ATTENTION: New Wingnut Talking Point!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
We're going to be seeing A LOT of tap dancing from wingnuts now that the psychos have taken over the asylum in the House Of Representatives. It goes like this:

Before the election: "Democrats said they were going to do XYZ, and they didn't! They're all LIARS!!!11!! The Republicans are going to repeal Obamacare, cut $100 billion in the first year, and bring openness and honesty to government!!

After the election: "Politicians lie? I'm SHOCKED!!!"

Example #1:

btw, how many MORE threads do we need on this NON-story

Be fair though, it is a story. They trumpeted deep cuts and now they're talking scaling them back. That in and of itself, is a story.

"Politicians back peddle on promises after election"

There's some fucking breaking news. :lol:

Example #2:

Issa sucking up to Corporate America

A Congressman sucking up to corporate America? Say it isn't so.


When you find 'em, post 'em in this thread!
See, you have one slight problem.

You havent shown where either of the posters you are quoting said anything different before the election.

Now would you demonstrate where either of them said anything like you are claiming they said.

Oh and i know this is hard for you and your friends. But most people think it's wise to wait more than 1 day before pretending that the Republicans have broken all their promises.
The story the Democrats told in 2006 was they were going to have an ethical transparent congress.

And they gave us Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle.

And they gave us the Cap and Trade bill. And Obamination of Obamacare.

The Republicans made the same promise. They said they would be responsible stewards and wouldn't spend like sailors in a brothel.

What they are saying now is "The world is real. Obama has the power of the veto, and the Senate is still full of villans." that is hardly a lie. It is just facing reality. Something you seem to have an aversion to.
The story the Democrats told in 2006 was they were going to have an ethical transparent congress.

And they gave us Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle.

And they gave us the Cap and Trade bill. And Obamination of Obamacare.

The Republicans made the same promise. They said they would be responsible stewards and wouldn't spend like sailors in a brothel.

What they are saying now is "The world is real. Obama has the power of the veto, and the Senate is still full of villans." that is hardly a lie. It is just facing reality. Something you seem to have an aversion to.

So.....where was this "facing of reality" when they were pandering to the weak minded to get elected?
The reality is that all politicians are liars so when any politician accuses another of lying, you are seeing the one and only true statement any scum bag politician will ever utter.
The story the Democrats told in 2006 was they were going to have an ethical transparent congress.

And they gave us Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle.

And they gave us the Cap and Trade bill. And Obamination of Obamacare.

The Republicans made the same promise. They said they would be responsible stewards and wouldn't spend like sailors in a brothel.

What they are saying now is "The world is real. Obama has the power of the veto, and the Senate is still full of villans." that is hardly a lie. It is just facing reality. Something you seem to have an aversion to.

So.....where was this "facing of reality" when they were pandering to the weak minded to get elected?

The same could be asked when the MSM and the left were pandering to the weak-minded to get your pal Obama elected.
The story the Democrats told in 2006 was they were going to have an ethical transparent congress.

And they gave us Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle.

And they gave us the Cap and Trade bill. And Obamination of Obamacare.

The Republicans made the same promise. They said they would be responsible stewards and wouldn't spend like sailors in a brothel.

What they are saying now is "The world is real. Obama has the power of the veto, and the Senate is still full of villans." that is hardly a lie. It is just facing reality. Something you seem to have an aversion to.

So.....where was this "facing of reality" when they were pandering to the weak minded to get elected?

The same could be asked when the MSM and the left were pandering to the weak-minded to get your pal Obama elected.

How so? And please be specific.

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