I agree with you. It is an unbelievable act of hubris to state that only THEY can be in congress, is it not! Not to mention-------->how unlikely is it that THEY vote themselves term limits???????????
You know, I understand that even mentioning Hitler sends your thread in the tank, but I must bring him up, to point out this truth------->
When Germany was collapsing, all of his Reich Marshalls tried to assume control.......from Himmler, to Goering, etc. Why? The mighty Reich had already been basically destroyed. We should all ask ourselves, who/whom would want to take control of a dying country on the brink of chaos.
ANSWER--------->people with HUBRIS like Joe, Kamala, and their handlers...........and do not think these people only reside on the Left. But the real question is-------->who has the highest probability of escaping the problems!
Is Trump right/correct? I dunno, but what I do know is that these people have been controlling this country for 12 out of the last 16 years. When was it the best, ask yourselves that question!
If/when you ask yourself that 1 question, everything changes, it really does. To try and proclaim Trump screwed Obama for years before he was elected, and screwed Biden for years after Biden was elected, is an exercise is laughable politics. Understand all, Trump is also responsible for Kamala FAILING, lol.
If you actually believe what the Left is telling you, then you really are a victim.........a victim of the Lefts nonsensical bullsh**!