Zone1 Are their friends or family who you believe could not be granted entry into heaven?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This could be a very long post, but I will try to be brief. You ever speak to someone about another who passed and they will invariably state matter-of-factly "he/she is looking down from heaven right now" and you think to yourself, "in what reality was this person a Believer, or, even a good, honourable, forigiving and righteous human being"? In short, so many just casually expect everyone just goes to heaven, but surely knowing that the road is narrow the Lord isn't going to allow many friends/family/acquantances into heaven. Do you ever speak to someone, pray they will come to Christ (or simp!y become a far different person) but suspect, "if there is a heaven, they aren't getting in"?
This could be a very long post, but I will try to be brief. You ever speak to someone about another who passed and they will invariably state matter-of-factly "he/she is looking down from heaven right now" and you think to yourself, "in what reality was this person a Believer, or, even a good, honourable, forigiving and righteous human being"? In short, so many just casually expect everyone just goes to heaven, but surely knowing that the road is narrow the Lord isn't going to allow many friends/family/acquantances into heaven. Do you ever speak to someone, pray they will come to Christ (or simp!y become a far different person) but suspect, "if there is a heaven, they aren't getting in"?

If "heaven" exists as classically described I suspect that the criteria for entry is more mysterious and confounding than fanatically touted or religiously understood—something like solving a riddle for the Sphinx. In all known ancient religious texts of man whatever God written about heralds and praises the employment of extreme violence and even violent sadism against the foes of his "chosen" people. I suspect many religious folk alive today would/will be flabbergasted—even disgusted by the carnal and carnivorous acts people admitted to "heaven" have committed when/if they gain admittance.

A person who is a classical asshole (modern vernacular required) but who never raped, murdered or pillaged neighboring towns and clans is sure to be granted heavenly access, even though in life they were a giant dickhead. Even those of us who have killed many on command of our country are likely to slip through the pearly gates despite hands dripping with blood.

Perhaps a better question lies in the realm of whose God is more correct in terms of describing acts sure to open heaven's gates to the true believer. Christians kill Muslims under the Stars and Bars, flag of a nation proclaimed for centuries to be the chosen empire of God. However, Muslim warriors who slaughter infidels (you and I) are said to be among Allah's most favored, destined for eternity in paradise.

Lastly, just because someone you know is a gigantic asshole (to you) in this life, does not mean God, whatever He might be, does not have some eternal use for said dickhead.

Try not to overthink it all . . .
If "heaven" exists as classically described I suspect that the criteria for entry is more mysterious and confounding than fanatically touted or religiously understood—something like solving a riddle for the Sphinx. In all known ancient religious texts of man whatever God written about heralds and praises the employment of extreme violence and even violent sadism against the foes of his "chosen" people. I suspect many religious folk alive today would/will be flabbergasted—even disgusted by the carnal and carnivorous acts people admitted to "heaven" have committed when/if they gain admittance.

A person who is a classical asshole (modern vernacular required) but who never raped, murdered or pillaged neighboring towns and clans is sure to be granted heavenly access, even though in life they were a giant dickhead. Even those of us who have killed many on command of our country are likely to slip through the pearly gates despite hands dripping with blood.

Perhaps a better question lies in the realm of whose God is more correct in terms of describing acts sure to open heaven's gates to the true believer. Christians kill Muslims under the Stars and Bars, flag of a nation proclaimed for centuries to be the chosen empire of God. However, Muslim warriors who slaughter infidels (you and I) are said to be among Allah's most favored, destined for eternity in paradise.

Lastly, just because someone you know is a gigantic asshole (to you) in this life, does not mean God, whatever He might be, does not have some eternal use for said dickhead.

Try not to overthink it all . . .
I don't overthink it, these decisions zre in Gods hands. Ij just make a general asessment that is simply personal opinuin. The road is narrow but too many in society act as if it's a guarantee.
If "heaven" exists as classically described I suspect that the criteria for entry is more mysterious and confounding than fanatically touted or religiously understood—something like solving a riddle for the Sphinx
It is just this simple to understand:
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
This could be a very long post, but I will try to be brief. You ever speak to someone about another who passed and they will invariably state matter-of-factly "he/she is looking down from heaven right now" and you think to yourself, "in what reality was this person a Believer, or, even a good, honourable, forigiving and righteous human being"? In short, so many just casually expect everyone just goes to heaven, but surely knowing that the road is narrow the Lord isn't going to allow many friends/family/acquantances into heaven. Do you ever speak to someone, pray they will come to Christ (or simp!y become a far different person) but suspect, "if there is a heaven, they aren't getting in"?
happens all the time. Vatican II, the takeover of the structures that once belonged to Catholics, got people to thinking that all religions save and by osmosis, began teaching, essentially, that everyone goes to Heaven. In some "churches" I've been in I've seen posters that say something like Jesus is everywhere.. No, He's not. At one time, His real Presence abided in the aforementioned Catholic structures, from the Vatican to the local Catholic Churches... I say that Presence is gone now in most of them.

The Sedevacantist Catholics are the true Catholics.

I am not saying that the Real Presence in the church is the ONLY way to have the Presence of Christ. Reading His Words in Scripture enables us to feel close to Him and of course there is prayer (I think esp of the rosary).

The Vatican is just a bunch of liberals who hate the real Jesus and wanted His Church GONE from the Earth... They cannot absolutely succeed (Mt 16:18) but it looks like they have all but succeeded.

Yeh... this notion that everyone is "up there" after death... so unbiblical, so illogical. I've lived long enough to see just how evil most people are. Example: Look at how many accept abortion being legalized.. Some have seen the gory pictures of tortured babies in garbage cans and they still go with their picket signs to rallies and scream about CHOICE... while the child obviously has NO choice.

Somewhere in the Bible it says that "Even the just are BARELY saved" (emphasis added)

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