formal news conferences and expose themselves to attack by a hostile "free press"?
Its safer to send out a "press secretary" to lie their asses off.
Unless the president is hooked up to a publicly visible polygraph during the press conference, it really doesn't matter if we see press conferences or not.
Just on hold til they can get a president that can do more than read a teleprompter.
That sir is the problem. Democrats don't care if all a president can do is read a teleprompter.
I saw a recent press conference with Karine Jean-Pierre.

All she did was lie her ass off. She make "Baghdad Bob" look like a truth teller.

Joe Biden does not have regular/formal press conferences, especially in "primetime".
View attachment 823195

So why should any future president hold formal news conferences and expose themselves to attack by a hostile "free press"?
Its safer to send out a "press secretary" to lie their asses off.

KJP is an election denier and an insurrectionist.
Unless the president is hooked up to a publicly visible polygraph during the press conference, it really doesn't matter if we see press conferences or not.
True. However, lately we don't really agree on what is "true".
We have "facts" and "alternate facts".
Even the "fact checkers" are fact <<<<<spinners>>>>>

i.e. there is no "truth", only "beliefs".
I saw a recent press conference with Karine Jean-Pierre.

All she did was lie her ass off. She make "Baghdad Bob" look like a truth teller.

Joe Biden does not have regular/formal press conferences, especially in "primetime".
View attachment 823195

So why should any future president hold formal news conferences and expose themselves to attack by a hostile "free press"?
Its safer to send out a "press secretary" to lie their asses off.

Not forever, just until we again have a president who is capable of speaking coherently.

True. However, lately we don't really agree on what is "true".
We have "facts" and "alternate facts".
Even the "fact checkers" are fact <<<<<spinners>>>>>

i.e. there is no "truth", only "beliefs".
Since the basis of the polygraph is whether the person is knowingly lying, we would at least be able to detect intentional deception.
I saw a recent press conference with Karine Jean-Pierre.

All she did was lie her ass off. She make "Baghdad Bob" look like a truth teller.

Joe Biden does not have regular/formal press conferences, especially in "primetime".
View attachment 823195

So why should any future president hold formal news conferences and expose themselves to attack by a hostile "free press"?
Its safer to send out a "press secretary" to lie their asses off.
There has never been a press secretary like this one.
More like a Russian or Chinese press secretary than the United States.
The answer she replies back most often is literally "I am just not going to get into that" or "I have no answer for you" or "That is a question for _____ not going to address it here"
Doocy asked her about the admitted testimony in court that Hunter Biden was selling the "illusion of access" to his father. He asked her if they have made sure he is not still doing it - she answered "that is a question for Hunter's lawyer" - Doocey replied with the obvious retort - "so you are saying this is not something the President is doing anything about??" She replied - "not going to get into that".

If this was Trump's press secretary - the entire left heads would be exploding with outrage.
But it is Biden - so who cares?
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They're all lies and spin anyway
True. I recall that the talking heads gave Bubba Clinton credit for being able to take any question and formulate a response that maximizes the number of voters garnered. He would say exactly what a majority voters wanted to hear.

I also remember when they had the wrong speech in the teleprompter and he called someone over to tell them something.
We listreners never knew that he was tap dancing until they put the right speech in the teleprompter. He was a gifted speaker.
I think McCarthy is a gifted speaker too.
If they allow Biden to interact with the press more it would no longer be rumors about his mental decline. It would be on display for the world to see and could pressure democrats into taking action, and they already have proven they are too racist and misogynistic to support a president Harris.
If they allow Biden to interact with the press more it would no longer be rumors about his mental decline. It would be on display for the world to see and could pressure democrats into taking action, and they already have proven they are too racist and misogynistic to support a president Harris.
That has been the protected norm since before he was even elected.
Every single left controlled media are well instructed to never talk about it or if they do, only conversationally and brief.
That was the agreement 2 years ago
If they allow Biden to interact with the press more it would no longer be rumors about his mental decline. It would be on display for the world to see and could pressure democrats into taking action, and they already have proven they are too racist and misogynistic to support a president Harris.
LOL!! Are you fucking kidding me? Can you imagine a "President Harris" doing a real press conference?
Not wanting Harris to be the democrat nominee isn't racist or misogynistic, its practical. Voters would never vote for that idiot.

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