Arrest in Germany linked to Paris, and refugees

I found this much more interesting, apparently Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
'Nazi Grandma' put in jail for Holocaust denial
AFP/The Local · 13 Nov 2015, 10:18

Published: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
I found this much more interesting, apparently Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
'Nazi Grandma' put in jail for Holocaust denial
AFP/The Local · 13 Nov 2015, 10:18

Published: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00

Nope, it sure doesn't. They monitor and hunt down anyone they deem "rightwing extremists", in other words anyone that believes in some type of immigration policy.
I found this much more interesting, apparently Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
'Nazi Grandma' put in jail for Holocaust denial
AFP/The Local · 13 Nov 2015, 10:18

Published: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00

Germany only has freedom of speech for Leftists and Muslims. The Leftists come out with some of the ugliest and most vile comments, the Muslims can openly hang a banner stating "your children will pray to Allah or die", they can also hold up banners stating "behead those who insult Islam"
I found this much more interesting, apparently Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
'Nazi Grandma' put in jail for Holocaust denial
AFP/The Local · 13 Nov 2015, 10:18

Published: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00

Nope, it sure doesn't. They monitor and hunt down anyone they deem "rightwing extremists", in other words anyone that believes in some type of immigration policy.

Traitor Merkel has appointed one of her old Stasi friends to patrol the internet. Anyone found posting anti-migrant comments, can lose their jobs and if they have children, the children can be taken off them.

Remove Traitor Merkel, Free German People From Stasi Tyranny.
So Germany is worst now than ever, (or what we've been told) after Hitler got in , I wonder why that is?
So Germany is worst now than ever, (or what we've been told) after Hitler got in , I wonder why that is?

Well Traitor Merkel, an East German for a start. Merkel was a member of the Freie Deutsche Jugend, the Free German Youth, she was on the FDJ District Board and was in the Agitprop department - Agitation and Propaganda. Therefore a full-on Marxist-Leninist.

Merkel whilst not in the Stasi, she was an Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter, an Informal Collaborator aka a Stasi snitch, spying on even her friends and giving the details to the Stasi....Merkel's codename was "Viktoria".

When the Berlin Wall fell, Merkel got involved with a now controversial political group called Demokratischer Aufbruch, Democratic Awakening through this she joined the CDU, which she now leads and who's members increasingly hate the woman.

It's perfectly obvious that Merkel was NEVER a Conservative, but wormed her way into the main Conservative party in Germany and remained a sleeper, pretending to love Germany, but always hating it like the East German Communist she always was and is.

At the right opportunity ie. the organised-but-made-to-look-spontaneous "migrant crisis", she finally revealed herself and her mission to destroy Germany, it's nation and it's culture. Obviously she kept in touch with Stasi agents throughout the years from 1989 up until today, hence appointing an ACTUAL former Stasi agent Anette Kahane to monitor all German's internet postings....Kahane was a Stasi agent from she's back in action.

It's beyond outrageous.

Merkel is a traitor, two months ago her mask was ripped off and it revealed her roots and they're showing Red.

I found this much more interesting, apparently Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
'Nazi Grandma' put in jail for Holocaust denial
AFP/The Local · 13 Nov 2015, 10:18

Published: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00
Updated: 13 Nov 2015 10:18 GMT+01:00

Nope, it sure doesn't. They monitor and hunt down anyone they deem "rightwing extremists", in other words anyone that believes in some type of immigration policy.

This is correct, any German who's not pro-migrant is called "racist", "Right-Wing extremist", "Neo-Nazi", "Nazi", it's absolutely if you're a patriotic German who wants to preserve the German way of life and thousands of years of beautiful German culture you're apparently Hitler-Himmler combined.

Has anyone heard of anything more twisted, perverted and utterly

Shame on these POS. Dante's 9th Circle of Hell awaits them. They are lower than pond scum.

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