Ask Me Anything...

Thanks Joe, probably just lifes little joke on me. *shrug* I was hoping you would though make me laugh being you said you were drunk.
For a couple days I've had a runny nose, groggy threat, and feeling crappy. Will I be all better for tommorow night's social?

Think this through with me, let me know your mind.
Woh - oh, what I want to know, is are you kind?



Think this through with me, let me know your mind.
Woh - oh, what I want to know, is are you kind?



Kinda' stupid, kinda' cool...

Kinda' classy, kinda' radical...​

Kinda' wild, kinda' mellow...​

Kinda' silly, kinda' serious...​

Yes, there's times I'm kinda' kind!

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One car leaves Boston at 11am travelling 55 MPH. Another car leaves New York at 1pm travelling 60 MPH.

Which car will be closer to New York when they meet?
One car leaves Boston at 11am travelling 55 MPH. Another car leaves New York at 1pm travelling 60 MPH.

Which car will be closer to New York when they meet?

The first question that that requires a follow up question for an accurate answer! For that, you get positive rep...

I just need to know two things; are either of the cars made by General Motors, and did either driver drink beer or vodka the night before?

One car leaves Boston at 11am travelling 55 MPH. Another car leaves New York at 1pm travelling 60 MPH.

Which car will be closer to New York when they meet?

The first question that that requires a follow up question for an accurate answer! For that, you get positive rep...

I just need to know two things; are either of the cars made by General Motors, and did either driver drink beer or vodka the night before?


One car leaves Boston at 11am travelling 55 MPH. Another car leaves New York at 1pm travelling 60 MPH.

Which car will be closer to New York when they meet?

The first question that that requires a follow up question for an accurate answer! For that, you get positive rep...

I just need to know two things; are either of the cars made by General Motors, and did either driver drink beer or vodka the night before?



Ahhhhhh... then the answer is easy! Both will be driving to the Whitehouse for warranty work - they will meet at a Starbucks in Baltimore and both will be the same distance from NY, give or take 10 feet.

Who's taking care of the care-taker's daughter while the care-taker is out taking care?
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