Atheists Rally In Washington




America is a country where belief in God is widespread and believers dominate a lot of political discourse. This past weekend was atheists turn to say, “wait a minute, we’re here too, we’ve got rights, and we’ve got a perspective that the country may need.”

Atheists Rally In Washington


Atheists Gather for Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. | Atheists Assemble: Reason Rally Descends on Washington, D.C. | NewsFeed |

One big hit with the crowd was Jessica Ahlquist, the 16-year-old Rhode Island high school student who successfully sued her school district to remove a prayer from her school’s walls. During the fight, state Rep. Peter Palumbo called her an “evil little thing,” an epithet she has since proudly embraced.

“If they resist the gospel of Jesus Christ they will end up in a lake of fire,” said Marvin Holmes, 70, who traveled from western New York with four people from three churches. (cuz it burns, burns, burns)

Atheists rally on National Mall in show of political force - The Washington Post

"These are battles that homosexuals have won, people of color have won, women have won," said journalist Jamila Bey, who recalled losing a job after her Christian boss learned she was an atheist. "We can't stay silent anymore."

Thousands of Atheists Rally in D.C. : Discovery News

National Academy of Science charted belief in God as low as 5.5 percent among biologists and 7.5 percent among physicist and astronomers in a 1998 study.

Are scientists atheists? Should they be?

Are Scientists Atheists? : Discovery News

What is God's Role in Natural Disasters? : Discovery News
"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean
"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean

Cuz it burns, burns, burns.
Currently, we all have the right to peacefully assemble. That's one of the beauties of the First Amendment. You can exercise it, even if you are assembling to try to eliminate someone elses First Amendment rights.

Though, from what I heard, it sounded more like ignorant Ba'al worship than no worship at all. And it certainly wasnt a strong support for the old athiest argument that you dont need God to be a moral people.
Did Rdean steal the Shaman's crayons?

Let them rally!
They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.
They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.

Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.
Ya'll realize how much crazier the players are on this board than the average American is, right?

Between racists and religionsists (which includes the radical atheists, incidently since they too are religiously obsessed -- only in their case their obsession is anti-religion) this board exposed quintessentially everything that is WRONG with this nation.
They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.

Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.
Thousands of years of social norms?
Those would include men taking multiple wives, having slaves, offering ones virgin daughters up to the men of the village to do with as they pleased ... those social norms?
They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.

Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.
Thousands of years of social norms?
Those would include men taking multiple wives, having slaves, offering ones virgin daughters up to the men of the village to do with as they pleased ... those social norms?

Slavery disappeared in Western Europe about 1500 years ago, as did the having of multiple wives. Your fantasies about virgins were never reality in Western society.

But I presume you feel all these things should be possible again?
Pat Tillman's death was very sad for many reasons, one of the less important reasons it was sad was that he would've been the perfect person to rally behind for the non-believer movement.

He was the perfect example of how someone doesn't need god or religion to be moral. He had everything, millions of dollars, millions of fans, tens of thousands of ppl cheering for him every day, lived the life of luxury, gave it all up in the prime of his career to fight for his country in the War in Afghanistan.
They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.

Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.

this atheist has no need for reassurance in my nonbelief from any group.
Never been to any atheist gathering and never will go.
Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.
Thousands of years of social norms?
Those would include men taking multiple wives, having slaves, offering ones virgin daughters up to the men of the village to do with as they pleased ... those social norms?

Slavery disappeared in Western Europe about 1500 years ago, as did the having of multiple wives. Your fantasies about virgins were never reality in Western society.

But I presume you feel all these things should be possible again?
Bullshit, do you pull facts from thin air?

Abolition of slavery timeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America is a country where belief in God is widespread and believers dominate a lot of political discourse. This past weekend was atheists turn to say, “wait a minute, we’re here too, we’ve got rights, and we’ve got a perspective that the country may need.”

Atheists Rally In Washington


Atheists Gather for Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. | Atheists Assemble: Reason Rally Descends on Washington, D.C. | NewsFeed |

One big hit with the crowd was Jessica Ahlquist, the 16-year-old Rhode Island high school student who successfully sued her school district to remove a prayer from her school’s walls. During the fight, state Rep. Peter Palumbo called her an “evil little thing,” an epithet she has since proudly embraced.

“If they resist the gospel of Jesus Christ they will end up in a lake of fire,” said Marvin Holmes, 70, who traveled from western New York with four people from three churches. (cuz it burns, burns, burns)

Atheists rally on National Mall in show of political force - The Washington Post

"These are battles that homosexuals have won, people of color have won, women have won," said journalist Jamila Bey, who recalled losing a job after her Christian boss learned she was an atheist. "We can't stay silent anymore."

Thousands of Atheists Rally in D.C. : Discovery News

National Academy of Science charted belief in God as low as 5.5 percent among biologists and 7.5 percent among physicist and astronomers in a 1998 study.

Are scientists atheists? Should they be?

Are Scientists Atheists? : Discovery News

What is God's Role in Natural Disasters? : Discovery News

According to Pew, you are full of shit.



Scientists and Belief - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

Why am I not surprised?
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They are not doing it to abolish religion (maybe a very little select few want that), they are doing it for the interest of everyone's rights. If one religion has their way, then everyone else's rights get stepped on. If non believers has their way, then they can make it where everyone has their rights (Gay marriage and every religion is free to do their own shit). But if they try to make religion illegal, then it should be everyone's duty to throw them out of government.

Unfortunately many atheists are motivated by anti-religious feelings and intolerance. The idea that atheists are somehow more "neutral" than religious people is bogus.

As for gay marriage, that is first and foremost a cultural and social issue, not a religious issue. Advocates of gay marriage aren't just opposing religious rules, they are proposing throwing out a few thousand years of basic social norms.

this atheist has no need for reassurance in my nonbelief from any group.
Never been to any atheist gathering and never will go.

Whatever works for you.
Thousands of years of social norms?
Those would include men taking multiple wives, having slaves, offering ones virgin daughters up to the men of the village to do with as they pleased ... those social norms?

Slavery disappeared in Western Europe about 1500 years ago, as did the having of multiple wives. Your fantasies about virgins were never reality in Western society.

But I presume you feel all these things should be possible again?
Bullshit, do you pull facts from thin air?

Abolition of slavery timeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No I happen to know something about history and I am able to read. You confuse colonial slavery and slave trade of people not considered belonging to civilization with slavery in Europe. Slavery did disappear in Europe when I said. You simply are too cinfused to get your facts straigth or to be able to read the source you cite yourself.
Slavery disappeared in Europe only because it was replaced by serfdom, an alternative form of forced labor. This is a quibble in any case; what about the rest of the social norms that were mentioned?

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