Army General Tapped To Investigate How, Why Bowe Bergdahl Left Base


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
(CNN) -- The U.S. Army has appointed a two-star general to investigate how and why Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl left his base in Afghanistan, resulting in his capture, a senior defense official said Saturday.

I don't think this is going to go away quietly! They don't give the general's name, but it is most likely he has a large staff of JAG officers to help. We just might get some answers.

Read more @ Army general tapped to investigate how, why Bowe Bergdahl left base -
I hope so but it won't matter.

The military has fully functioning USMJ's units, complete with investigators and lawyers, so this is obviously just a window dressing appointment of no real purpose, and unnecessary.
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As with all of Obama's escapades, this will get tapped until it's tapped out... to absolutely no avail.

The semi-negro is beyond reproach and shielded by a Liberal media and a 47% voting populace.

Our Nation is already fucked over by this Machiavellian narcissist and he's got 2-1/2 years to go.

I'm truly convinced that we are in the shitter and heading deeper into it by the day.
The military has fully functioning USMJ's units, complete with investigators and lawyers, so this is obviously just a window dressing appointment of no real purpose, and unnecessary.

What's needed is a skilled investigator. Instead we have yet another political appointee. The design is to look like something is being done when in fact, nothing is being done.
The gave the MG's name on the news.

He does not investigate. He orders the investigation and his JAG reviews everything to make sure it is right.

He is the convening authority, in this case, I believe so he will make the final decision to recommend it for action, from court-martial to dismissal of charges.
No doubt standing at rigid attention waiting for orders on how the investigation is to turn out. Shouldn't be that much longer before the poll results are in and tabulated and Our Kenyan President can reach a wise and prudent decision.

Wisdom and prudence relative to what might best help His agenda.....
Now is the time to advise Bergdahl of his rights and interrogate him but one side of the Army is protecting Bergdahl from the other side of the Army that allegedly wants to see justice done. Who TF is in charge?

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