Yeah, Trump did call military personnel "suckers" and "losers"

No but they were getting them by 1962, which is why so many people tried to get various draft deferments.
That's not what you were talking about though. Even at the height of the Vietnam war draft we werent inducting even 10% of those eligible. I dont know if you understand what mandatory service means but that would be 100% of those eligible, a huge increase in the size and scope of the military. We would need more people than who are currently serving just in the command structure of something that large.
When I was drafted into the Army in 1962, they had deferments. My time was supposed to be 2 years active and 4 years reserves. I wrote my congressman who got the reserves cancelled for me though the total discharge did not show up until 6 years passed from date of entry.
Wait, Couchpotato claimed no one was being drafted before Vietnam. That can't be Right because he knows everything.
Um, okay.

I didn't say I wanted mandatory military service; I said I supported national service.
Our founders fought so this nation was free of authoritarians. It even passed the Bill of Rights to stave off Government it had created. National Service would be mandatory as you seek it. We must support freedom.
It killed six million people worldwide, including 1 million in the US.
You are really short in the count.

Coronavirus Cases:​




link, bitch?-?
As of April 13, 2024, 7,010,681 people have lost their lives due to the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide. The total number of confirmed cases stands at 704,753,890 across 229 countries and territories. It’s important to note that the fatality rate is still being assessed1. Additionally, some estimates suggest that the actual death toll may be higher than officially recorded figures23. For the most up-to-date information, you can refer to reliable sources like the Worldometer COVID-19 Statistics or the CDC COVID Data Tracker. Stay informed and take necessary precautions!

Do notice that your own gives different numbers.

Who said 700 million dead is off 99%

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