Ashamed To Be Black

Originally posted by -=d=-
why you judging me? Because my skin has less pigment than Wesley Snipes doesn't mean I'm any less black - just ask my wife ;)

..... AND you have a pair of SERIOUSLY white kids..... :rolleyes:

Why the charade?
Originally posted by Big D
Is your family a group you belong too?

Yes. A family is a unique group. Did you bother to read my second paragraph? I was talking about race.

The point is that I'm not collecting examples of how your family is worse than my family or my family is worse than your family. I'm not taking sides like the Hatfields and McCoys. I'm not playing this "get with your group and attack the other" game. Yes, I'm a member of the Kramer family. Yes, I'm White. Yet, above it all, I'm an individual.
Originally posted by mattskramer
I am White. I am ashamed of how Whites treated Blacks years ago
What do you mean your "ashamed of how Whites treated Blacks years ago", I thought you did not think of people in racial groups?
Originally posted by Big D
What do you mean your "ashamed of how Whites treated Blacks years ago", I thought you did not think of people in racial groups?

Okay. Good point. I'm ashamed of the White individuals who mistreated Blacks years ago. I Said that I TRY to have an individualist mentality. Some times I make mistakes.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
..... AND you have a pair of SERIOUSLY white kids..... :rolleyes:

Why the charade?

If you are pissed off because I feel riding w/o a full-faced helmet is a bad idea - fine...ride in your flip-flops and wife-beater t-shirt. Go for it. It's "not" a good idea imo, based on 'the facts'. Don't bring whatever ethnicity labels you create for my kids into this. As far as YOU know, they are albino Africans. Or mexican. Stop pre-judging (note root word for 'another' word there?) them based on what you think you see.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Okay. Good point. I'm ashamed of the White individuals who mistreated Blacks years ago. I Said that I TRY to have an individualist mentality. Some times I make mistakes.
You see Matt, you had no problem defending blacks as a group when they are put in a negitive light, but then you also had no problem attacking whites as a group and then putting them all in a negitive light.

So now that puts you in a group "racist liberal"

I do appreciate your honesty though.
Originally posted by -=d=-
If you are pissed off because I feel riding w/o a full-faced helmet is a bad idea - fine...ride in your flip-flops and wife-beater t-shirt. Go for it. It's "not" a good idea imo, based on 'the facts'. Don't bring whatever ethnicity labels you create for my kids into this. As far as YOU know, they are albino Africans. Or mexican. Stop pre-judging (note root word for 'another' word there?) them based on what you think you see.

Listen man, don't get all upity here. YOU are the one that posted pictures of two OBVIOUSLY white kids, and of YOU, an OBVIOUSLY white man. It's got nothing to do with a fucking helmet. And don't give me any shit about wife beating Tshirts fucker. For your information, I'm not even married.

I don't know what the fuck your game is, but don't bitch me out when you're the one bull shitting people starting the shit.

Our discussion is through.

Fuck off.

(Just when you think someones alright, they turn into the poster from hell.)
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You know who encourages this anti-individualism? The dirty, greasy libs.

Its not 'power to the people' anymore. It's 'power to the person'. :p:
Originally posted by mattskramer
I'm not playing this "get with your group and attack the other" game.

Just for conversations sake, what if everyone else WAS playing that game?
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Listen man, don't get all upity here. YOU are the one that posted pictures of two OBVIOUSLY white kids, and of YOU, an OBVIOUSLY white man. It's got nothing to do with a fucking helmet. And don't give me any shit about wife beating Tshirts fucker. For your information, I'm not even married.

I don't know what the fuck your game is, but don't bitch me out when you're the one bull shitting people starting the shit.

Our discussion is through.

Fuck off.

(Just when you think someones alright, they turn into the poster from hell.)

Boo Hoo, Nancy. Keep you judgements about my ethnicicy to yourself, cupcake. It's not so hard of a concept to deal with, is it? Hey Admins - I thought kids had to be 18 or over to register here? WTF? This kid thinks to wear a 'wife-beater' T Shirt, one has to have a 'wife'? Weird.

Just when you think somebody can disagree like an adult, they turn out to be a whiney little bitch.


Suck my balls.

How's that for a game?


Look - here's the bottom line. You don't know me. You've seen one? photo of me online, and a pic of my kids. You use those to assume something about my ethnicity which may NOT be correct. Halley Barry - White Woman. Yeah, she's dark skinned, but her mother is cacausion. See? what you think you see isn't always as-is...get it?

I my apologies for responding to your flames with vulgarities.

In the words of my fore-fathers, Baada ya dhiki, faraja.
Pale Rider, maybe this will help you to understand where -=d=- is comming from:


A not very street white middle/upper class clot believing themselves to be stereotypically afro-caribbean. This includes wearing beanie hats, using hip hop slang, talking in an American drawl despite the stuffy Eton accent being more obvious, having a goatee, doing hip-hop hand signals and an perceived encyclopeadic knowledge of black street sounds. Breakdances and disavowes knowledge of past as a law student. Smokes much weed.
Originally posted by Big D
Pale Rider, maybe this will help you to understand where -=d=- is comming from:


A not very street white middle/upper class clot believing themselves to be stereotypically afro-caribbean. This includes wearing beanie hats, using hip hop slang, talking in an American drawl despite the stuffy Eton accent being more obvious, having a goatee, doing hip-hop hand signals and an perceived encyclopeadic knowledge of black street sounds. Breakdances and disavowes knowledge of past as a law student. Smokes much weed.

I used to breakdance :)

where are people having the problem with my ethnicity? I mean really...what is your and Pale's deal?

I'm just a nigga from the streets. Why can't ppl accept that?
Not to change the subject, I'll let you boys get back to the pissing contest in a second..

I just wanted to toss in a paste from Big D's link that wasnt included in his original post regarding the riot at the intersection light:

Quoted from the doctor who was attacked:

"This is a very, very small minority," she said of her attackers, "because I know the bulk of the Afro-American community does not act that way. They've been very warm and embracing."

Rosalyn Connelly, who is black, said she was appalled to hear what had happened to the woman she has known for 16 years.

"I was just real hurt," she said.

The pediatrician is a mentor to her daughter Erin, 24, now in medical school at Florida State University.


Ok. You can begin the pissing match again. :D
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
Not to change the subject, I'll let you boys get back to the pissing contest in a second..

I just wanted to toss in a paste from Big D's link that wasnt included in his original post regarding the riot at the intersection light:

Quoted from the doctor who was attacked:

"This is a very, very small minority," she said of her attackers, "because I know the bulk of the Afro-American community does not act that way. They've been very warm and embracing."
Ya, just a few hundred blacks attacking a white family.

The doctor probably said that in hopes she would not be attacked again.
Originally posted by -=d=-
I used to breakdance :)

where are people having the problem with my ethnicity? I mean really...what is your and Pale's deal?

I'm just a nigga from the streets. Why can't ppl accept that?

Listen home boy, that is NOT the same picture of the guy on the bike. It's clear to see that the face and hands of the guy on the bike are WHITE, and there's no little gold pinky ring on the right hand of the guy on the bike. The facial features are even different. I pulled that picture off and put it in Adobe Photoshop CS. The most advanced photo editing program there is, blew it up and looked real close. The guy on the bike and the black guy above ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!! Whatever you're pulling with that picture you probably pulled off the net is wierd.

I have no clue what your game is here trying to convince people you're a snoop doggy dog, but that's your thang... I be not haves nut'n moe to do wit it.

Did you read the rules? The "N" word here isn't allowed. Even jokingly.

And I won't stoop to your level this time. I can't get that low. You could walk under a snake and you'd have to reach up to scratch it's belly.

Never figured you'd turn out to be smart mouthed little punk. Oh well, at least now I know.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Listen home boy, that is NOT the same picture of the guy on the bike. It's clear to see that the face and hands of the guy on the bike are WHITE, and there's no little gold pinky ring on the right hand of the guy on the bike. The facial features are even different. I pulled that picture off and put it in Adobe Photoshop CS. The most advanced photo editing program there is, blew it up and looked real close. The guy on the bike and the black guy above ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!! Whatever you're pulling with that picture you probably pulled off the net is wierd.

I have no clue what your game is here trying to convince people you're a snoop doggy dog, but that's your thang... I be not haves nut'n moe to do wit it.

Did you read the rules? The "N" word here isn't allowed. Even jokingly.

And I won't stoop to your level this time. I can't get that low. You could walk under a snake and you'd have to reach up to scratch it's belly.

Never figured you'd turn out to be smart mouthed little punk. Oh well, at least now I know.

Originally posted by Big D
You see Matt, you had no problem defending blacks as a group when they are put in a negitive light, but then you also had no problem attacking whites as a group and then putting them all in a negitive light.

So now that puts you in a group "racist liberal"

I do appreciate your honesty though.

No. I simply misspoke. I don't mean to defend or persecute Blacks AS A GROUP. I don't mean to defend Whites AS A GROUP. Let's make it clear that I don't intend to play the race card. I don't mean to defend any group.

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