CDZ Are we seeing the nascence of the Women's Movement 2.0?

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Out of the depravity that is our national realization of the prevalence of sexism and misogyny among men like Donald Trump hopefully will come the Women's Movement 2.0. Every day I hear water cooler conversations, airport discussions among total stranger and more wherein it has become obvious to me that the behavior of which Trump boasted, though perhaps not something every man does, is too far common for us as a nation to overlook it. Indeed, I get a sense that the majority of women whom I know have endured some sort of sexist effrontery.

Thinking about what it'll take to overcome this gross demerit against the American culture, I suspect that men and women both are part of the problem just as both must be part of the solution. From the "Doll Test" we learned that given time the objects of discrimination and objectification can become culturally inculcated to perceive themselves, or more appropriately their ilk, to in fact be that which they are presumed by their oppressors to be. To that end, I suspect even today there are women who don't stridently enough stand up and speak against the mores to which they've become conditioned in how they interact with and/or tolerate unwanted advances from men.

For all the men, however, as the holders of the majority of the political power in the U.S., they too, be they the men who are not part of the problem or men who are, this problem will not be quickly resolved without men being as supportive and involved in the effort as be women. Like it or not, without the involvement of the people in power, change will not occur. Thus, women cannot do it alone. The glass ceiling is still there, even if it's harder to see.

For more on the "Doll Test," read Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it as part of a high school history class in the 1970s. There are many lessons to be learned from that text.​
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.
Out of the depravity that is our national realization of the prevalence of sexism and misogyny among men like Donald Trump hopefully will come the Women's Movement 2.0. Every day I hear water cooler conversations, airport discussions among total stranger and more wherein it has become obvious to me that the behavior of which Trump boasted, though perhaps not something every man does, is too far common for us as a nation to overlook it. Indeed, I get a sense that the majority of women whom I know have endured some sort of sexist effrontery.

Thinking about what it'll take to overcome this gross demerit against the American culture, I suspect that men and women both are part of the problem just as both must be part of the solution. From the "Doll Test" we learned that given time the objects of discrimination and objectification can become culturally inculcated to perceive themselves, or more appropriately their ilk, to in fact be that which they are presumed by their oppressors to be. To that end, I suspect even today there are women who don't stridently enough stand up and speak against the mores to which they've become conditioned in how they interact with and/or tolerate unwanted advances from men.

For all the men, however, as the holders of the majority of the political power in the U.S., they too, be they the men who are not part of the problem or men who are, this problem will not be quickly resolved without men being as supportive and involved in the effort as be women. Like it or not, without the involvement of the people in power, change will not occur. Thus, women cannot do it alone. The glass ceiling is still there, even if it's harder to see.

For more on the "Doll Test," read Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it as part of a high school history class in the 1970s. There are many lessons to be learned from that text.​
Look. We do not need a Marxist Amazon society. There is no gender discrimination you Marxist hacks. Did you ever think that some couples like gender roles? Did you ever think that it's not a bad thing when a man opens a door for a woman? What revolution to you espouse ..."no procreation?" Men as breeding pods? Hey Orwell, back the fuck off. I want Julia, not communist frigid.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.
My generation was post WWII and we understood our roles as future defenders of a free society as males and as warriors. That does not make that society bad or me bad. XXXXXXXXXXX
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Out of the depravity that is our national realization of the prevalence of sexism and misogyny among men like Donald Trump hopefully will come the Women's Movement 2.0. Every day I hear water cooler conversations, airport discussions among total stranger and more wherein it has become obvious to me that the behavior of which Trump boasted, though perhaps not something every man does, is too far common for us as a nation to overlook it. Indeed, I get a sense that the majority of women whom I know have endured some sort of sexist effrontery.

Thinking about what it'll take to overcome this gross demerit against the American culture, I suspect that men and women both are part of the problem just as both must be part of the solution. From the "Doll Test" we learned that given time the objects of discrimination and objectification can become culturally inculcated to perceive themselves, or more appropriately their ilk, to in fact be that which they are presumed by their oppressors to be. To that end, I suspect even today there are women who don't stridently enough stand up and speak against the mores to which they've become conditioned in how they interact with and/or tolerate unwanted advances from men.

For all the men, however, as the holders of the majority of the political power in the U.S., they too, be they the men who are not part of the problem or men who are, this problem will not be quickly resolved without men being as supportive and involved in the effort as be women. Like it or not, without the involvement of the people in power, change will not occur. Thus, women cannot do it alone. The glass ceiling is still there, even if it's harder to see.

For more on the "Doll Test," read Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it as part of a high school history class in the 1970s. There are many lessons to be learned from that text.​
Look. We do not need a Marxist Amazon society. There is no gender discrimination you Marxist hacks. Did you ever think that some couples like gender roles? Did you ever think that it's not a bad thing when a man opens a door for a woman? What revolution to you espouse ..."no procreation?" Men as breeding pods? Hey Orwell, back the fuck off. I want Julia, not communist frigid.

Yes. I even considered that some individuals like traditionally defined and adhered to gender roles. Couple or individual, however, I do not cotton to the notion that one person's preference for traditionally defined gender roles must necessarily be or can ever rightly be applied to form a judgement about another individual or couple who does not ascribe to those same role strictures.

Men who want to go about life as similarly to Ward Cleaver as they possibly can and women who want to do so using June Cleaver as their model are by all means free to do so -- indeed, I encourage them to do -- so long as their doing so does not impose limits on other men and women whose ideal life models are not Ward and June.

It never crossed my mind because I have no problem with it. I happen to think it fitting that one open and hold a manually operated door for pretty much anyone who happens be right behind one. Doing so just strikes me as being polite enough to give a damn about not opening a door into someone else's face. Call me crazy if you like, but I see that as a behavior that is neither better nor worse regardless of the gender of the other proximate people. Of course, doing that requires to have both situational awareness and humility.

Did you become intoxicated between writing the "blue" and "pink" remarks?
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?


All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.
My generation was post WWII and we understood our roles as future defenders of a free society as males and as warriors. That does not make that society bad or me bad. It makes you an Orwellian Stalanist.
I never said you were bad! Your reaction seems so out in left field to me. I am an Orwelian Stalanist, a dictator, a totalitarian murderer, because I'd like to see men not view women as sex toys they are free to help themselves to regardless if the woman agrees? Wow.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.

Have you lived under a rock your whole life Old lady,60% of black families are without a father around .Father's day is the most confusing day of the year in those communities. Hell most don't even know who their fathers are.

Trump's not black. I am not seeing most of the boys arrested for campus rape being black. This is not a racial thread. Take it to one of the numerous racist threads here and get on topic or leave.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.


All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.



Okay. If that's what's hanging you up, I'll agree with that. Parents should talk to their kids. I just assume boys will listen to their dads and follow their lead more. If Dad's not there, of course Mom needs to teach 'em better.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.



Okay. If that's what's hanging you up, I'll agree with that. Parents should talk to their kids. I just assume boys will listen to their dads and follow their lead more. If Dad's not there, of course Mom needs to teach 'em better.

Young men should be taught to be gentlemen and to hold the door for ladies and address them as ma'am. But when feminist want to destroy a societies tradition gender roles...count me out. Be a lesbian pro abortion lunatic on your on. Leave culture alone.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.



Okay. If that's what's hanging you up, I'll agree with that. Parents should talk to their kids. I just assume boys will listen to their dads and follow their lead more. If Dad's not there, of course Mom needs to teach 'em better.


Sure... They can teach their sons not to grope women as their live in boy friend gropes them.


All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.



Okay. If that's what's hanging you up, I'll agree with that. Parents should talk to their kids. I just assume boys will listen to their dads and follow their lead more. If Dad's not there, of course Mom needs to teach 'em better.

Feminists, of course, built their dogma on making certain that dad would not be there.

1. Remember the feminist motto, "women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle"?

2. And, feminism and Fascism are indistinguishable:
According to Simone de Beauvoir in an interview with Betty Friedan “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.” “Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma,” Saturday Review, June 14, 1975, p. 18.

a. Like all totalitarian movements, the goal is not to give more freedom, but to take away choice.
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As usual and predictable, the right hasn't a clue about what the issue is about. They will try to define it on their own terms and spin, missing the real reason and definition as projected by women. Hint, "It's Not OK".
As usual and predictable, the right hasn't a clue about what the issue is about. They will try to define it on their own terms and spin, missing the real reason and definition as projected by women. Hint, "It's Not OK".
Guess Bill didn't catch that hint. In fact he would probably see it a come on and rape you. It's ok, Hillary will cast you as a bimbo and publically destroy you.
Out of the depravity that is our national realization of the prevalence of sexism and misogyny among men like Donald Trump hopefully will come the Women's Movement 2.0. Every day I hear water cooler conversations, airport discussions among total stranger and more wherein it has become obvious to me that the behavior of which Trump boasted, though perhaps not something every man does, is too far common for us as a nation to overlook it. Indeed, I get a sense that the majority of women whom I know have endured some sort of sexist effrontery.

Thinking about what it'll take to overcome this gross demerit against the American culture, I suspect that men and women both are part of the problem just as both must be part of the solution. From the "Doll Test" we learned that given time the objects of discrimination and objectification can become culturally inculcated to perceive themselves, or more appropriately their ilk, to in fact be that which they are presumed by their oppressors to be. To that end, I suspect even today there are women who don't stridently enough stand up and speak against the mores to which they've become conditioned in how they interact with and/or tolerate unwanted advances from men.

For all the men, however, as the holders of the majority of the political power in the U.S., they too, be they the men who are not part of the problem or men who are, this problem will not be quickly resolved without men being as supportive and involved in the effort as be women. Like it or not, without the involvement of the people in power, change will not occur. Thus, women cannot do it alone. The glass ceiling is still there, even if it's harder to see.

For more on the "Doll Test," read Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it as part of a high school history class in the 1970s. There are many lessons to be learned from that text.​

"Out of the depravity that is our national realization of the prevalence of sexism and misogyny...."

Clearly, the dunce who wrote this has never read "BloodSport," by James B.Stewart wherein we find Hillary Clinton in charge of the group that intimidated and attacked what she called 'bimbos.'

She hired vicious 'private detectives' to do the dirty work: Jack Palladino.
Enabler or family defender? How Hillary Clinton responded to husband’s accusers

Hillary's middle name should be "Misogyny.
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All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


Women say they are going to vote for a woman simply because she is a that what you respect in your mass movements...

hilary is a criminal...

She used her office as Secretary of state to take 14.2 billion dollars from Haitian earthquake relief to give to donors to the clinton foundation...

She took 12 million dollars from Morocco to the clinton foundation and awarded them 92 million dollars in loan garauntees...

She took donations to the clinton foundation from Russian businesses tied to the Russian Government in return for getting the approval of giving Russia 20% of our Uranium....

She had a secret, illegal, unsecured server and lied about it ....then she had her staff destroy 13 blackberries, several servers, multiple laptops and used a high tech program to delete 33,000 incriminating emails......

She used her husbands political power, private detectives and political operatives to attack the women he raped and sexually assaulted.....

if voting for the woman who did these things is a nascent women's is a women's movement from hell....
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


How do you expect to have that happen in any significant way when there's generally no daddy around to do such teaching?



Everybody's got a daddy. Trump had a daddy. Most of the posters here who have said Trump's snatch and grab is no big deal had a daddy, and a lot are dads themselves. I don't know what world you're living in where no one has a daddy.


Seems to me that a lot of those supposed daddy's are only body fathers the woman/women needed so they could play house with just themselves as a parent. Looks like it's the mommy's responsibility to raise the kids and teach them all those things you want a daddy to do.



Okay. If that's what's hanging you up, I'll agree with that. Parents should talk to their kids. I just assume boys will listen to their dads and follow their lead more. If Dad's not there, of course Mom needs to teach 'em better.

Young men should be taught to be gentlemen and to hold the door for ladies and address them as ma'am. But when feminist want to destroy a societies tradition gender roles...count me out. Be a lesbian pro abortion lunatic on your on. Leave culture alone.

Where to start, where to start.
Feminism doesn't equate with lesbianism. Pro choice adherents aren't lunatics. The culture of grabbing pussy and saying "Ho ho, well, boys will be boys" needs to change. Traditional gender roles shouldn't include Trump's role as a predator or the ladies' role as a silent victim. Who washes the dishes and fixes the car is up to individual couples and I could care less.
All it will take is one simple thing: Daddies teaching their sons differently. Without it, you can stack law upon law and you will still have the same rape culture on campuses, in the military, and the same casual objectification of women.
What's been saddest about all this Trump/tape business to me is the number of men and women who said it really doesn't matter, and you just know they've raised their kids the same way. I hope once the dust settles a little bit, it at least gets some discussion going among adults and their children. You're right, 320, the girls, too, need to hear it's not alright.


Women say they are going to vote for a woman simply because she is a that what you respect in your mass movements...

hilary is a criminal...

She used her office as Secretary of state to take 14.2 billion dollars from Haitian earthquake relief to give to donors to the clinton foundation...

She took 12 million dollars from Morocco to the clinton foundation and awarded them 92 million dollars in loan garauntees...

She took donations to the clinton foundation from Russian businesses tied to the Russian Government in return for getting the approval of giving Russia 20% of our Uranium....

She had a secret, illegal, unsecured server and lied about it ....then she had her staff destroy 13 blackberries, several servers, multiple laptops and used a high tech program to delete 33,000 incriminating emails......

She used her husbands political power, private detectives and political operatives to attack the women he raped and sexually assaulted.....

if voting for the woman who did these things is a nascent women's is a women's movement from hell....
Methinks you're trying to PIVOT here, Guy. There are plenty of threads to share your opinion of voting for Hillary.

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