Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students


Aug 19, 2009
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.

Whats the problem? They have the right to practice their religion. Just take that shit outside.
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.

Whats the problem? They have the right to practice their religion. Just take that shit outside.

They are claiming that "other" colleges give them their own prayer space, and they want the "Catholic" private college to do the same thing.
Like you said, outside would be good. Their own rooms could be used, but they want to "leave their mark" at the college.
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.

They need to be booted out. They can go elsewhere.
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.

They need to be booted out. They can go elsewhere.

Yes, it is not like they did not do the research. They chose a Catholic college (probably because it offered "quality" education), and once they are there, want the college to change for them? If you choose something for quality, why would you want it to drop standards?
How many threads do we need on this topic?

this is a non issue unless the university gets tax dollars.
Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students

Attorney: Crosses at Catholic University violate human rights of Muslim students |

It seems that muslim students that went out of their way to go to a Catholic college (private), are now demanding the Catholic college put away symbols of their faith to make a place for muslims to pray without being distracted by Christian symbols.

Freedom of religion is being threatened here.
The muslims did not need to attend this college, they did it voluntarily. They are not satisfied to pray in their room, adorned to their tastes. They want an area for students to be committed to islam prayer in a Catholic college.

They need to be booted out. They can go elsewhere.

Yes, it is not like they did not do the research. They chose a Catholic college (probably because it offered "quality" education), and once they are there, want the college to change for them? If you choose something for quality, why would you want it to drop standards?
They can either accept what they have chosen, or move on.
Here's a tip for them, don't go to a Catholic college, problem solved.

Agreed. It's a private college. I don't see a case here....except for an attorney seeking to make a name for himself. Frickin' lawyers.
Think of it in a political sense. Some people hate the Catholic religion for legitimate reasons like the abuse of alter boys. Left wingers especially hate the Catholic religion because of it's stand against abortion. Much of the political rhetoric we see today originates in the abortion issue and muslems are caught in the middle of this stupid fake law suit.
Think of it in a political sense. Some people hate the Catholic religion for legitimate reasons like the abuse of alter boys. Left wingers especially hate the Catholic religion because of it's stand against abortion. Much of the political rhetoric we see today originates in the abortion issue and muslems are caught in the middle of this stupid fake law suit.

It is amazing how people are so judgemental against Christian faiths and ignore crimes against humanity committed by one particular other faith. Even though those faiths claim to have similar stances on abortion, homosexuality, and marriage (though they accept more than one wife). Catholic education has been part of our culture (European Judeo/Christian) for thousands of years. This is another attack against our culture and the freedoms offered to those that choose to worship as they want.
How many threads do we need on this topic?

this is a non issue unless the university gets tax dollars.

How is it a "non" issue?

They go to a private catholic college and then demand that PRIVATE college make changes for THEIR faith...if they get their way, we as a country lose. This is not a non-issue and anyone who says it is, isn't paying attention.
Think of it in a political sense. Some people hate the Catholic religion for legitimate reasons like the abuse of alter boys. Left wingers especially hate the Catholic religion because of it's stand against abortion. Much of the political rhetoric we see today originates in the abortion issue and muslems are caught in the middle of this stupid fake law suit.

It is amazing how people are so judgemental against Christian faiths and ignore crimes against humanity committed by one particular other faith. Even though those faiths claim to have similar stances on abortion, homosexuality, and marriage (though they accept more than one wife). Catholic education has been part of our culture (European Judeo/Christian) for thousands of years. This is another attack against our culture and the freedoms offered to those that choose to worship as they want.
Nail? meet hammer. Precise.

And if these Muslim creeps don't like it? Go elsewhere where thier views would be accepted rather than to force change because they are offended.
Gotta love the irony.... "we need you to be tolerant enough to give us a special place free from any references to your religion".

Non issue? I think not.
I don't like the Catholic crosses. I find it gross to see a man crucified in effigy. I do not have the right to force any Catholic, in church or out of it, in their schools or out of them, to hide their cross because I find it offensive.

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