Democrats (including elected officials) rip off the mask, call for mass violence against Trump and his supporters after SCOTUS immunity decision

So would this ruling have protected Nixon?

Probably not sending the burglars to Watergate

But firing the Attorney General to cover it up and prevent investigation?

Fucking nonsense
Cougarbear the 1912 progressive platform is on line. read it

your characterization of progressives is false, misleading, and totally bogus.

in a "non constitutional tyrannical regime" do you know what dear leader is? immune from prosecution.

if biden were such a dictator the supremes would have waited until after trump's election to declare him immune.
Fucking nonsense
All you ever hear from Democrats is Trump is a threat to democracy. Why don’t you hear he’s a threat to our constitutional republic? Because the progressive movement was hijacked by Saul Alinsky and the communists of that era. Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama were followers of the new progressive program. They eventually replaced the old Democrats who loved America. It’s as plain as the face on your head. Wake up!
Cougarbear the 1912 progressive platform is on line. read it

your characterization of progressives is false, misleading, and totally bogus.

in a "non constitutional tyrannical regime" do you know what dear leader is? immune from prosecution.

if biden were such a dictator the supremes would have waited until after trump's election to declare him immune.
If the Supreme Court was political, they would have. But, it was Trump who brought it to the Court. Oh ya…
The progressive movement got hijacked by the commies of Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Obama and many others who also hijacked the Democrat Party. Wake up!
If the Supreme Court was political, they would have. But, it was Trump who brought it to the Court. Oh ya…
The progressive movement got hijacked by the commies of Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Obama and many others who also hijacked the Democrat Party. Wake up!
you do not know much about the progressive movement.

our leaders are more likely to include ralph nader or bernie sanders than alinsky or obama.
Why is it left leaning people are the angriest, most volatile, hate and violent of political parties?

They always jump to this kind of alarmist and extreme language turning things into wayyyyyyy more than they really are.

Every Republican that dislikes Biden has reasoning, rational explanations as to why. They can point to actual things he has said, real things he has actually done we all see to be proveably true but they don't say he should be killed or wish bad things on him or call for violence.

It's not that I am incapable of listening to democrats and considering their stances, but when so many of them act like this it makes me not want to listen to them. I don't pay Democrats any attention because their irrational hatred and blind lies make it impossible for me to be able to listen to them.

Luckily there are some good Democrats like Tulsi gabbard who was a big time Democrat. But she recognized the insanity of her party and moved away from it.
All you ever hear from Democrats is Trump is a threat to democracy. Why don’t you hear he’s a threat to our constitutional republic? Because the progressive movement was hijacked by Saul Alinsky and the communists of that era. Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama were followers of the new progressive program. They eventually replaced the old Democrats who loved America. It’s as plain as the face on your head. Wake up!
You seem fixated on a previous century
Well they did not give him absolute immunity
For some presidential powers, those most loosely connected to the office, immunity is a “rebuttable presumption” and for “unofficial” acts, perhaps inciting a mob to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the justices offer even less protection.
Evidence that supports Inciting a riot is not an official presidential act.

  • There are two types of rebuttable presumptions: prima facie and conclusive. A prima facie presumption is one that can be overcome by presenting evidence to the contrary. A conclusive presumption, on the other hand, cannot be overcome with evidence. Once a conclusive presumption is in place, it is assumed to be true no matter what.
If the president had absolute immunity then how can congress impeach him and remove him from office.

That means lower courts will have a chance to determine the facts of the cases and make rulings about whether Trump should face a criminal trial for his attempt to overthrow the democratic election of 2020.

Yeah the SC avoided that land mine.

the Constitution plainly contemplates the criminal prosecution of a president for wrongdoing when it says the process of impeachment does not protect anyone covered by the impeachment clause from future criminal liability. That includes presidents.

There is no evidence Trump incited a riot. He said to protest peacefully. True story.
you do not know much about the progressive movement.

our leaders are more likely to include ralph nader or bernie sanders than alinsky or obama.
You do not understand Bernie Sanders. He is a communist. Ralph Nader is not a Alinsky progressive. Don’t mixup libertarians with progressives. Progressives, especially today loath the Constitution and the Republic. Libertarians are pro Constitution especially the Bill of Rights.
Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted democratic socialist, which is just a form of communist.
It's amazing what so many Democrats don't know. The media acts shocked at seeing Biden in the debate as if they didn't already know. They knew and have been hiding his dementia from viewers and readers. They have been hiding many things from Democrats and they should now be more suspicious with their choice of media. Fox News looks a heck of lot better now for not hiding this issue and many others.
Bernie really didn't run this time because he knows the Democrat Party is in good hands with the little commies running it.
It's amazing what so many Democrats don't know. The media acts shocked at seeing Biden in the debate as if they didn't already know. They knew and have been hiding his dementia from viewers and readers. They have been hiding many things from Democrats and they should now be more suspicious with their choice of media. Fox News looks a heck of lot better now for not hiding this issue and many others.
Bernie really didn't run this time because he knows the Democrat Party is in good hands with the little commies running it.
I've actually had Democrats tell me that Bernie uses a different definition of democrat socialism than the accepted meaning.
There is no evidence Trump incited a riot. He said to protest peacefully. True story.
yeah if they held hands and sang songs then yes that would be peaceful. Even wave a few flags. Marching in the street with a permit to do so is peaceful. Can it turn violence yes. it can.

He also told them to fight like hell
He also told them to stop the steel
They stole the election and they need to fight like hell

All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats

we will stop the steal
  • Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection.

Peacefully - something or someone that is free from disturbance, conflict, or violence
yeah if they held hands and sang songs then yes that would be peaceful. Even wave a few flags. Marching in the street with a permit to do so is peaceful. Can it turn violence yes. it can.

He also told them to fight like hell
He also told them to stop the steel
They stole the election and they need to fight like hell

All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats

we will stop the steal
  • Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection.

Peacefully - something or someone that is free from disturbance, conflict, or violence

What about "fiery, but mostly peaceful"?
See it is Trump and his minions who believe that they can do what they want. As J6 shows that he called and they came

Then they lost control to what is referred to as the mob mentality.

The supreme court has shown the way on how the Trump issue should be solved.

riots are not official acts thus Trump will be prosecuted at the lower court. When it is appealed they will look at what they have said and refuse to hear anything more as long as the courts understand what this ruling really means.

The definition of an official act.
You hang in there sweet cheeks.
I'd like the "originalists" to point to the part of the Constitution that says a prez can committed crimes under the undefined heading of "official acts."
So why isn't Obama being charged with murder?


I'll tell you why.

Because you're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

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