Are we fully engaged in a passive civil war right now?

Be careful what you wish for.
Lol always am careful of such things. Does not change the fact that the term civil war is suggested daily, right now under the current system. Obviously the two party system is currently failing. It's a fact.
Well, that's a political/electoral system that motivates and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants.

So we work to change the system, or we just keep bending over and taking it.

I don't think enough people give a crap.
Well evidently they give a crap enough to bitch but not enough to actively do something about it. Some where along the line Americans just became fans of bitching.. I sometimes think they don't want to change it because then they wouldn't be able to complain about it. Case in point. Had a customer the other day making a scene. Told him soon not only was I going to bar him from service at my place but would inform my two main competitors of his BS. He said with a smile on his face they both already kicked him out in the past week. Strange days we live in.
By lunatics on a discussion forum. Relax, this is NOT the country at large.
I don't know I am hearing it on the street as well. I have family members that have cut each other off completely over politics. I have gotten to the point where I keep my views completely to my self on the block. I continually say you do what you think is best and leave me out of it on the block. People ask me my opinion my answer is always no matter what the subject is" I just wanna hunt and fish and be left alone. "
The first shots of this Civil war were in Dallas when that Dazzling Urbanite BLM Knucklehead ambushed all those Dallas cops .
Thereard plenty in the middle. Just no one listens to them. Two parties are not diverse enough represent every one's needs. We need more parties that all can effect change. The problem is how do we get there. Ya vote for some one not a dem or republican you are most the time throwing away your vote. How we get more parties involved I don't know but figure it out ya likely save America from the trash heap. Not likely we dominate for a thousand years like Rome did the way things are going.
What policies do Republicans push that are detrimental to american society….that are a threat to Americans and the American Way?
A closed border and mass deportations?
Lower taxes?
Lower fuel / energy costs?
The imposition of law and order?
Sending abortion to the states?

This is something the FeelGooders like Mac1958 can’t really answer…weird huh?
What policies do Republicans push that are detrimental to american society….that are a threat to Americans and the American Way?
A closed border and mass deportations?
Lower taxes?
Lower fuel / energy costs?
The imposition of law and order?
Sending abortion to the states?

This is something the FeelGooders like Mac1958 can’t really answer…weird huh?
Pretty much all of them. They make us pay large portions of our paycheck in payroll taxes while the CEO takes payment in shares borrows against those shares and writes off the interest receiving tax refunds on money they never even payed. They collect refunds and pay no money in brought to you by your local republican politicians. But ya keep thinking they have your interests in mind they don't. The democrats pretty much vote the same way once in office so they are nobetter.
Pretty much all of them. They make us pay large portions of our paycheck in payroll taxes while the CEO takes payment in shares borrows against those shares and writes off the interest receiving tax refunds on money they never even payed. They collect refunds and pay no money in brought to you by your local republican politicians. But ya keep thinking they have your interests in mind they don't. The democrats pretty much vote the same way once in office so they are nobetter.
That’s not how it works at all…but lets pretend it does.
Why do you care what CEO’s do?
Why not just pave your own way and worry about what you do?
No need to shout, Gandalf, we're all right here and most of us don't need a hearing aid..yet. :)

You've managed to bunch your robe in a knot over things that don't really matter in the grander scheme of things. But these are culture war nuggets that sit on a hill that you would gladly die over. Is conservatism really that DEVOID of anything new or fresh? Is division pimping the only real thing you have left in the arsenal? Sad.
Hey asshole, => I <= decide what matters.

You get near my kids and I'll personally sit on your face and make you breathe my farts
Pretty much all of them. They make us pay large portions of our paycheck in payroll taxes while the CEO takes payment in shares borrows against those shares and writes off the interest receiving tax refunds on money they never even payed. They collect refunds and pay no money in brought to you by your local republican politicians. But ya keep thinking they have your interests in mind they don't. The democrats pretty much vote the same way once in office so they are nobetter.
I live in a very affluent area with people far wealthier than myself…I’ve never once gave two shits about how they‘re paid or how they pay themselves….it’s quite bizarre that something like that even crosses your mind.
I really don't think you know who I am....or am not. :heehee:
I don't think you know who Failzero is either.

And I don't it matters who you are, or think you are

Whoever you are, you won't be able to stop what's coming. It"s bigger than all of us.

Even the big bad federal government is going to shit bricks when it happens
Why did you demand to verify my collections existence but your shit suddenly is irrelevant
Listen to the moron libtards.

You are "needy" with guns.

I assume that means you have more than one :p

I'm not needy. I have more than one too. :p :p :p
Democracy is an ongoing civil war. No use to whine about it.
Nah, not like this….we have never had Americans in mass and or a party that hates America at its core like they do today.
We’ve never had powerful globalists with the ability to play puppet-master with the citizenry as they do today….these globalists have infiltrated our democracy through the people, they’ve partnered with the Democrat Party to morph America into something it was never intended to become.
This is different and everybody paying attention knows it.

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