At what point the USA would accept peace?

At what point the USA should recognise their defeat and accept Russian peace offer?

  • The USA should accept Russian terms of peace before first nuke is launched

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • The USA should accept Russian terms of peace after Russian counter-force strike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The USA should accept Russian terms of peace after counter-value strike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The USA should not accept Russian terms of peace at all and fight until the last man.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • The USA should attack Russia first, even if it means almost certain US annihilation

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
As we all know, at November 19, year of our Lord 2024, the USA attacked a target in Russia, and, de-facto started the war between the USA and Russia. It means that Russia, definetely, will soon attack an American base on American soil and then, situation will escalate until the USA accepted Russian peaceful proposals.

Right now, before Russia is forced to nuke American nuclear forces, effectively decreasing their retaliation capability, the terms are pretty generous:
1) The USA leave Ukraine and remove (or sell to local governments) all US military installations on the new (since 1997) NATO territories, withdraw their forces from Kosovo and demand from Baltic regimes to grant the equal rights for the local Russian-speakers.
2) Russia doesn't nuke USA.
If the USA chooses not to accept this generous offer, the situation will escalate to Russian counter-force strike against US nuclear forces. At this point, after effective degradation of US retaliation capability Russia will suggest other, more expensive peace terms:
1) The USA don't retaliate.
2) The USA return to Russia Alaska and California.
3) The USA have no right to send their forces anywhere in the world or produce nukes without Russian permission.
4) The USA is still sovereign country and even keeps their place in SC UN.
5) Russia doesn't nuke US cities.
If the USA retaliate, then Russia, may be after a short humanitarian pause, will destroy US infrastructure (counter-value strike) and will demand unconditional surrender of the USA. If refused Russia will kill at least 90% of Americans and the territory will be occupied by international forces

Another option for the USA is to attack Russian nuclear forces first. Highly likely it means Russian retaliation and almost certain annihilation of the USA.
False dilemma, so I didn't vote
There would be no fisty cuffs at dawn between the US and Russia
Yes, of course. Highly likely the thing will escalate to a nuclear war. The question is how exactly you are determined to fight (when exactly you'll accept your defeat). Are you ready to fight until the first nuke fall or are you ready to fight until the last American ICBM or are you ready to fight until the last American man, woman and transgender?
Yes, of course. Highly likely the thing will escalate to a nuclear war. The question is how exactly you are determined to fight (when exactly you'll accept your defeat). Are you ready to fight until the first nuke fall or are you ready to fight until the last American ICBM or are you ready to fight until the last American man, woman and transgender?
It won't happen.

Your poll should have given extra options as opposed to giving your scenario as the only outcome/fact/option.
As far as I know, the court found that he was paid for this by a western "NGO", with the goal of destabilisation of situation. "Guilty in high treason", 17 years in prison. I don't think he'll leave it alive.

The best part came at the end. Muscovy cannot be a normal state, it is not their concept. Muscovy "MUST BE an 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 empire", they all want it. It won't work, within a year there will be hyperinflation in the country, the rascals don't even know what that means

Its not true.

Then Russia destroy ten more American cities and America, who can't retaliate, unconditionally surrender. Russia won, while the price of victory is high, but acceptable and more than compensated by trophies from pillaged European cities. And, likely, twenty years after, another colonel Skalozub will say about destroyed and rebuilt Moscow "The fire significantly improved Moscow".

Thats what the term "war" means. Tens of millions were killed back in WWII, but it was the price, which was necessary to pay.

No need. Russia doesn't need ceasefire. Russia needs denazification, demilitarisation and neutral status of Ukraine.

As I said in another thread - I don't believe in goodwill of the Western politicians. I believe in fear and deterrence.

No. Regional war is a nuclear war (by definition). And Finnish Army (as most of others) will be burnt down pretty quickly.

F#ck the world. Russia needs safety. And safety means pushing NATO back to 1997 borders.

Its all becomes boring pretty soon. Actually its just a label of status. Moral satisfaction. But, there are ways to achieve much better satisfaction. Instead of "I bought a brand new yacht" you say "I equiped a whole battaion with brand new UAVs". What is yacht? Just a mere piece of aluminium. And equipped battalion is saved our lives and killed enemies. Besides it means gratitude from the governors and decision-makers. Its much more satisfactory than gambling in casinos.

Why dissapering? New lands means new billions. And if you keep all your money in western banks and trust them - ok, your foolishness deserved to be punished.

Peace is a good thing, but it comes with a price. So, sometimes war is just "lesser evil".

And those common Ukrainian Banderovci, who burnt alive dozens of unarmed Russian protesters who just wanted to speak freely their language (google Odessa massacre) are they your friends or enemies?
the USA certainly has more operational nuclear warheads that Russia. The UK probably has more operational nuclear warheads than Russia. Since the fall of the USSR, almost all the money that was intended to be spent on the military has been stolen by corrupt officers and bureaucrats. That's why the explosive armor on Russian tanks had wooden blocks inside rather than explosives and the Russian body armor wasn't armor at all. Not to mention the thousands of tires on trucks, BTRs and BRDMs that disintegrated as soon as they were used in the field stranding thousands of vehicles on Ukranian roads for the farmers to tow away with their tractors.
The OP is obviously a paid Russian troll.

Fuck off, troll.
I don't think he is paid, he is simply a "true believer", or what Lenin called a "useful idiot". He claims to be a veteran of the Russian armed forces, but thinks and writes like a ten-year-old child.
the USA certainly has more operational nuclear warheads that Russia. The UK probably has more operational nuclear warheads than Russia. Since the fall of the USSR, almost all the money that was intended to be spent on the military has been stolen by corrupt officers and bureaucrats. That's why the explosive armor on Russian tanks had wooden blocks inside rather than explosives and the Russian body armor wasn't armor at all. Not to mention the thousands of tires on trucks, BTRs and BRDMs that disintegrated as soon as they were used in the field stranding thousands of vehicles on Ukranian roads for the farmers to tow away with their tractors.
Ok. Does it mean, that you choose the option "- The USA shouldn't accept Russia-prefered mutually acceptable peace treaty even after the first Russian counter-force strike"?
I don't think he is paid, he is simply a "true believer", or what Lenin called a "useful idiot". He claims to be a veteran of the Russian armed forces, but thinks and writes like a ten-year-old child.
Just want to be understand by someone like you, with the wishful thinking of a spoiled five-year-old child.
And no, I do not pretend to be a "veteran". I served as a conscript plus one three-year long contract if you need to know.
Direct conflict between the USA and Europe et. al. with Russia won't happen.
There is already a direct conflict. And it is escalating. Those are facts. Will you continue denie obvious facts until the first conventional warhead hit an American base on American soil, until Russian nuclear warheads wipe out most of US nukes or until all American cities are destroyed?
There is already a direct conflict. And it is escalating. Those are facts. Will you continue denie obvious facts until the first conventional warhead hit an American base on American soil, until Russian nuclear warheads wipe out most of US nukes or until all American cities are destroyed?
I didn't know NATO troops went into Russia and that they fired missiles from Europe and the US. That's direct isn't it?
I didn't know NATO troops went into Russia and that they fired missiles from Europe and the US. That's direct isn't it?
You didn't know it only because you don't want to know. But yes. Ukraine is a part of Russia (in the wider meaning of the word, as Canada is a part of America), and there are American troops who fired US missiles (ATACMS are american missiles) on the territory of the Russian federation.
Anyway. If a ship with joint Russian-Yemeni crew, launch some Russian made Club-M cruise missiles [even conventional] at one of US bases in Alaska - will you consider it as a "direct" conflict?
the USA certainly has more operational nuclear warheads that Russia. The UK probably has more operational nuclear warheads than Russia. Since the fall of the USSR, almost all the money that was intended to be spent on the military has been stolen by corrupt officers and bureaucrats. That's why the explosive armor on Russian tanks had wooden blocks inside rather than explosives and the Russian body armor wasn't armor at all. Not to mention the thousands of tires on trucks, BTRs and BRDMs that disintegrated as soon as they were used in the field stranding thousands of vehicles on Ukranian roads for the farmers to tow away with their tractors.
Cool story.
You didn't know it only because you don't want to know. But yes. Ukraine is a part of Russia (in the wider meaning of the word, as Canada is a part of America), and there are American troops who fired US missiles (ATACMS are american missiles) on the territory of the Russian federation.
Anyway. If a ship with joint Russian-Yemeni crew, launch some Russian made Club-M cruise missiles [even conventional] at one of US bases in Alaska - will you consider it as a "direct" conflict?
Do you have link please?

I'm aware of Ukraine firing missiles etc.. into Russia that were supplied by the US, UK etc. al., but I'm not aware of and allies firing into Russia. I can only debate actuals and not theoreticals.
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