Attorney General takes Aim at Bill's wife and Obama!


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is preparing to kick ass and take names... Preparation being the key word... Poor libs are living in a deep state of denial... Tell them it is going to happen and they just scoff at the warning...

Maria Bartiromo: So you feel there are matters you can get into, for example, there’s a lot of feeling out there that the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation was a sham. Loretta Lynch told Jim Comey to call it a matter and that’s exactly what he did. In fact, it was a criminal investigation; we know that he wrote an exoneration letter Jim Comey did before he even did the interview with Hillary Clinton. What have you learned in terms of the opening reopening of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation? Will there be charges? Will there be accountability here sir?

Jeff Sessions: Maria, we’re going to do our job in his department properly and correctly, and I’m not going to be led into a discussion of all the details of matters that you might be interested in. We can’t do that in the media we’re going to restore the rule of law, we’re to restore propriety in how cases are managed and that’s all I can promise you.

Maria Bartiromo: Are you, sir, investigating the fact that the FBI used the dossier to get a wiretap against Trump associates and they did not tell the FISA Court that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paid for that dossier?

Jeff Sessions: Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate. That will be investigated and looked at, and we are not going to participate at the Department of Justice in providing anything less than the proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant. Other than that, I’m not going to talk about the details of it, but I tell you we’re not going to allow that to happen.

Too Good to be True? Attorney General takes Aim at Hillary and Obama!


Frank I have to be mildly optimistic... I have grandkids and their parents are trying to teach them the difference between right and wrong... Where do we stand as a Country if we let these criminals sleek off into the night with their pockets full of money they sure didn't earn...
Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is preparing to kick ass and take names... Preparation being the key word... Poor libs are living in a deep state of denial... Tell them it is going to happen and they just scoff at the warning...

Maria Bartiromo: So you feel there are matters you can get into, for example, there’s a lot of feeling out there that the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation was a sham. Loretta Lynch told Jim Comey to call it a matter and that’s exactly what he did. In fact, it was a criminal investigation; we know that he wrote an exoneration letter Jim Comey did before he even did the interview with Hillary Clinton. What have you learned in terms of the opening reopening of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation? Will there be charges? Will there be accountability here sir?

Jeff Sessions: Maria, we’re going to do our job in his department properly and correctly, and I’m not going to be led into a discussion of all the details of matters that you might be interested in. We can’t do that in the media we’re going to restore the rule of law, we’re to restore propriety in how cases are managed and that’s all I can promise you.

Maria Bartiromo: Are you, sir, investigating the fact that the FBI used the dossier to get a wiretap against Trump associates and they did not tell the FISA Court that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paid for that dossier?

Jeff Sessions: Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate. That will be investigated and looked at, and we are not going to participate at the Department of Justice in providing anything less than the proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant. Other than that, I’m not going to talk about the details of it, but I tell you we’re not going to allow that to happen.

Too Good to be True? Attorney General takes Aim at Hillary and Obama!


Will Sessions finally conduct the partisan political witch hunt that the Trump voters expected and demanded?
I done a search of "Jeff Sessions" here at USMB and there are more derogatory threads re: the AG than Nancy Pelosi... Sessions is a better man than he is being given credit for...
Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is preparing to kick ass and take names... Preparation being the key word... Poor libs are living in a deep state of denial... Tell them it is going to happen and they just scoff at the warning...

Maria Bartiromo: So you feel there are matters you can get into, for example, there’s a lot of feeling out there that the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation was a sham. Loretta Lynch told Jim Comey to call it a matter and that’s exactly what he did. In fact, it was a criminal investigation; we know that he wrote an exoneration letter Jim Comey did before he even did the interview with Hillary Clinton. What have you learned in terms of the opening reopening of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation? Will there be charges? Will there be accountability here sir?

Jeff Sessions: Maria, we’re going to do our job in his department properly and correctly, and I’m not going to be led into a discussion of all the details of matters that you might be interested in. We can’t do that in the media we’re going to restore the rule of law, we’re to restore propriety in how cases are managed and that’s all I can promise you.

Maria Bartiromo: Are you, sir, investigating the fact that the FBI used the dossier to get a wiretap against Trump associates and they did not tell the FISA Court that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paid for that dossier?

Jeff Sessions: Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate. That will be investigated and looked at, and we are not going to participate at the Department of Justice in providing anything less than the proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant. Other than that, I’m not going to talk about the details of it, but I tell you we’re not going to allow that to happen.

Too Good to be True? Attorney General takes Aim at Hillary and Obama!


Will Sessions finally conduct the partisan political witch hunt that the Trump voters expected and demanded?

The partisan stuff happened when Lynch told Comey to cover for Hillary and he did it.
Dirt under a rug...that's all we get...Well the people know what Clinton did and a growing number of Americans are waking up to the fact that Obama spied on Trump's campaign...
That is a fact that no one can sweep under the rug...if the dems fail to take back the house in 2018 this will be why...
Regardless of whether Sessions does the right thing or not...
I done a search of "Jeff Sessions" here at USMB and there are more derogatory threads re: the AG than Nancy Pelosi... Sessions is a better man than he is being given credit for...
People are angry because he didn't tell Trump he would recuse himself from anything Russia before he was appointed...I'm sure Trump wishes he had selected Gulianni...Sessions is why this investigation was even started and why a life long never Trumper swamper like Rosenstein is in charge of naming the of his dirty buddies Mueller...
Sessions has a long way to go to convince me he has the balls to do what is right...a very long way...I need much more than tantalizing words about justice...
But we will see...Maybe he will do the right thing and return the federal government to the people and bring justice where it's warranted...
I want handcuffs and perp walks...
I can attack the veracity of a platform that does not have a reputation for sensible veracity.

I have been down this road with you, but you keep posting nonsense.
Bring it on jake... If you don't care what constitutiondotcom has on there sight don't read it... Oh wait a minute, you didn't read this time... You blindly disregard the truth because it hurts your feelings... Sober up and find a meeting to go to... pls have someone drive you...

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