..are we still a free country?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
If Ebola can't find a US host, are we still a free country?

When did we become so cold and dispassionate that we won't allow an African Level IV pathogen to take root here?

Obama is doing all he can to help Ebola find an American host, why aren't you?
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.
wouldnt expect anything less from you clayton,one of the resident trolls of USMB.:biggrin::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Frank, despite your best efforts, we are still a free country.

Try to hide your disappointment.
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.
wouldnt expect anything less from you clayton,one of the resident trolls of USMB.:biggrin::clap::clap::clap::clap:

9/11 inside job

EXACTLY what freedoms have you lost?

I guess we is to healthy...

A moment of silence for the electrons killed in Moonglow's non-stop effort to rack up his post count

And a HUGE celebration that there have been only two cases of Ebola contracted in the US.

Thank you, Mr. President for not falling apart and for keeping us safe from Fearbola.
How had he kept us safe??????

What steps did he take to keep it out of the USA

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.
NSA spying on everyone even reporters is the new definition of freedumb

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Granting Ebola entrance to America is just the right and politically correct thing to do....:uhoh3:

If we don't do it, the Chinese or Indians sure will and take the lead on us!

I'm sure Putin would allow Ebola infected people to mill around Moscow
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.
wouldnt expect anything less from you clayton,one of the resident trolls of USMB.:biggrin::clap::clap::clap::clap:

9/11 inside job

EXACTLY what freedoms have you lost?

what deserted island you been living on?:biggrin: you dont seem to even know what the patriot act is that bushwacker signed which stripped away many of our freedoms.many members of congress in fact later stated they regretted signing it not knowing many of the details that they were never allowed to look at.were only told and lied to about what it contained.

as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,thats the appropriate name for them since its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected not knowing their candidate has already been selected for them by the eatablishment,that their vote doesnt count,that votes are rigged all the time.

think there is any difference between obomination and Bushwacker? not hardly.

Bush had the lowest ratings of any president ever leaving office even worse than mass murderer dick nixon who his father was buddies with because he ruined the country with things like the patriot act which by the way since you are on that deserted island and not aware of facts,Obozo while running for president against john mccain,told the american people that if he became president, he would get rid of the patriot act,well upon taking office what does he do?

He lies to the american people and votes to have it reinstated. Not only that,but he has not only continued the policys of mass murderer Bushwacker,but he has EXPANDED and accelerated them.

if you think congress and these presidents serve us instead of the bankers and wall street,then i have some land in russia i want to sell you.:lmao:

people like you and clayton dont get it that america has lost many libertys and freedoms since 9/11 and that as long as we have this corrupt two party system which again is in reality a ONE PARTY SYSTEM,and they keep frigging elections so that an independent cant become elected,one that will serve the people,there is no hope for the future of america and we will remain a facist dictatership which actually we became in 1919 when the federal reserve which is actually an illegal organization came into power. but all that is a little too complicated for you to understand.:rolleyes-41:

oh and just so you know,when traiter woodrow wilson signed into existenace the federal reserve act,he later even admitted he regretted it basically admitting what a traiter he was saying he had betrayed americans.
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matter of fact Luddly,why dont you get yourself educated here.sheesh,shy do i have to do all your homework for you?:cuckoo:

The Banking Swindle

Did Woodrow Wilson REALLY REGRET Handing AMERICA To The Rothschild BANKSTERS Political Vel Craft

as you can see in that link,those were woodrow wilsons words that we are no longer a free country and havent been since 1913,not mine.

and here is the BEST link of evidence and facts of all how the federal reserve act signed by that traiterous evil bastard woodrow wilson has made us a facist dictatership country.his signing of that act is responsible for the world being in the mess that it is now this very day.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Untitled Document
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If Ebola can't find a US host, are we still a free country?

When did we become so cold and dispassionate that we won't allow an African Level IV pathogen to take root here?

Obama is doing all he can to help Ebola find an American host, why aren't you?
This has never been a "free country"....
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.

Talk about drinking the kool-aid.

10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free - The Washington Post

U.S. Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings Free Press

"46th place for Press Freedom"

Creating a Human Freedom Index Cato Liberty

"In this preliminary index New Zealand ranks as the most free country in the world, followed by the Netherlands and then Hong Kong. Australia, Canada, and Ireland follow, with the United States ranking in 7th place."
"..are we still a free country?"

Yes, very much so.

In fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation's history. And our civil liberties are more secure today than at any time in our Nation's history, the consequence of 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment jurisprudence safeguarding our freedom and liberty from government overreach – Federal, state, and local government.

To maintain otherwise merely exhibits one's ignorance of that jurisprudence.

Talk about drinking the kool-aid.

10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free - The Washington Post

U.S. Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings Free Press

"46th place for Press Freedom"

Creating a Human Freedom Index Cato Liberty

"In this preliminary index New Zealand ranks as the most free country in the world, followed by the Netherlands and then Hong Kong. Australia, Canada, and Ireland follow, with the United States ranking in 7th place."
Like i said before,clayton is a resident troll of USMB,wouldnt expect anything less from him.also,notice how after I handed Luddly his ass to him on a platter and took him to school,that he dissapeared knowing he was cornered? lol.

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