"As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam."

Hey guys - would it make you feel more "comfortable" if we gave them a pass for 1979? Ok. Let's do that. How about if we just look at the past 20 years? See a pattern? Sheez.

We are at war with radical Islam. Anyone who denies that is either blind or a terrorist sympathizer. Which are you?

Actually, I would just be happy if you knew what you were talking about and were trying to have a honest discussion about this instead of being dishonest and fear mongering. Like I said previously, we're fighting Muslims who are extremists, I never denied that. However, to say we are at war with the religion or that we should go to war with the religion is both ignorant and naive.
Yes Chanel, because we all know Michelle Malkin is the go-to person on the subject of Islam. Or maybe, just maybe, you should stop listening to fear mongers like Michelle Malkin.

You're automatically making the assumption that all of those terrorist attacks were made because Islam is at war with us. In reality, all of those attacks were done by Muslim extremists. Though maybe you should educate yourself as to why Iran took those hostages in '79.

Give you a hint:

Go to google, type in Iran Shah 1953 and go to the first link that comes up. After that, go to google again and type in SAVAK. Click on that first link.

You're welcome.

Maybe just maybe you could take your muslim apologist attitude and shove it up you MORONIC ass.
Maybe just maybe you could take your muslim apologist attitude and shove it up you MORONIC ass.

I'm not apologizing for anyone. I'm not going to apologize either if I hurt your feelings by saying the truth about matters that you clearly know nothing about.
Fuck you.

"Fuck them", "Fuck you".
Probably the only thing that keeps you from bombing the next mosque is, that you have a real life. Only that differs you from the Taliban-Afghanis who have some bucks through whole year and have nothing to loose..
It's immature to simply say "look up so and so" without providing any statement as to WHY you expect a person to look them up.

Make your fucking stupid point, then support it with a link. Or use quotes from the link to make your point. But to just tell people to look something up, and expect them to know why they're doing it and what point they're supposed to absorb is idiotic and juvenile. It's evidence you don't know what the hell you're talking about, or how to debate like a reasonable human being.

But we knew that.

Except I did say why Chanel should look it up. You're ignoring that part.

Of course, I noticed you never got back to me with some snide remark after I posted the OT quote. What's wrong Allie?

Yes Chanel, because we all know Michelle Malkin is the go-to person on the subject of Islam. Or maybe, just maybe, you should stop listening to fear mongers like Michelle Malkin.

You're automatically making the assumption that all of those terrorist attacks were made because Islam is at war with us. In reality, all of those attacks were done by Muslim extremists. Though maybe you should educate yourself as to why Iran took those hostages in '79.

Give you a hint:

Go to google, type in Iran Shah 1953 and go to the first link that comes up. After that, go to google again and type in SAVAK. Click on that first link.

You're welcome.

Maybe just maybe you could take your muslim apologist attitude and shove it up you MORONIC ass.


god you are stupid
Yes Chanel, because we all know Michelle Malkin is the go-to person on the subject of Islam. Or maybe, just maybe, you should stop listening to fear mongers like Michelle Malkin.

You're automatically making the assumption that all of those terrorist attacks were made because Islam is at war with us. In reality, all of those attacks were done by Muslim extremists. Though maybe you should educate yourself as to why Iran took those hostages in '79.

Give you a hint:

Go to google, type in Iran Shah 1953 and go to the first link that comes up. After that, go to google again and type in SAVAK. Click on that first link.

You're welcome.

Maybe just maybe you could take your muslim apologist attitude and shove it up you MORONIC ass.


god you are stupid

but I'm not you so I'm still ahead in the game. sucks to be you.

god you are stupid

but I'm not you so I'm still ahead in the game. sucks to be you.

so are you going to debate anything or what? do you think muslims just attack because they feel like or are you willing to admit we provoked them?

So, you are going to once again apoligize cause your heroes murdered 3000 innocent people because we provoked them? Freakazoid.

We are at war with Islamic extremists. Is that more palatable?

As long as the Islamic apologists continue to apply moral eqivalence to.burning a book vs burning an office building, or an embassy, or a ship, or school for girls, etc.. no one will take you seriouly. Give it up. You are the fringe.
The murdered in India. They were provoked, that's okay

They murdered in Britain, that's okay they were provoked

They murdered in Africa, that's okay, they were provoked.

They murdered in Indonesia, that's okay they were provoked.

We are at war with Islamic extremists. Is that more palatable?

As long as the Islamic apologists continue to apply moral eqivalence to.burning a book vs burning an office building, or an embassy, or a ship, or school for girls, etc.. no one will take you seriouly. Give it up. You are the fringe.

I think our leftist friends like murder, it's okay, cause we provoked them.
We are at war with Islamic extremists. Is that more palatable?

As long as the Islamic apologists continue to apply moral eqivalence to.burning a book vs burning an office building, or an embassy, or a ship, or school for girls, etc.. no one will take you seriouly. Give it up. You are the fringe.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I have not really commented on that issue outside of making the Crayons thread. Personally, I think if the guy wants to burn a bunch of Korans and be a complete asshole then it is his right.

Why you are randomly telling me I said that last paragraph or calling me fringe I don't get. I think you need to step away from the computer and take a deep breath or two. Otherwise you look like a moron for throwing out such false accusations.
Modbert - you are as far left as they come. Own it.

[citation needed] should be added to the end of your post.

So instead of a valid response, explaining why you've gone off the deep end, you call me "far left as they come".

How? Cite examples.

I'm more Libertarian than anything. Though we both know you're a Big Government Social Conservative.

Your post was intentionally and willfully dishonest. Never mind the fact you called me a Islamist apologist when I am no such thing.
Yes Chanel, because we all know Michelle Malkin is the go-to person on the subject of Islam. Or maybe, just maybe, you should stop listening to fear mongers like Michelle Malkin.

You're automatically making the assumption that all of those terrorist attacks were made because Islam is at war with us. In reality, all of those attacks were done by Muslim extremists. Though maybe you should educate yourself as to why Iran took those hostages in '79.

Give you a hint:

Go to google, type in Iran Shah 1953 and go to the first link that comes up. After that, go to google again and type in SAVAK. Click on that first link.

You're welcome.

Savak? I am not sure how that follows...?
Savak? I am not sure how that follows...?

SAVAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SAVAK (Persian: ساواک, short for سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور Sazeman-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Keshvar, National Intelligence and Security Organization) was the domestic security and intelligence service established by Iran's Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi with the help of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and Israel's Mossad. SAVAK operated beginning in 1957 and ending in 1979 when Pahlavi was overthrown. SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime.[1][2] At its peak, the organization had as many as 60,000 agents serving in its ranks according to one source,[3] though Gholam Reza Afkhami, whose work has been called a sympathetic biography in Amazon.com's editorical review[4], estimates SAVAK staffing at between 4,000 and 6,000.[5]

SAVAK was trained in torture techniques by the CIA. An example of the public image of the SAVAK in Iran as all-pervasive and fear-inducing, is "a much enjoyed joke" during the Pahlavi regime, where an Iranian Muslim is questioned by angels on the first night after his (the Iranian's) death
Savak? I am not sure how that follows...?

SAVAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SAVAK (Persian: ساواک, short for سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور Sazeman-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Keshvar, National Intelligence and Security Organization) was the domestic security and intelligence service established by Iran's Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi with the help of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and Israel's Mossad. SAVAK operated beginning in 1957 and ending in 1979 when Pahlavi was overthrown. SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime.[1][2] At its peak, the organization had as many as 60,000 agents serving in its ranks according to one source,[3] though Gholam Reza Afkhami, whose work has been called a sympathetic biography in Amazon.com's editorical review[4], estimates SAVAK staffing at between 4,000 and 6,000.[5]

SAVAK was trained in torture techniques by the CIA. An example of the public image of the SAVAK in Iran as all-pervasive and fear-inducing, is "a much enjoyed joke" during the Pahlavi regime, where an Iranian Muslim is questioned by angels on the first night after his (the Iranian's) death


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