Attack on Food Supply Chain Under Biden Demands Congressional Hearings, Starvation in Months


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
This is all still avoidable if we speak up.

Attack on Food Supply Chain Under Biden Demands Congressional Hearings, Starvation in Months


As Americans watch with trepidation an oncoming freight train of sorrow and nightmarish dystopia in the form of mass starvation and food riots, followed by the kind of martial law we now see in Shanghai, the major media and politicians stay oblivious to signals which could not be more alarming.

  • The largest port in the world, #Shanghai, is backed up with container ships waiting to unload or load, making shortages of everything under the sun, many necessary for normal life and the production of food, inevitable soon. Try to think of something that is not made, packaged, assembled, or which passes through China. Millions of items, processed food, grain, computer chips, tractor parts, machinery, ad infinitum all necessary for a smoothly running modern economy, civilization really. All purportedly over 3 COVID deaths in Shanghai, a 26 million person city where hundreds of people die each day, which is under an insane, nightmarish lockdown in pursuit of “zero COVID.” People are yelling from apartment windows that they are starving, in leaked videos, doing daily battle with hazmat-suited police, and jumping out windows to their deaths rather than starve.

  • CF Industries, a US fertilizer giant, has issued a warning that its shipments of fertilizer to agri-business have been severely curtailed by “railroad-mandated shipping reductions,” according to a April 14 press release, which in turn come down from the federal government. The press release states: “The Company understands that it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.”

    CF Industries ships fertilizer to key agricultural areas such as Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California.

    From the press release:

    ““The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers,” said Tony Will, president and chief executive officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. “Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all…Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.

    “CF Industries intends to engage directly with the federal government to ask that fertilizer shipments be prioritized so that spring planting is not adversely impacted.”
  • The Biden administration is messaging that food shortages are coming, taking care to implant the idea that, as a result of sanctions, it is all Russia’s fault. Tucker Carlson spoke on this recently:
(View video at Rumble)

  • To no media coverage, what can only be described as an apparent attack on the nation’s food processing system is underway, with media silence, with the exception of Carlson, only reinforcing the sense that it is coordinated and deliberate. In past months over a dozen key food processing plants have experienced unlikely disasters, all at about the same time.
Tucker Carlson: US food processing plants under attack? (view at Rumble)

Taylor Farms is on fire #taylorfarms #salinas
— J831 (@JaimeNoyola) April 14, 2022

  • Hyperinflation which is a normal and thoroughly predictable outcome of record federal printing of money over the past two years will only magnify all shortages to epic proportions.
The hallmark of the above disasters is that, possibly with the exceptions of the explosions and fires, although this is far from ruled out, all are government-created. It is blackly ironic that people are committing suicide in Shanghai rather than starve as the result of concern over COVID. CF Industries seems to be all but inviting the public to use their voices to demand explanation for the railroad mandates from the federal government.

Ringing in the ears of so-called conspiracy theorists, who might ask which part of this is just “theory,” are the words of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, who every year gathers a group of billionaires in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future of humanity. Schwab, a German economics professor, has warned of coming “food shortages” and “cyber attacks” on national infrastructure which will knock down power grids and shut down hospitals. All pointing to a need for what he terms a “Great Reset,” the title of one of his books.

What would this “reset” look like?

In his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” Schwab wrote:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

The rantings of a madman? Perhaps. But a madman who has long had close, personal relationships with the likes of Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. All players who real life actions have led the COVID agenda, inflicted real life pain, censorship, and misinformation, and show no remorse, to date, for it whatsoever. See: Bill Gates Funded the Professor Who Created “Lockdown” Theory Used to Justify Police State

Klaus Schwab: food shortages and cyber-attacks shutting down transportation, hospitals, and power grids (view at Rumble)

Chinese President Xi and Klaus Schwab


Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

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This is all still avoidable if we speak up.

Attack on Food Supply Chain Under Biden Demands Congressional Hearings, Starvation in Months


As Americans watch with trepidation an oncoming freight train of sorrow and nightmarish dystopia in the form of mass starvation and food riots, followed by the kind of martial law we now see in Shanghai, the major media and politicians stay oblivious to signals which could not be more alarming.

  • The largest port in the world, #Shanghai, is backed up with container ships waiting to unload or load, making shortages of everything under the sun, many necessary for normal life and the production of food, inevitable soon. Try to think of something that is not made, packaged, assembled, or which passes through China. Millions of items, processed food, grain, computer chips, tractor parts, machinery, ad infinitum all necessary for a smoothly running modern economy, civilization really. All purportedly over 3 COVID deaths in Shanghai, a 26 million person city where hundreds of people die each day, which is under an insane, nightmarish lockdown in pursuit of “zero COVID.” People are yelling from apartment windows that they are starving, in leaked videos, doing daily battle with hazmat-suited police, and jumping out windows to their deaths rather than starve.

  • CF Industries, a US fertilizer giant, has issued a warning that its shipments of fertilizer to agri-business have been severely curtailed by “railroad-mandated shipping reductions,” according to a April 14 press release, which in turn come down from the federal government. The press release states: “The Company understands that it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.”

    CF Industries ships fertilizer to key agricultural areas such as Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California.

    From the press release:

    ““The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers,” said Tony Will, president and chief executive officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. “Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all…Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.

    “CF Industries intends to engage directly with the federal government to ask that fertilizer shipments be prioritized so that spring planting is not adversely impacted.”
  • The Biden administration is messaging that food shortages are coming, taking care to implant the idea that, as a result of sanctions, it is all Russia’s fault. Tucker Carlson spoke on this recently:
(View video at Rumble)

  • To no media coverage, what can only be described as an apparent attack on the nation’s food processing system is underway, with media silence, with the exception of Carlson, only reinforcing the sense that it is coordinated and deliberate. In past months over a dozen key food processing plants have experienced unlikely disasters, all at about the same time.
Tucker Carlson: US food processing plants under attack? (view at Rumble)

  • Hyperinflation which is a normal and thoroughly predictable outcome of record federal printing of money over the past two years will only magnify all shortages to epic proportions.
The hallmark of the above disasters is that, possibly with the exceptions of the explosions and fires, although this is far from ruled out, all are government-created. It is blackly ironic that people are committing suicide in Shanghai rather than starve as the result of concern over COVID. CF Industries seems to be all but inviting the public to use their voices to demand explanation for the railroad mandates from the federal government.

Ringing in the ears of so-called conspiracy theorists, who might ask which part of this is just “theory,” are the words of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, who every year gathers a group of billionaires in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the future of humanity. Schwab, a German economics professor, has warned of coming “food shortages” and “cyber attacks” on national infrastructure which will knock down power grids and shut down hospitals. All pointing to a need for what he terms a “Great Reset,” the title of one of his books.

What would this “reset” look like?

In his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” Schwab wrote:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

The rantings of a madman? Perhaps. But a madman who has long had close, personal relationships with the likes of Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. All players who real life actions have led the COVID agenda, inflicted real life pain, censorship, and misinformation, and show no remorse, to date, for it whatsoever. See: Bill Gates Funded the Professor Who Created “Lockdown” Theory Used to Justify Police State

Klaus Schwab: food shortages and cyber-attacks shutting down transportation, hospitals, and power grids (view at Rumble)

Chinese President Xi and Klaus Schwab


Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


This is very troubling.......................The Covid damage hasn't even begun yet
It is clear that everything has gone to shit since Biden presumed office. That was the reason for the fauxpeachment part1 and the stolen election. Build back better is actually fuck the American people and destroy its economy and take the rest of the world with it.
There is not going to be starvation in America.

What a fucking load of hyperventilating shit.

And even if there was - so fucking what?

The average American is DISGUSTINGLY FAT.
It is gross.
I bet most of you are fat.
Ugly fucking guts that are falling over your belt lines...GROSS!!!
Most Americans should fast for a fucking would do them good.
There is not going to be starvation in America.

What a fucking load of hyperventilating shit.

And even if there was - so fucking what?

The average American is DISGUSTINGLY FAT.
It is gross.
I bet most of you are fat.
Ugly fucking guts that are falling over your belt lines...GROSS!!!
Most Americans should fast for a fucking would do them good.

LOL number of food processing plant fires now up to 16.

There is not going to be starvation in America.

What a fucking load of hyperventilating shit.

And even if there was - so fucking what?

The average American is DISGUSTINGLY FAT.
It is gross.
I bet most of you are fat.
Ugly fucking guts that are falling over your belt lines...GROSS!!!
Most Americans should fast for a fucking would do them good.
That’s disturbing considering that most of what you believe and write is totally inaccurate.
Cooking OIL is going to be in major short supply-----Indonesia is already refusing to release any more. Biden's add corn to gas is making the matter worse. Stock up now.
Biden is a weakling who can't control his party. He does whatever the far left lunatics want him to. Todays Democrats don't care about America or Americans. They only care about power and party, and that's why it's so important to vote them all out.
There is not going to be starvation in America.

What a fucking load of hyperventilating shit.

And even if there was - so fucking what?

The average American is DISGUSTINGLY FAT.
It is gross.
I bet most of you are fat.
Ugly fucking guts that are falling over your belt lines...GROSS!!!
Most Americans should fast for a fucking would do them good.
Is that you, Brad Pitt?

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