At my age of 80 I may not see 2030... But many of the rest of you ... where will you get the following???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've put this up many times and some of you dummies complain the numbers change! DUH!
Of course numbers change but if the following numbers are off by 50% i.e. there won't be 26,400,000 EV cars on the road or 3,951,310 EV trucks (which Biden's apparently doesn't COUNT trucks!) by the time I am no longer here... BUT the rest of you... you will have to figure out where to come up with $600 TRILLION to build the power plants to generate the additional electricity.
I just don't comprehend why more people don't understand.

In 2022, about 4.24 trillion kWh of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.

About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases.
About 18% was from nuclear energy, and about 22% was from renewable energy sources.
Almost 2/3rds of all our electricity comes from what this idiot wants to do away with!

AND NOTE: THE attached doesn't account for the fact that this idiot wants to do away with the electricity generating plants that provide 2/3rds of our electricity!

So folks I'm not going to be bothered with worrying as to where $600 Trillion to $1.2 Quadrillion is going to come from... as I probably won't be around to suffer from
constant electricity shortages due to EVs and the idiot's GUARANTEE!:

Biden guarantees: I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM


Why Aren't You Worried about a Shortage of Whale Oil?​

In the 1970s it was petroleum. Back in 1905 it was timber. In other eras it was food, rubber, whale oil, charcoal, labor, and tin, to name just a few. Throughout human history, from one age to the next, there have been critical shortages of resources. And in each instance, there have been experts who predicted that we were soon to run out of the resource and that society was doomed.

Forecasts of doom and gloom have existed for as long as civilization has existed. But all these forecasts have been wrong. No civilization has collapsed because of the depletion of a resource. Again and again, so-called resource crises have been overcome. And it hasn't been because people learned to live with less. Nor has it been because governments stepped in to regulate production and consumption.

Instead, freely functioning markets have eliminated the shortages. When markets have been allowed to operate, shortages have induced price increases. People have reacted to these increases by finding substitutes for the scarce resource, by adopting new technologies, and by resource conservation.


Why Aren't You Worried about a Shortage of Whale Oil?​

. When markets have been allowed to operate.....

You would benefit from reading for comprehension.

Neither the "green" electric generation racket nor the sparky car fad are market driven.
You would benefit from reading for comprehension.

Neither the "green" electric generation racket nor the sparky car fad are market driven.
Independence from gasoline prices are a fad to you? EVs are not new. They were invented back in the 1900s but with ample gasoline, electric vehicles never did take off. Plus the electric technology (heavy batteries etc) had to catch up.

You may want to bone up on that "reading for comprehension" advice before dishing it out to others. Good luck.
Well how electricity is currently produced currently is an correct observation. I would bet those numbers were different in the past when renewable energy was just a suggestion.

Solar panels and wind farms are increasing. Water power from dams has been around for awhile.

So yes electricity is still produce by fossil fuel sources currently but it will change. I do not know if it will reach 100% but it is still growing.

Renewable energy is not going to replace fossil fuel overnight,.

Yes Biden is exaggerating when he makes his claims.

Sweden is at 51% renewable vs other sources.
Norway is at 72%
Canada is at 32%
Brazil is at 46%

Things get replaced over time. I would give you my sources by google on my PC is giving me error messages for some reason. I have to use my cell phone and another browser.
Solar and wind are NOT CAPABLE of providing baseload power. The sun don't shine at night and the wind blows pretty much when it feels like it. No known or even theoretical battery technology can make up for this fatal flaw.

The U.S. is the "Saudi Arabia" of natural gas. We have enough to fuel our lives for hundreds of years - PROVEN RESERVES.

Nuclear Power is virtually strangled by neurotic regulations and the neurotic administrators who make them up and enforce them. They have inflated the cost of a nuclear power plant to astronomical levels, and Trump seems to have been the only person in Government to recognize that this is a problem.

On the other side of the discussion, there is no feasible program for humanity to curtail the production of greenhouse gases to an extent that it will have ANY IMPACT on the climate. No matter what "we" do in the advanced countries that will offset the reasonable and inevitable increases in emissions from the third world and the developing world. And as I have noted on this Site many times in the past, the people who are cooking their meals on dung fires really don't give a shit about their carbon footprint, nor should they. They want all the fine things that we in the developed world have, and the ONLY way for them to get there is to burn carbon, mainly plentiful, cheap coal. So fuck all of us.

The Left imagines that "we" can achieve their silly dreams by burning unicorn farts, which produce only pleasant aromas when burned - nothing that could harm the planet or its inhabitants.

A pox on politicians who make promises about events and developments that will only occur after they are dead.
Solar and wind are NOT CAPABLE of providing baseload power. The sun don't shine at night and the wind blows pretty much when it feels like it. No known or even theoretical battery technology can make up for this fatal flaw.

The U.S. is the "Saudi Arabia" of natural gas. We have enough to fuel our lives for hundreds of years - PROVEN RESERVES.

Nuclear Power is virtually strangled by neurotic regulations and the neurotic administrators who make them up and enforce them. They have inflated the cost of a nuclear power plant to astronomical levels, and Trump seems to have been the only person in Government to recognize that this is a problem.

On the other side of the discussion, there is no feasible program for humanity to curtail the production of greenhouse gases to an extent that it will have ANY IMPACT on the climate. No matter what "we" do in the advanced countries that will offset the reasonable and inevitable increases in emissions from the third world and the developing world. And as I have noted on this Site many times in the past, the people who are cooking their meals on dung fires really don't give a shit about their carbon footprint, nor should they. They want all the fine things that we in the developed world have, and the ONLY way for them to get there is to burn carbon, mainly plentiful, cheap coal. So fuck all of us.

The Left imagines that "we" can achieve their silly dreams by burning unicorn farts, which produce only pleasant aromas when burned - nothing that could harm the planet or its inhabitants.

A pox on politicians who make promises about events and developments that will only occur after they are dead.
For your information the Energy Policy Act of 2005 provided the impetus for the energy goals we now have and it was passed by Republicans....

Why Aren't You Worried about a Shortage of Whale Oil?​

In the 1970s it was petroleum. Back in 1905 it was timber. In other eras it was food, rubber, whale oil, charcoal, labor, and tin, to name just a few. Throughout human history, from one age to the next, there have been critical shortages of resources. And in each instance, there have been experts who predicted that we were soon to run out of the resource and that society was doomed.

Forecasts of doom and gloom have existed for as long as civilization has existed. But all these forecasts have been wrong. No civilization has collapsed because of the depletion of a resource. Again and again, so-called resource crises have been overcome. And it hasn't been because people learned to live with less. Nor has it been because governments stepped in to regulate production and consumption.

Instead, freely functioning markets have eliminated the shortages. When markets have been allowed to operate, shortages have induced price increases. People have reacted to these increases by finding substitutes for the scarce resource, by adopting new technologies, and by resource conservation.

I agree with you when freely functioning markets statement! YOU are RIGHT!! 100%
But these idiots in this situation are NOT "free market" advocates but GOVERNMENT!
And I totally agree with with "substitutes" but again "Demand vs supply" is not a work here!
Case in point: "President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $7.5 billion in EV charging, "
THESE dummies! Where will the electricity come from for the re-chargers?
BUT you are depending on the "free market" and it is not in play on this situation.
AGAIN.. where will the electricity come from is a very simple question that NO one seems to want to ADDRESS!
If my figures are again off by 50% again... where will the $300 trillion to build electric power plants come from?
If Libtards continue to be elected by 2030 this country will be a total shithole.

Everything will be fucked up.

It will be like California except on a national scale.

I was born in the greatest country on earth but will die in a shithole thanks to the greed and stupidity of the Liberals.
Independence from gasoline prices are a fad to you? EVs are not new. They were invented back in the 1900s but with ample gasoline, electric vehicles never did take off. Plus the electric technology (heavy batteries etc) had to catch up.

You may want to bone up on that "reading for comprehension" advice before dishing it out to others. Good luck.
What does any of that drivel have to do with what I said?

Neither the "green" electrical generation racket nor the EV fad are market driven, which is the relevant passage in the Reason piece that you posted said.

Of course, you -of all people- positing a piece from Reason to try and make your case is laughable in the first place, so there had to be something that you glossed over, at it was discovered all too easily.

Why Aren't You Worried about a Shortage of Whale Oil?​

In the 1970s it was petroleum. Back in 1905 it was timber. In other eras it was food, rubber, whale oil, charcoal, labor, and tin, to name just a few. Throughout human history, from one age to the next, there have been critical shortages of resources. And in each instance, there have been experts who predicted that we were soon to run out of the resource and that society was doomed.

Forecasts of doom and gloom have existed for as long as civilization has existed. But all these forecasts have been wrong. No civilization has collapsed because of the depletion of a resource. Again and again, so-called resource crises have been overcome. And it hasn't been because people learned to live with less. Nor has it been because governments stepped in to regulate production and consumption.

Instead, freely functioning markets have eliminated the shortages. When markets have been allowed to operate, shortages have induced price increases. People have reacted to these increases by finding substitutes for the scarce resource, by adopting new technologies, and by resource conservation.

The whale oil crisis is fascinating.. It slowly increased in price as kerosene became more available and less expensive. Zaki Yamani said, "The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones".
Solar and wind are NOT CAPABLE of providing baseload power. The sun don't shine at night and the wind blows pretty much when it feels like it. No known or even theoretical battery technology can make up for this fatal flaw.

The U.S. is the "Saudi Arabia" of natural gas. We have enough to fuel our lives for hundreds of years - PROVEN RESERVES.

Nuclear Power is virtually strangled by neurotic regulations and the neurotic administrators who make them up and enforce them. They have inflated the cost of a nuclear power plant to astronomical levels, and Trump seems to have been the only person in Government to recognize that this is a problem.

On the other side of the discussion, there is no feasible program for humanity to curtail the production of greenhouse gases to an extent that it will have ANY IMPACT on the climate. No matter what "we" do in the advanced countries that will offset the reasonable and inevitable increases in emissions from the third world and the developing world. And as I have noted on this Site many times in the past, the people who are cooking their meals on dung fires really don't give a shit about their carbon footprint, nor should they. They want all the fine things that we in the developed world have, and the ONLY way for them to get there is to burn carbon, mainly plentiful, cheap coal. So fuck all of us.

The Left imagines that "we" can achieve their silly dreams by burning unicorn farts, which produce only pleasant aromas when burned - nothing that could harm the planet or its inhabitants.

A pox on politicians who make promises about events and developments that will only occur after they are dead.

Do you understand how reserves are measured?
I agree with you when freely functioning markets statement! YOU are RIGHT!! 100%
But these idiots in this situation are NOT "free market" advocates but GOVERNMENT!
And I totally agree with with "substitutes" but again "Demand vs supply" is not a work here!
Case in point: "President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $7.5 billion in EV charging, "
THESE dummies! Where will the electricity come from for the re-chargers?
BUT you are depending on the "free market" and it is not in play on this situation.
AGAIN.. where will the electricity come from is a very simple question that NO one seems to want to ADDRESS!
If my figures are again off by 50% again... where will the $300 trillion to build electric power plants come from?
You guys really need to do research. Throughout our history, government subsidies and encouragement have sustained the energy industry. Read below.

U.S. government subsidies for energy are as old as the nation, says Nancy Pfund, a managing partner at DBL Investors, a venture capital firm, and an anthropologist. In a recent study for DBL Investors, Pfund and coauthor Ben Healey, a Yale University economics graduate student and former Massachusetts legislative committee director, trace U.S. government energy incentives back to 1789, when leaders of the new nation slapped a tariff on the sale of British coal slipped into U.S. ports as ship ballast.

The first 15 years, the report says, are critical to developing new technologies. It finds that oil and gas subsidies, including tax breaks and government spending, were about five times as much as aid to renewables during their first 15 years of development; nuclear received 10 times as much support.

Federal support during the first 15 years works out to $3.3 billion annually for nuclear energy and $1.8 billion annually for oil and gas, but an average of only $400 million a year in inflation-adjusted dollars for renewables.

For example, coal companies can still take advantage of a measure passed in 1950 that originally allowed them to “temporarily” avoid a tax increase enacted to help fund the Korean War, the study says.

Similarly, several measures to aid oil companies passed in the early 1900s remain of key importance to the industry, Healey notes. These include one provision passed in 1916 to speed up depreciation of drilling costs. A second one, the oil depletion allowance, which became law in 1926, gives oil companies a tax break for depleting an oil reservoir.

As for your question - where will the technology come to sustain the EV technology? It may come from solar, wind, etc, who knows? No one has a crystal ball to predict future technologies. I wish I did. I would have retired a long time ago.
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