Are you a bigot if you dont date trans?


Gold Member
I saw this dicussion and post on Facebook?

I saw this post on Facebook
"Their argument is that they aren't attracted to trans people, so they should have a right to know if a potential partner is trans before dating them. These people view transness as a mere physical quality that they just aren't attracted to.
The issue with this logic is that the person in question is obviously attracted to trans people, or else they wouldn't be worried about accidentally going out with one. So these people aren't attracted to trans people because of some physical quality, they aren't attracted to trans people because they are disgusted by the very idea of transness."

No, I Don't Have To Tell You I'm Trans Before Dating You

Now it looks like to me as if one is a bigot if he doesn't date a trans I would feel violated if I dated a trans as if someone raped me sorry I believe in live and let live (and pride myself to be tolerant and I also tolerate trans) but a trans is invading my private space by dating me under false pretenses. I dont want to date a trans.
It not a bigot to hate homos, trans, and whatever weirdo names they want to call themselves. The real bigots are the liberals that want to pass laws that make it legal marry anybody and anything you want. Want to marry your daughter, why not? Want to legally adopt a cow, sure go ahead... At least that is what all liberal think is normal. There is even liberal talk about making it illegal for white people to marry other white people because they claim it being racists.
I saw this dicussion and post on Facebook?

I saw this post on Facebook
"Their argument is that they aren't attracted to trans people, so they should have a right to know if a potential partner is trans before dating them. These people view transness as a mere physical quality that they just aren't attracted to.
The issue with this logic is that the person in question is obviously attracted to trans people, or else they wouldn't be worried about accidentally going out with one. So these people aren't attracted to trans people because of some physical quality, they aren't attracted to trans people because they are disgusted by the very idea of transness."

No, I Don't Have To Tell You I'm Trans Before Dating You

Now it looks like to me as if one is a bigot if he doesn't date a trans I would feel violated if I dated a trans as if someone raped me sorry I believe in live and let live (and pride myself to be tolerant and I also tolerate trans) but a trans is invading my private space by dating me under false pretenses. I dont want to date a trans.

Dear Mortimer
I wouldn't want to date ANYONE who didn't feel that they could be transparent with me.
Whatever your background is, I would want to know all your history anyway so I can
know you as a unique person and appreciate your personal path and spiritual journey in life.

All the truth would come out anyway, by the time I get to know someone
and their personal history and issues with past relations and family.

I wouldn't even have friends hide their past if we are just going to be friends only and not date.
If they feel that uncomfortable with me that they cannot share that,
I would want to resolve the problem so we can tell each other everything without judgment.

And that's just to be friends, I would want to cultivate that
level of transparency and freedom to share and express whatever.

I think part of the dilemma is communicating online.
If people meet and interact in person, maybe this would be different.
People would resolve things directly instead of
theorizing and discussing it "hypothetically" online.

Again I would recommend that people get to know each other
so closely and comfortably as friends that all these things
would come up and be discussed anyway, BEFORE they
start dating seriously. So this would not even be an issue.

If it is, if it causes problems at the start, then those
two people would not even get past friendship to go any further!
roma man thats it you have to blow someone now to prove you ok

back to the mens room with ya Until youre no longer a bigot

being an actual cosmopolitan and not some Bullshit white suburbanite racked with guilt or a fake ideologue shouting "cosmopolitanism" ,multiculturalism, and diversity is our strength ...

theyre usually not hard to spot

when in doubt look for the adams apple


all 3 are men who believe theyre women

It not a bigot to hate homos, trans, and whatever weirdo names they want to call themselves. The real bigots are the liberals that want to pass laws that make it legal marry anybody and anything you want. Want to marry your daughter, why not? Want to legally adopt cow, sure go ahead... At least that is what all liberal think is normal. There is even liberal talk about making it illegal for white people to marry other white people because they claim it being racists.

I agree Im not White myself but I have no problem being rejected for my ethnicity/ancestry. It is their private space and I dont want to invade it. I will find a compatible Partner and why would I want to date someone who hates me for what I am? Same as Im freaked out by Trans why would a Trans want to date me. Who says transphobic or racist if you dont date them is blackmailing you to sodomize you and thats rape.

That isn't a school classroom. It's a library that has Drag Queen Story Hour. It's advertised, and nobody has to take their kids there if they don't want to. The kids probably like the stories and costumes, but I doubt they are concerned about any other aspects of it.

That isn't a school classroom. It's a library that has Drag Queen Story Hour. It's advertised, and nobody has to take their kids there if they don't want to. The kids probably like the stories and costumes, but I doubt they are concerned about any other aspects of it.

The Drag Queen Looks like Belzebub did you noticed that? Parents who take their Kids are probably mentally deranged but I can accept that if it is like you say. If it is voluntarily and advertised then it is ok. Live and Let LIve.

That isn't a school classroom. It's a library that has Drag Queen Story Hour. It's advertised, and nobody has to take their kids there if they don't want to. The kids probably like the stories and costumes, but I doubt they are concerned about any other aspects of it.

haha...yep, totally hidden agenda or motive. Makes perfect sense.

That isn't a school classroom. It's a library that has Drag Queen Story Hour. It's advertised, and nobody has to take their kids there if they don't want to. The kids probably like the stories and costumes, but I doubt they are concerned about any other aspects of it.

haha...yep, totally hidden agenda or motive. Makes perfect sense.

Did you SEE the getup that drag queen was wearing? Not much hidden about that. Nobody will make you attend.
I saw this dicussion and post on Facebook?

I saw this post on Facebook
"Their argument is that they aren't attracted to trans people, so they should have a right to know if a potential partner is trans before dating them. These people view transness as a mere physical quality that they just aren't attracted to.
The issue with this logic is that the person in question is obviously attracted to trans people, or else they wouldn't be worried about accidentally going out with one. So these people aren't attracted to trans people because of some physical quality, they aren't attracted to trans people because they are disgusted by the very idea of transness."

No, I Don't Have To Tell You I'm Trans Before Dating You

Now it looks like to me as if one is a bigot if he doesn't date a trans I would feel violated if I dated a trans as if someone raped me sorry I believe in live and let live (and pride myself to be tolerant and I also tolerate trans) but a trans is invading my private space by dating me under false pretenses. I dont want to date a trans.

It's a lot like dating any woman. They always seem normal at first, but it takes a while to figure out just how crazy they really are. In fact, most exes are bat shit crazy, but they don't tell you that up front.

That isn't a school classroom. It's a library that has Drag Queen Story Hour. It's advertised, and nobody has to take their kids there if they don't want to. The kids probably like the stories and costumes, but I doubt they are concerned about any other aspects of it.

haha...yep, totally hidden agenda or motive. Makes perfect sense.

thats why they all start doing the everything is no big deal bullshit doesnt matter what the subject is
YOu even have threads on this board where they'll be lined up making excuses for anything and everything thats lefttard NAZI approved ......
theyve been doing it for decades now ..theyre conditioned to spew

thats actually funny
and yet still not quite exactly the same thing

But those of us on the right dont seem to have that problem of being "demanding tolerence" for everything and anything authoritarian Nazis
You're not a bigot if you don't date a tranny, because people expect who they date to be who they claim they are and not some counterfeit copy of the real thing.
I saw this dicussion and post on Facebook?

I saw this post on Facebook
"Their argument is that they aren't attracted to trans people, so they should have a right to know if a potential partner is trans before dating them. These people view transness as a mere physical quality that they just aren't attracted to.
The issue with this logic is that the person in question is obviously attracted to trans people, or else they wouldn't be worried about accidentally going out with one. So these people aren't attracted to trans people because of some physical quality, they aren't attracted to trans people because they are disgusted by the very idea of transness."

No, I Don't Have To Tell You I'm Trans Before Dating You

Now it looks like to me as if one is a bigot if he doesn't date a trans I would feel violated if I dated a trans as if someone raped me sorry I believe in live and let live (and pride myself to be tolerant and I also tolerate trans) but a trans is invading my private space by dating me under false pretenses. I dont want to date a trans.

It's a lot like dating any woman. They always seem normal at first, but it takes a while to figure out just how crazy they really are. In fact, most exes are bat shit crazy, but they don't tell you that up front.
Saw an interesting study on this. Gays, Lesbians, Straight and so forth, all continue to be attracted to the actual biological status. For example: If a woman transitions to be a man, Gay men don't tend to date them.

If a man declares as a woman, Lesbians are not suddenly attracted to them, and so forth.

National Organization for Women Votes to ‘Believe All Women,’ Reserves Right to Vote on Who Counts as a Woman.

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