ARREST President Biden, VP Harris, & Biden Administration For Treason, Violating U.S. Constitution, & U.S. Laws By Facilitating Illegal Invasion


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The President of the United States and the Vice President should be immediately Impeached, and other members of his administration should be immediately arrested for violating the United States Constitution and Federal Laws in their actions regarding the historic Open Border policy and resulting record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the US illegally, illegal treatment of unaccompanied children, illegally trafficking of humans, illegally trafficking children, and many more laws. Biden should be Impeached and his staff arrested for committing treason, undermining the US Constitution and putting American lives in danger.

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions for the fiscal year surpassed 1 million in June

'Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.' (1 Million for the entire YEAR.)

'Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June.'

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Illegals infected with COVID-19

Exempt: children under 10yo ( 1) c) )

Illegals who committed crimes relating to a controlled substance ( 2) a) II)

Illegals who have multiple criminal convictions ( 1) b) )

Controlled Substance Trafficker ( 1) C) )

The Spouse, son, or daughter of an illegal alien found to be inadmissible who has received financial benefit from controlled substance trafficking

Illegal aliens involved in serious criminal activity who has asserted immunity from prosecution

Traffickers, Beneficiaries of traffickers

ALL of these are inadmissible, legally NOT allowed to stay in the US.

The Biden administration is engaged in fear-mongering regarding COVID-19, is bullying Americans to wear masks, and is doing their best to make life for those who refuse to comply as hard and as painful as possible...while ignoring Title 42 AND 8 U.S. Code § 1182 by allowing illegals with COVID-19 remain in the US. Not only did the Biden administration allow them to remain in the US, they shipped virus-infected all over the country without telling local and state agencies being informed they were / are coming. This was / is an intentional act, an attempt to get around current laws and attempts by states to prevent from these infected illegals from being DUMPED in their state. Once dropped off in states, local and state officials had ZERO legal authority to hold these illegals to prevent them from going out into their communities and infecting American citizens. The US did not just illegally traffic and dump these virus-infected illegals into these communities, they saddled these communities /states with the logistical, financial, and medical cost / consequences.

Biden changed US policy by releasing Illegals without a court date to show up for a hearing. Although everyone understands releasing illegals into the US with a court date was / is a complete JOKE since almost none of the illegals show up for court dates scheduled more than a year into the future, releasing them with no court date amounts to an admission by Democrats that they will never show up to their court hearing AND THAT THIS IS OK - NONE NEEDED. This is why President Trump's agreement with Mexico, that illegals remain in Mexico until their court case came up, was so important, especially since it was working - according to the President of Mexico.

"The Biden administration says the Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which relies on a 1944 public health statute to indefinitely close the border to “nonessential” travel, remains necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Since March 20, 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its order invoking Title 42, U.S. border officials have claimed unchecked, unilateral authority to summarily expel from the country hundreds of thousands of immigrant adults, families and unaccompanied minors who didn’t have prior permission to enter, without due process or access to asylum — let alone testing for the coronavirus."


News reports have revealed that illegal immigrants, especially unaccompanied illegal children have been held longer than 90 days.

- 'Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that someone can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.'

- 'Another law, passed with bipartisan support in 2008, requires all government agencies to transfer most unaccompanied migrant children to the refugee office within 72 hours, absent extraordinary circumstances.'
(Homeland Security Act of 2002)



"Under the Flores Settlement Agreement of 1997, the U.S. government committed to house migrant children in the "least restrictive" settings possible and provide them basic necessities like water, food, toilets and medical care."

Evidence has shown that as many as 90 - 100 children were placed in 'Biden Kiddie cages' built to hold 4o children, that children had to take turns sleeping n the floor because there was not enough room for all of them, that virus-infected children were packed into these cages with un-infected children causing COVID-19 to not only spread through the children like 'wildfire' but also spread among the US BP agents who often worked shift taking care of the children while sick because there was not enough US BP agents to work without them. It was reported that children went without enough food, without healthy food & went without potable / useable water. It was reported that not only were 80% of these children physically and sexually abused by Cartels en-route to the US, some were then sexually abused in custody of these agents because there were not enough agents to provide monitoring and protection constantly in these cages.

It was reported that illegal children were held on busses for as long as 3 days while the decision was made where to take them and drop them off.


Lastly, Biden has run a treasonous, illegal, failed Open Borders policy, surrendering both our sovereignty but also our national security by facilitating an illegal invasion.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

Democrats can do no wrong

They are like the master race or something.

The President of the United States and the Vice President should be immediately Impeached, and other members of his administration should be immediately arrested for violating the United States Constitution and Federal Laws in their actions regarding the historic Open Border policy and resulting record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the US illegally, illegal treatment of unaccompanied children, illegally trafficking of humans, illegally trafficking children, and many more laws. Biden should be Impeached and his staff arrested for committing treason, undermining the US Constitution and putting American lives in danger.

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions for the fiscal year surpassed 1 million in June

'Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.' (1 Million for the entire YEAR.)

'Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June.'

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Illegals infected with COVID-19

Exempt: children under 10yo ( 1) c) )

Illegals who committed crimes relating to a controlled substance ( 2) a) II)

Illegals who have multiple criminal convictions ( 1) b) )

Controlled Substance Trafficker ( 1) C) )

The Spouse, son, or daughter of an illegal alien found to be inadmissible who has received financial benefit from controlled substance trafficking

Illegal aliens involved in serious criminal activity who has asserted immunity from prosecution

Traffickers, Beneficiaries of traffickers

ALL of these are inadmissible, legally NOT allowed to stay in the US.

The Biden administration is engaged in fear-mongering regarding COVID-19, is bullying Americans to wear masks, and is doing their best to make life for those who refuse to comply as hard and as painful as possible...while ignoring Title 42 AND 8 U.S. Code § 1182 by allowing illegals with COVID-19 remain in the US. Not only did the Biden administration allow them to remain in the US, they shipped virus-infected all over the country without telling local and state agencies being informed they were / are coming. This was / is an intentional act, an attempt to get around current laws and attempts by states to prevent from these infected illegals from being DUMPED in their state. Once dropped off in states, local and state officials had ZERO legal authority to hold these illegals to prevent them from going out into their communities and infecting American citizens. The US did not just illegally traffic and dump these virus-infected illegals into these communities, they saddled these communities /states with the logistical, financial, and medical cost / consequences.

Biden changed US policy by releasing Illegals without a court date to show up for a hearing. Although everyone understands releasing illegals into the US with a court date was / is a complete JOKE since almost none of the illegals show up for court dates scheduled more than a year into the future, releasing them with no court date amounts to an admission by Democrats that they will never show up to their court hearing AND THAT THIS IS OK - NONE NEEDED. This is why President Trump's agreement with Mexico, that illegals remain in Mexico until their court case came up, was so important, especially since it was working - according to the President of Mexico.

"The Biden administration says the Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which relies on a 1944 public health statute to indefinitely close the border to “nonessential” travel, remains necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Since March 20, 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its order invoking Title 42, U.S. border officials have claimed unchecked, unilateral authority to summarily expel from the country hundreds of thousands of immigrant adults, families and unaccompanied minors who didn’t have prior permission to enter, without due process or access to asylum — let alone testing for the coronavirus."


News reports have revealed that illegal immigrants, especially unaccompanied illegal children have been held longer than 90 days.

- 'Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that someone can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.'

- 'Another law, passed with bipartisan support in 2008, requires all government agencies to transfer most unaccompanied migrant children to the refugee office within 72 hours, absent extraordinary circumstances.'
(Homeland Security Act of 2002)



"Under the Flores Settlement Agreement of 1997, the U.S. government committed to house migrant children in the "least restrictive" settings possible and provide them basic necessities like water, food, toilets and medical care."

Evidence has shown that as many as 90 - 100 children were placed in 'Biden Kiddie cages' built to hold 4o children, that children had to take turns sleeping n the floor because there was not enough room for all of them, that virus-infected children were packed into these cages with un-infected children causing COVID-19 to not only spread through the children like 'wildfire' but also spread among the US BP agents who often worked shift taking care of the children while sick because there was not enough US BP agents to work without them. It was reported that children went without enough food, without healthy food & went without potable / useable water. It was reported that not only were 80% of these children physically and sexually abused by Cartels en-route to the US, some were then sexually abused in custody of these agents because there were not enough agents to provide monitoring and protection constantly in these cages.

It was reported that illegal children were held on busses for as long as 3 days while the decision was made where to take them and drop them off.


Lastly, Biden has run a treasonous, illegal, failed Open Borders policy, surrendering both our sovereignty but also our national security by facilitating an illegal invasion.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

The thread premise is a lie.
The President of the United States and the Vice President should be immediately Impeached, and other members of his administration should be immediately arrested for violating the United States Constitution and Federal Laws in their actions regarding the historic Open Border policy and resulting record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the US illegally, illegal treatment of unaccompanied children, illegally trafficking of humans, illegally trafficking children, and many more laws. Biden should be Impeached and his staff arrested for committing treason, undermining the US Constitution and putting American lives in danger.

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions for the fiscal year surpassed 1 million in June

'Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.' (1 Million for the entire YEAR.)

'Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June.'

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Illegals infected with COVID-19

Exempt: children under 10yo ( 1) c) )

Illegals who committed crimes relating to a controlled substance ( 2) a) II)

Illegals who have multiple criminal convictions ( 1) b) )

Controlled Substance Trafficker ( 1) C) )

The Spouse, son, or daughter of an illegal alien found to be inadmissible who has received financial benefit from controlled substance trafficking

Illegal aliens involved in serious criminal activity who has asserted immunity from prosecution

Traffickers, Beneficiaries of traffickers

ALL of these are inadmissible, legally NOT allowed to stay in the US.

The Biden administration is engaged in fear-mongering regarding COVID-19, is bullying Americans to wear masks, and is doing their best to make life for those who refuse to comply as hard and as painful as possible...while ignoring Title 42 AND 8 U.S. Code § 1182 by allowing illegals with COVID-19 remain in the US. Not only did the Biden administration allow them to remain in the US, they shipped virus-infected all over the country without telling local and state agencies being informed they were / are coming. This was / is an intentional act, an attempt to get around current laws and attempts by states to prevent from these infected illegals from being DUMPED in their state. Once dropped off in states, local and state officials had ZERO legal authority to hold these illegals to prevent them from going out into their communities and infecting American citizens. The US did not just illegally traffic and dump these virus-infected illegals into these communities, they saddled these communities /states with the logistical, financial, and medical cost / consequences.

Biden changed US policy by releasing Illegals without a court date to show up for a hearing. Although everyone understands releasing illegals into the US with a court date was / is a complete JOKE since almost none of the illegals show up for court dates scheduled more than a year into the future, releasing them with no court date amounts to an admission by Democrats that they will never show up to their court hearing AND THAT THIS IS OK - NONE NEEDED. This is why President Trump's agreement with Mexico, that illegals remain in Mexico until their court case came up, was so important, especially since it was working - according to the President of Mexico.

"The Biden administration says the Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which relies on a 1944 public health statute to indefinitely close the border to “nonessential” travel, remains necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Since March 20, 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its order invoking Title 42, U.S. border officials have claimed unchecked, unilateral authority to summarily expel from the country hundreds of thousands of immigrant adults, families and unaccompanied minors who didn’t have prior permission to enter, without due process or access to asylum — let alone testing for the coronavirus."


News reports have revealed that illegal immigrants, especially unaccompanied illegal children have been held longer than 90 days.

- 'Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that someone can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.'

- 'Another law, passed with bipartisan support in 2008, requires all government agencies to transfer most unaccompanied migrant children to the refugee office within 72 hours, absent extraordinary circumstances.'
(Homeland Security Act of 2002)



"Under the Flores Settlement Agreement of 1997, the U.S. government committed to house migrant children in the "least restrictive" settings possible and provide them basic necessities like water, food, toilets and medical care."

Evidence has shown that as many as 90 - 100 children were placed in 'Biden Kiddie cages' built to hold 4o children, that children had to take turns sleeping n the floor because there was not enough room for all of them, that virus-infected children were packed into these cages with un-infected children causing COVID-19 to not only spread through the children like 'wildfire' but also spread among the US BP agents who often worked shift taking care of the children while sick because there was not enough US BP agents to work without them. It was reported that children went without enough food, without healthy food & went without potable / useable water. It was reported that not only were 80% of these children physically and sexually abused by Cartels en-route to the US, some were then sexually abused in custody of these agents because there were not enough agents to provide monitoring and protection constantly in these cages.

It was reported that illegal children were held on busses for as long as 3 days while the decision was made where to take them and drop them off.


Lastly, Biden has run a treasonous, illegal, failed Open Borders policy, surrendering both our sovereignty but also our national security by facilitating an illegal invasion.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

I don't think her royal magesty Speaker of the House would be disappointed she couldn't charge gold pens to celebrate such an impeachment to her crony Joe Biden. She won't do it because it isn't fun, fun, fun. :rolleyes-41:

The President of the United States and the Vice President should be immediately Impeached, and other members of his administration should be immediately arrested for violating the United States Constitution and Federal Laws in their actions regarding the historic Open Border policy and resulting record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the US illegally, illegal treatment of unaccompanied children, illegally trafficking of humans, illegally trafficking children, and many more laws. Biden should be Impeached and his staff arrested for committing treason, undermining the US Constitution and putting American lives in danger.

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions for the fiscal year surpassed 1 million in June

'Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.' (1 Million for the entire YEAR.)

'Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June.'

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Illegals infected with COVID-19

Exempt: children under 10yo ( 1) c) )

Illegals who committed crimes relating to a controlled substance ( 2) a) II)

Illegals who have multiple criminal convictions ( 1) b) )

Controlled Substance Trafficker ( 1) C) )

The Spouse, son, or daughter of an illegal alien found to be inadmissible who has received financial benefit from controlled substance trafficking

Illegal aliens involved in serious criminal activity who has asserted immunity from prosecution

Traffickers, Beneficiaries of traffickers

ALL of these are inadmissible, legally NOT allowed to stay in the US.

The Biden administration is engaged in fear-mongering regarding COVID-19, is bullying Americans to wear masks, and is doing their best to make life for those who refuse to comply as hard and as painful as possible...while ignoring Title 42 AND 8 U.S. Code § 1182 by allowing illegals with COVID-19 remain in the US. Not only did the Biden administration allow them to remain in the US, they shipped virus-infected all over the country without telling local and state agencies being informed they were / are coming. This was / is an intentional act, an attempt to get around current laws and attempts by states to prevent from these infected illegals from being DUMPED in their state. Once dropped off in states, local and state officials had ZERO legal authority to hold these illegals to prevent them from going out into their communities and infecting American citizens. The US did not just illegally traffic and dump these virus-infected illegals into these communities, they saddled these communities /states with the logistical, financial, and medical cost / consequences.

Biden changed US policy by releasing Illegals without a court date to show up for a hearing. Although everyone understands releasing illegals into the US with a court date was / is a complete JOKE since almost none of the illegals show up for court dates scheduled more than a year into the future, releasing them with no court date amounts to an admission by Democrats that they will never show up to their court hearing AND THAT THIS IS OK - NONE NEEDED. This is why President Trump's agreement with Mexico, that illegals remain in Mexico until their court case came up, was so important, especially since it was working - according to the President of Mexico.

"The Biden administration says the Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which relies on a 1944 public health statute to indefinitely close the border to “nonessential” travel, remains necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Since March 20, 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its order invoking Title 42, U.S. border officials have claimed unchecked, unilateral authority to summarily expel from the country hundreds of thousands of immigrant adults, families and unaccompanied minors who didn’t have prior permission to enter, without due process or access to asylum — let alone testing for the coronavirus."


News reports have revealed that illegal immigrants, especially unaccompanied illegal children have been held longer than 90 days.

- 'Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that someone can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.'

- 'Another law, passed with bipartisan support in 2008, requires all government agencies to transfer most unaccompanied migrant children to the refugee office within 72 hours, absent extraordinary circumstances.'
(Homeland Security Act of 2002)



"Under the Flores Settlement Agreement of 1997, the U.S. government committed to house migrant children in the "least restrictive" settings possible and provide them basic necessities like water, food, toilets and medical care."

Evidence has shown that as many as 90 - 100 children were placed in 'Biden Kiddie cages' built to hold 4o children, that children had to take turns sleeping n the floor because there was not enough room for all of them, that virus-infected children were packed into these cages with un-infected children causing COVID-19 to not only spread through the children like 'wildfire' but also spread among the US BP agents who often worked shift taking care of the children while sick because there was not enough US BP agents to work without them. It was reported that children went without enough food, without healthy food & went without potable / useable water. It was reported that not only were 80% of these children physically and sexually abused by Cartels en-route to the US, some were then sexually abused in custody of these agents because there were not enough agents to provide monitoring and protection constantly in these cages.

It was reported that illegal children were held on busses for as long as 3 days while the decision was made where to take them and drop them off.


Lastly, Biden has run a treasonous, illegal, failed Open Borders policy, surrendering both our sovereignty but also our national security by facilitating an illegal invasion.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

It took trump 3 years to tear the border patrol and immigration system apart, its going to take time to build it back, and the way Biden wants it.. :rolleyes-41:

Unless congress passes legislation to address issues, then presidents will waffle from one administration to the next, via executive orders.
BULLSHIT. The evidence, reporting, and links provided prove Biden and his administration has broken numerous federal laws already.

Low IQ Joe has broken laws his entire life. He is above the law, just as the Atlanta Jewish Times told us 10 years ago....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Have foreign terrorists on US soil off a US Prez to make you the Prez so you can lie and start more wars to help the foreign terrorists' home country.

That is Low IQ Joe, a Zionist Traitor.
It took trump 3 years to tear the border patrol and immigration system apart, its going to take time to build it back, and the way Biden wants it.. :rolleyes-41:

Unless congress passes legislation to address issues, then presidents will waffle from one administration to the next, via executive orders.
How is biding even ATTEMPTING to 'build back' by undoing every successful Trump policy, rule, regulation, and working refusing to complete the wall, by operating a completely failed OPEN BORDER policy, by refusing enforce existing law, by violating both state and federal laws, by facilitating the largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, by facilitating the largest Super-Spreader event in history, undermining / destroying the US BP - leaving our borders under-manned / unmanned - and ICE, by illegally trafficking record numbers of illegals all over the US, by ceding our national security and sovereignty over to the Cartels - according to Biden's on Illegal Immigration czar?

Even the Presidents of Guatemala and Mexico have declared Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. and Joe's failed immigration policy and criminal actions are responsible for the record-setting disaster.

'Dinosaurs' like you are the only mentally-damaged, lying, douche-bags who continue your failed attempt to convince anyone of the opposite with your failed, laughable propaganda.

The US just hit over 1 MILLION illegals in the US (more counting the ones we didn't catch / don't know about) in JUNE - an historic record pace...and Biden and Harris claim 'Things are getting better'.

The law is very clear.
Presidents can do whatever they want over allowing immigration because there has always been the intent by legislators to allow for political or economic asylum.

If you actually go back to the treaties by which the US gained 8 states from Spain or Mexico, and the US can not block free movement in or out of those states.

The President of the United States and the Vice President should be immediately Impeached, and other members of his administration should be immediately arrested for violating the United States Constitution and Federal Laws in their actions regarding the historic Open Border policy and resulting record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the US illegally, illegal treatment of unaccompanied children, illegally trafficking of humans, illegally trafficking children, and many more laws. Biden should be Impeached and his staff arrested for committing treason, undermining the US Constitution and putting American lives in danger.

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions for the fiscal year surpassed 1 million in June

'Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous.' (1 Million for the entire YEAR.)

'Federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year, after another busy month in June.'

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

Illegals infected with COVID-19

Exempt: children under 10yo ( 1) c) )

Illegals who committed crimes relating to a controlled substance ( 2) a) II)

Illegals who have multiple criminal convictions ( 1) b) )

Controlled Substance Trafficker ( 1) C) )

The Spouse, son, or daughter of an illegal alien found to be inadmissible who has received financial benefit from controlled substance trafficking

Illegal aliens involved in serious criminal activity who has asserted immunity from prosecution

Traffickers, Beneficiaries of traffickers

ALL of these are inadmissible, legally NOT allowed to stay in the US.

The Biden administration is engaged in fear-mongering regarding COVID-19, is bullying Americans to wear masks, and is doing their best to make life for those who refuse to comply as hard and as painful as possible...while ignoring Title 42 AND 8 U.S. Code § 1182 by allowing illegals with COVID-19 remain in the US. Not only did the Biden administration allow them to remain in the US, they shipped virus-infected all over the country without telling local and state agencies being informed they were / are coming. This was / is an intentional act, an attempt to get around current laws and attempts by states to prevent from these infected illegals from being DUMPED in their state. Once dropped off in states, local and state officials had ZERO legal authority to hold these illegals to prevent them from going out into their communities and infecting American citizens. The US did not just illegally traffic and dump these virus-infected illegals into these communities, they saddled these communities /states with the logistical, financial, and medical cost / consequences.

Biden changed US policy by releasing Illegals without a court date to show up for a hearing. Although everyone understands releasing illegals into the US with a court date was / is a complete JOKE since almost none of the illegals show up for court dates scheduled more than a year into the future, releasing them with no court date amounts to an admission by Democrats that they will never show up to their court hearing AND THAT THIS IS OK - NONE NEEDED. This is why President Trump's agreement with Mexico, that illegals remain in Mexico until their court case came up, was so important, especially since it was working - according to the President of Mexico.

"The Biden administration says the Trump-era policy known as Title 42, which relies on a 1944 public health statute to indefinitely close the border to “nonessential” travel, remains necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Since March 20, 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued its order invoking Title 42, U.S. border officials have claimed unchecked, unilateral authority to summarily expel from the country hundreds of thousands of immigrant adults, families and unaccompanied minors who didn’t have prior permission to enter, without due process or access to asylum — let alone testing for the coronavirus."


News reports have revealed that illegal immigrants, especially unaccompanied illegal children have been held longer than 90 days.

- 'Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that someone can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.'

- 'Another law, passed with bipartisan support in 2008, requires all government agencies to transfer most unaccompanied migrant children to the refugee office within 72 hours, absent extraordinary circumstances.'
(Homeland Security Act of 2002)



"Under the Flores Settlement Agreement of 1997, the U.S. government committed to house migrant children in the "least restrictive" settings possible and provide them basic necessities like water, food, toilets and medical care."

Evidence has shown that as many as 90 - 100 children were placed in 'Biden Kiddie cages' built to hold 4o children, that children had to take turns sleeping n the floor because there was not enough room for all of them, that virus-infected children were packed into these cages with un-infected children causing COVID-19 to not only spread through the children like 'wildfire' but also spread among the US BP agents who often worked shift taking care of the children while sick because there was not enough US BP agents to work without them. It was reported that children went without enough food, without healthy food & went without potable / useable water. It was reported that not only were 80% of these children physically and sexually abused by Cartels en-route to the US, some were then sexually abused in custody of these agents because there were not enough agents to provide monitoring and protection constantly in these cages.

It was reported that illegal children were held on busses for as long as 3 days while the decision was made where to take them and drop them off.


Lastly, Biden has run a treasonous, illegal, failed Open Borders policy, surrendering both our sovereignty but also our national security by facilitating an illegal invasion.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

Republicans like you are the traitors in this country. He is not running a open borders policy. The Supreme Court has said that Presidents have broad discretion in deportations.

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