Arkansas Democrat's cat killed, painted with "liberal"

I never claimed it was...

I just believe I would find it highly unlikely that an individual would kill another pet over politics....

Not to mention that is NOT something a republican would do...

Certainly a democrat would take a dead cat and use it to paint republicans in a bad light -- that's what they do and that is how they operate..

Kinda like that fucked up OWS lady who used her fucking kids as a human shield, or the other ones who subject their children to harsh environments selfishly over their own political ideology...

Republicans wouldn't kill a cat....

No one I know would kill a cat out of a political disagreement...

Democrats wouldn't kill a cat....

Is our country really so polarized that you believe that? lol Come On people. Lunatics and assholes come in every political Color.

Probably just some kids that don't even understand the Difference between a Liberal and a conservative and just did it to see if it would get on the news so we would all talk about it and get further Polarized.

Stupid shit.

I mean think about it. Just kill a cat and all you do is hurt the People who's cat it was. Kill a cat and Paint Liberal on it and you make Prime Time news. No shortage of nuts on either side who would jump at that chance. lol

Charles...look at the post I was replying to and you will understand why I said what I said.
I never claimed it was...

I just believe I would find it highly unlikely that an individual would kill another pet over politics....

Not to mention that is NOT something a republican would do...

Certainly a democrat would take a dead cat and use it to paint republicans in a bad light -- that's what they do and that is how they operate..

Kinda like that fucked up OWS lady who used her fucking kids as a human shield, or the other ones who subject their children to harsh environments selfishly over their own political ideology...

Republicans wouldn't kill a cat....

No one I know would kill a cat out of a political disagreement...

Democrats wouldn't kill a cat....

you're showing the same partisan hackery he is. You do understand that... right?

You DO understand I was holding a mirror up to Mr. Nick....right?

There are dead animals everywhere...

Besides, how the fuck does one abduct and kill a cat????

Cats are fast as fuck......I love animals (actually hate cats) but have tried to catch some strays and those things are extremely elusive in the open...

This whole accusation is bullshit...........

if you can't prove the cat wasn't killed, how is your accusation any better (or worse) than that of the person claiming the cat WAS killed?

Then why the fuck do you believe it was killed????

Because you want to because it jibes with your perception of reality...

Just like every progressive believes republicans (or non-progressives) are all greedy rich racist old men...

You are right, Mr. Nick...cats with their heads bashed in have died of old age. Nothing more.

There are dead animals everywhere...

Besides, how the fuck does one abduct and kill a cat????

Cats are fast as fuck......I love animals (actually hate cats) but have tried to catch some strays and those things are extremely elusive in the open...

This whole accusation is bullshit...........

if you can't prove the cat wasn't killed, how is your accusation any better (or worse) than that of the person claiming the cat WAS killed?

Then why the fuck do you believe it was killed????

Because you want to because it jibes with your perception of reality...

Just like every progressive believes republicans (or non-progressives) are all greedy rich racist old men...

possibly the fact major news outlets are reporting it, and there are pictures of the dead animal?


But please, don't let facts get in the way of your hackery.
Pol's cat killed; "Liberal" scrawled on body - CBS News

The Associate Press confirmed with the Russellville Police Department that the campaign manager had filed a report, but they did not have any suspects at this time.

Although the campaign between Aden and incumbent Steve Womack has been tense, Aden's group stated they do not think anyone in the opposing campaign to be responsible.

"We suspect this is the action of a rogue individual or group of individuals who are the type of folks that stoop to the lowest common denominator instead of engaging in civil political discourse," Aden said in a statement. "It is unfortunate this has occurred, and we will await the results of the police and federal investigations."
The scary thing is, cats wander neighborhoods....for someone to KNOW this was their cat means they're either from that neighborhood, know the family, or have been staking them out.
if you can't prove the cat wasn't killed, how is your accusation any better (or worse) than that of the person claiming the cat WAS killed?

Then why the fuck do you believe it was killed????

Because you want to because it jibes with your perception of reality...

Just like every progressive believes republicans (or non-progressives) are all greedy rich racist old men...

You are right, Mr. Nick...cats with their heads bashed in have died of old age. Nothing more.

Not all the facts are out yet. It could have been anyone that did this..

That was a sick, mean and cruel thing to do. I'd like some private time with the motherfucker that did it.
Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This makes me sick to my stomach. How evil can you be to kill a helpless animal.
Arkansas Democrat's cat killed, painted with liberal | Reuters

LITTLE ROCK, Ark | Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:14pm EST
(Reuters) - A cat belonging to an Arkansas Democratic campaign manager was found dead on Sunday night with the word "Liberal" spray-painted across its side, the campaign manager said.

The cat was a pet of Jake Burris, who manages Democrat Ken Aden's bid for Arkansas' 3rd Congressional District. Aden is running against incumbent Republican Representative Steve Womack.

Burris was returning to his Russellville, Arkansas home with his four children when he found the cat on his doorstep, the Aden campaign said in a press release on Monday.

The mixed-breed Siamese cat had one side of its head bashed in to "the point the cat's eyeball was barely hanging from its socket," the release said.

Now tracking down and imprisoning the sick person who did that seems like a wise thing to do.

People who kill or torture animals tend to be the kinds of sick fucks who do the same thing to people if they think they can get away with it.

Lock 'em up for the safety of society.
The scary thing is, cats wander neighborhoods....for someone to KNOW this was their cat means they're either from that neighborhood, know the family, or have been staking them out.

Excellent point, and if they're willing to kill an animal to make their initial point, what happens if whoever did it decides to up the ante?

Remember the politician who had their gas lines cut a few years back?
The scary thing is, cats wander neighborhoods....for someone to KNOW this was their cat means they're either from that neighborhood, know the family, or have been staking them out.

Excellent point, and if they're willing to kill an animal to make their initial point, what happens if whoever did it decides to up the ante?

Remember the politician who had their gas lines cut a few years back?

Did Republicans do that too?
The scary thing is, cats wander neighborhoods....for someone to KNOW this was their cat means they're either from that neighborhood, know the family, or have been staking them out.

Excellent point, and if they're willing to kill an animal to make their initial point, what happens if whoever did it decides to up the ante?

Remember the politician who had their gas lines cut a few years back?

Did Republicans do that too?

Could be. Could be democrat too. Could be independent.

Those labels don't fucking matter much in the nature of a human being.

You don't automatically assume that republicans are good people, do you?

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