Are You Stuck in a Mass Psychosis?

Prefer Sheeple to Jung's analogy of the Wolf.

And more recently Matthias Desmet has diagnosed the same problem .

Better explains how the CIA deliberately work through Project Chaos to produce panic etc .Basic Mind control -- see Project Ultra etc

Sheeple have almost zero idea how they are manipulated .

The difficulty we Pure Ones ( different type versus the sort stemming from the Shots !! ! )is that we know that reality is virtually a contained Matrix which the Sheeple can only dimly see , but as the ultimate Conspiracy Theory .
Makes communication difficult --- see previous as an example .

So this suggests we need a wise and kindly authoritarian re- constructed system which seems totally ironic and apparent hypocrisy .

My conclusion is therefore out of kilter with the one proposed in the video .
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We live in the wicked world everything is inverted keep your faith
That is precisely what Project Chaos is .

A deliberate , calculated control weapon .

And when the chickens are all definitely head less , lock them down and kill off those which are surplus to the new system's needs .

A sort of battery farming with us as the living commodity .

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