Are puberty blockers reversible?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
The trans-activists say puberty blockers are completely reversible and that they simply "pause" puberty. I think this is probably true if they are used for a short period of time, lets say six months. Common sense tells me that puberty blockers are not so reversible if used long term. Will a 30 year old coming off puberty blockers undergo puberty the same as a 12 to 14 year old? I don't think so, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Here is a source that disagrees with me. The Effects of Puberty Blockers Are Reversible: 14 FAQs
The trans-activists say puberty blockers are completely reversible and that they simply "pause" puberty. I think this is probably true if they are used for a short period of time, lets say six months. Common sense tells me that puberty blockers are not so reversible if used long term. Will a 30 year old coming off puberty blockers undergo puberty the same as a 12 to 14 year old? I don't think so, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Here is a source that disagrees with me. The Effects of Puberty Blockers Are Reversible: 14 FAQs

They are reversible in the sense that once you stop taking them, they stop trying to block puberty. The issue is does puberty then go through its full course afterwards, in spite of the time lost while on the blockers.

Blockers are only used traditionally on those suffering from early onset puberty, and those people have a body that wants to start it early, and finish it, so blockers are going against a competing force.

A normal person taking them doesn't have that competing force involved, so with nothing to push against, I see the blockers as eliminating any progress in puberty for the duration they are taken.
Except in the case of early onset puberty, in which case the drugs are to there to attempt to give the child a normal puberty.

Huge difference there.

In those cases, it is only to arrest it temporarily in order for their body to catch up to the hormones. it is never intended to be permanent, and is only intended for temporary use.

I have a huge problem with messing around physically with children. They are still developing, and can easily be influenced by others. Hell, there are kids at that age that think they are cats, think they are aliens, and think they were really adopted and their real parents are really royalty and not just a middle class couple. Any kind of lifelong changes should be discouraged in the extreme.
It depends on what the blockers are made of.
Some blockers can be easily dealt with by just stop using them.
Others might be more aggressive and may take decades to "wear off".

Doctors and medical clinics that are NOT paid, owned, or funded by politicians, big pharma, or the government have been saying puberty blockers are extremely dangerous and can have severe repercussions as the person gets older.......including dying young because you've fucked your system up so badly, it can't process legitimate functions anymore.

The Canadian Government "Healthcare" states that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with puberty blockers and they have NO side effects.

The FDA on the otherhand..............

why are doctors allowed to experiment on kids in this country? that is all it is...hormone specialist with their guinea pigs
Because virtue signaling has become a cult religion. PERIOD.
And like all cults, eventually they lead to the abuse of children sexually.
It is unfathomable to imagine that, despite overwhelming evidence of molestation and rape, members of the cult ran by Warren Jeffs continued to simply send their very young girls to be brainwashed by him and raped by his top men.
It is no different with the trans fad. Woke cultist will literally put the lives of their own children in jeopardy to appease other cult members and show how devoted they are to the woke religion.

Of course, puberty blockers aren't 100% reversible.

That's why need only to be prescribed under close supervision of a physician for serious fucking reasons.

If your 7 year old boy starts growing a full beard, it might well be a problematic hormone deficiency and puberty blockers might well be in order as he gets medically worked up to determine if there is some kind of fucking problem here and how to deal with it.

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