As Ukraine suffers huge defeat, Biden flip flops on fighter jets

You're still crying. Get a grip, ya loser.

You ARE just changing your comments to match Biden's, repeating his talking points.


Good lil' snowflake / bot / troll.

'Reagan and his 'Cold War' destroyed my
beloved USSR. Between your nation's 'Climate Change' propaganda and my 'US-Ukraine
Bottomless Money Pit
' that will not change
the war's outcome we will economically
bleed out the US to its destruction.

The world reserve currency will change. The US economy will collapse. The millions we gave the greedy, treasonous Democrats will be worthless. You will have Taiwan, and I will remake the Soviet Union.

To the new World Order, a world in which the US Superpower will be reduced to a 3rd World Nation.'
View attachment 787789
'Reagan and his 'Cold War' destroyed my
beloved USSR. Between your nation's 'Climate Change' propaganda and my 'US-Ukraine
Bottomless Money Pit
' that will not change
the war's outcome we will economically
bleed out the US to its destruction.

The world reserve currency will change. The US economy will collapse. The millions we gave the greedy, treasonous Democrats will be worthless. You will have Taiwan, and I will remake the Soviet Union.

To the new World Order, a world in which the US Superpower will be reduced to a 3rd World Nation.'
“My beloved Russia”

Knew it
If Ukraine falls to Russia
- Putin retakes a former USSR state
- Life sucks for Ukraine
- Russia takes and controls an enwrgy choke point for Europe, giving Putin a means to commit energy blackmail of Europe

**This is reason for Europe to be foing a helluva lot more than they are - some are doing nothing, content - as usual - to do all the work and pay the lion's share.

F* 'em.
Sucks to be ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

Maybe if Biden had not invited every broke-ass illegal alien, released prison inmate, pedo, rapist, violent gang member, murderer, drug cartel member, mule, & drug smuggler in South America and every international terrorist to come to the US at taxpayer expense we might have been able to make a serious effort to help Ukraine.
The White House puppet has already been informed that fighter jets will not change the outcome of the war.

Yup! the jets won't change a thing!

But the comedian, corrupt puppet Zelensky has to keep the charade alive.... if not.....well, who is going to give him more and more and more money??
I support Ukraine. The nuts and bolts of that support are above my pay grade
No it's not.

If Biden rejects Ukraine's request for fighter jets, you support it. If he Gives ukraine fighter jets you support it. Anyone who thinks Ukraine makes any difference to you is dumb..

If Biden abandoned Ukraine tomorrow you would support him.
Bullshit. It never pays off. It didn't pay off in Korea, Vietnam, Chile, Panama, Afghanistan, or Iraq just to name a few US misadventures. This is a hole in the ground that we are throwing money that we don't have into and we will see NO benefit. But Biden's bank account will.
They can’t even account for the majority of the money or equipment that already got sent there. Now they want us to send more?
Remember everyone, the NWO shillbots and NPCs here were all supporting Biden denying fighter jets at the very beginning when they would have made a difference. Now it's to little to late and suddenly they all support it.

Anyone want peace talks yet?
If those Migs have to base and fly out of NATO's a non-starter. It might as well be NATO attacking

The question is...can they base and be supported in Ukraine?

That's an iffy proposition

What do you think the f16s will look like?

This is a great thread if you want to hear NWO shillbots and NPCs argue against sending fighter jets to Ukraine.

So now fighter jets are okay. Anyone remember the threads where democrats argue against sending fighter jets to Ukraine?

How much you wanna bet all the NWO shillbots and NPCs suddenly now support sending fighter jets.

Biden and his ilk have killed countless Ukrainians by denying them the air support they begged for early on. Now it's to little to late.
Biden is not in charge

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