Authenticity of the Koran?


Bro, have you thrown pebbles at pillars and stoned the devil on hajj? LOL

Muslims boast that the Koran has never been altered since it was allegedly dictated by “Allah” and “recited” by the so-called “prophet” Muhammad. But, is this accurate?

As is often the case, Islam raises more questions than answers them and the authenticity of the Koran raises major questions that potentially discredit Islam.

According to Islamic sources, today’s Koran was actually produced by an Islamic leader Uthman long after Muhammad, along with a committee he had assembled, about 20 years after Muhammad, perhaps even later. Muhammad did not oversee, proofread or authorize today’s Koran.

After Uthman and his committee produced the Koran, he strangely burned other early Korans—That’s right, “Holy Korans” containing “Allah’s” divine words were burned.

Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Despite the hollow boasts of Muslims, today’s Koran cannot be traced to Muhammad nor have the alleged stones and bones of Islamic legend been found on which the original Koran verses were allegedly written.

Thus, the authenticity of the Koran is dubious to say the least.

I'm certain it is just as authentic as the Bible...
Muslims boast that the Koran has never been altered since it was allegedly dictated by “Allah” and “recited” by the so-called “prophet” Muhammad. But, is this accurate?

As is often the case, Islam raises more questions than answers them and the authenticity of the Koran raises major questions that potentially discredit Islam.

According to Islamic sources, today’s Koran was actually produced by an Islamic leader Uthman long after Muhammad, along with a committee he had assembled, about 20 years after Muhammad, perhaps even later. Muhammad did not oversee, proofread or authorize today’s Koran.

After Uthman and his committee produced the Koran, he strangely burned other early Korans—That’s right, “Holy Korans” containing “Allah’s” divine words were burned.

Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Despite the hollow boasts of Muslims, today’s Koran cannot be traced to Muhammad nor have the alleged stones and bones of Islamic legend been found on which the original Koran verses were allegedly written.

Thus, the authenticity of the Koran is dubious to say the least.

I'm certain it is just as authentic as the Bible...

Considering that Mohammed was actually illiterate, I think that the Bible is more authentic than the Koran, even after it was edited by the Niecine council.
Muslims boast that the Koran has never been altered since it was allegedly dictated by “Allah” and “recited” by the so-called “prophet” Muhammad. But, is this accurate?

As is often the case, Islam raises more questions than answers them and the authenticity of the Koran raises major questions that potentially discredit Islam.

According to Islamic sources, today’s Koran was actually produced by an Islamic leader Uthman long after Muhammad, along with a committee he had assembled, about 20 years after Muhammad, perhaps even later. Muhammad did not oversee, proofread or authorize today’s Koran.

After Uthman and his committee produced the Koran, he strangely burned other early Korans—That’s right, “Holy Korans” containing “Allah’s” divine words were burned.

Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Despite the hollow boasts of Muslims, today’s Koran cannot be traced to Muhammad nor have the alleged stones and bones of Islamic legend been found on which the original Koran verses were allegedly written.

Thus, the authenticity of the Koran is dubious to say the least.

I'm certain it is just as authentic as the Bible...

Considering that Mohammed was actually illiterate, I think that the Bible is more authentic than the Koran, even after it was edited by the Niecine council.

Muhammad was literate. Later Muslims concocted that he was illiterate in order to embellish the Koran as “miraculous’

You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Uthman standardized many Korans into 1 and BURNED the rest of the Korans. Authenticated Islamic source Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
You have to understand that Muslims have been memorizing the Koran since it was revealed to the prophet can go to any Muslim country you'll find people who can recite you the whole Koran without looking at one, as young as 7 years old.

[Quran 15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.
I assume the OP is correct since Sunni isnt arguing?

Takes a few seconds to become a Muslim Takes longer to buy a refrigerator LOL


A little known factoid----to BE a muslim ---forever----the method is mumble a few prescribed words in Arabic. The mumble can happen under torture, or under any THREAT, or while intoxicated or from the mouth of a dement----MUSLIM FOREVER.-------if there are a few muslim witnesses. If that
"muslim forever" runs away-----under Islamic law---he is liable
to DEATH (for the glory of allah) It is true that at one time---in the barbaric past---in some very isolated instances---"baptism --the Christian way---meant 'Christian' "------but Christians have
given up that barbaric concept------muslims STILL CLING to the filth of shariah-----never wrote the shit out of shariah
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Uthman standardized many Korans into 1 and BURNED the rest of the Korans. Authenticated Islamic source Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
You have to understand that Muslims have been memorizing the Koran since it was revealed to the prophet can go to any Muslim country you'll find people who can recite you the whole Koran without looking at one, as young as 7 years old.

[Quran 15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.

YOU have to understand----MEMORIZATION of books is a very ancient custom----precedes the birth of the rapist pig of mecca by MILLENNIA----but muslims imagine that it is something MIRACULOUS and related to the KHARAHAN only. I heard about this "miracle" about 50 years ago from muslims I encountered in the USA. In fact in ancient times----greek kids
MEMORIZED the ODYSSEY and lots of other scriptural writings. Christians and Jews did lots of memorizing too.
The "thing" about how "WONDERFUL" is the memorization of the kharahan is -----is a big joke in my house. My hubby's community lived in an area of the world that was once considered part of "Arabia" ------they lived there for something like
3000 years-----at least 2500 years which is a thousand years BEFORE the birth of the rapist pig of mecca. Literacy was MANDATORY in that community for at least 2500 years (for males) ------but----they also MEMORIZED. Interestingly---the members of that community-----now OUTSIDE of the filth of Arabia and its stench, islam ----the former DHIMMIS----still have lots of scriptural writings ENTIRELY IN THEIR HEADS as does hubby who started his memorization career casually at the age of three. ------ie----memorizing scriptural writings is no "miracle" ----and preceded islam by MILLENNIA. Memorization is no PROTECTION against change-----in fact, historically it happened LOTS A relatively FEW people actually memorized the "original" Koran-----(if there was an "original" Koran---<<< not likely)-------the stupid thing was cobbled together more than 100 years after the death of the rapist------via poison lamb from one of his victims. Even today---hubby REFUSES to recite without a book------his father warned him-----" MEMORIZATION IS A WEAK
BAR TO CHANGE------always review the written word" (I am the guilty party that tends to misplace the books)
An interesting factoid of history-----way back in the time of the INVENTION of the "movable type" (Gutenberg)--?15th century AD-----the invention of the printing press was a PROBLEM for many people-----they predicted that people would FORGET HOW TO MEMORIZE
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Uthman standardized many Korans into 1 and BURNED the rest of the Korans. Authenticated Islamic source Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
You have to understand that Muslims have been memorizing the Koran since it was revealed to the prophet can go to any Muslim country you'll find people who can recite you the whole Koran without looking at one, as young as 7 years old.

[Quran 15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.

YOU have to understand----MEMORIZATION of books is a very ancient custom----precedes the birth of the rapist pig of mecca by MILLENNIA----but muslims imagine that it is something MIRACULOUS and related to the KHARAHAN only. I heard about this "miracle" about 50 years ago from muslims I encountered in the USA. In fact in ancient times----greek kids
MEMORIZED the ODYSSEY and lots of other scriptural writings. Christians and Jews did lots of memorizing too.
The "thing" about how "WONDERFUL" is the memorization of the kharahan is -----is a big joke in my house. My hubby's community lived in an area of the world that was once considered part of "Arabia" ------they lived there for something like
3000 years-----at least 2500 years which is a thousand years BEFORE the birth of the rapist pig of mecca. Literacy was MANDATORY in that community for at least 2500 years (for males) ------but----they also MEMORIZED. Interestingly---the members of that community-----now OUTSIDE of the filth of Arabia and its stench, islam ----the former DHIMMIS----still have lots of scriptural writings ENTIRELY IN THEIR HEADS as does hubby who started his memorization career casually at the age of three. ------ie----memorizing scriptural writings is no "miracle" ----and preceded islam by MILLENNIA. Memorization is no PROTECTION against change-----in fact, historically it happened LOTS A relatively FEW people actually memorized the "original" Koran-----(if there was an "original" Koran---<<< not likely)-------the stupid thing was cobbled together more than 100 years after the death of the rapist------via poison lamb from one of his victims. Even today---hubby REFUSES to recite without a book------his father warned him-----" MEMORIZATION IS A WEAK
BAR TO CHANGE------always review the written word" (I am the guilty party that tends to misplace the books)
An interesting factoid of history-----way back in the time of the INVENTION of the "movable type" (Gutenberg)--?15th century AD-----the invention of the printing press was a PROBLEM for many people-----they predicted that people would FORGET HOW TO MEMORIZE

Same here, had to memorize Gettysburg Address, parts of Hamlet etc. Back in late '50s. Had tough teachers. I still find it a good past time using index cards, when bored on the plane, train, or waiting in dr. office or whatever.
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Uthman standardized many Korans into 1 and BURNED the rest of the Korans. Authenticated Islamic source Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
You have to understand that Muslims have been memorizing the Koran since it was revealed to the prophet can go to any Muslim country you'll find people who can recite you the whole Koran without looking at one, as young as 7 years old.

[Quran 15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.

YOU have to understand----MEMORIZATION of books is a very ancient custom----precedes the birth of the rapist pig of mecca by MILLENNIA----but muslims imagine that it is something MIRACULOUS and related to the KHARAHAN only. I heard about this "miracle" about 50 years ago from muslims I encountered in the USA. In fact in ancient times----greek kids
MEMORIZED the ODYSSEY and lots of other scriptural writings. Christians and Jews did lots of memorizing too.
The "thing" about how "WONDERFUL" is the memorization of the kharahan is -----is a big joke in my house. My hubby's community lived in an area of the world that was once considered part of "Arabia" ------they lived there for something like
3000 years-----at least 2500 years which is a thousand years BEFORE the birth of the rapist pig of mecca. Literacy was MANDATORY in that community for at least 2500 years (for males) ------but----they also MEMORIZED. Interestingly---the members of that community-----now OUTSIDE of the filth of Arabia and its stench, islam ----the former DHIMMIS----still have lots of scriptural writings ENTIRELY IN THEIR HEADS as does hubby who started his memorization career casually at the age of three. ------ie----memorizing scriptural writings is no "miracle" ----and preceded islam by MILLENNIA. Memorization is no PROTECTION against change-----in fact, historically it happened LOTS A relatively FEW people actually memorized the "original" Koran-----(if there was an "original" Koran---<<< not likely)-------the stupid thing was cobbled together more than 100 years after the death of the rapist------via poison lamb from one of his victims. Even today---hubby REFUSES to recite without a book------his father warned him-----" MEMORIZATION IS A WEAK
BAR TO CHANGE------always review the written word" (I am the guilty party that tends to misplace the books)
An interesting factoid of history-----way back in the time of the INVENTION of the "movable type" (Gutenberg)--?15th century AD-----the invention of the printing press was a PROBLEM for many people-----they predicted that people would FORGET HOW TO MEMORIZE

Same here, had to memorize Gettysburg Address, parts of Hamlet etc. Back in late '50s. Had tough teachers. I still find it a good past time using index cards, when bored on the plane, train, or waiting in dr. office or whatever.

I can STILL do the Gettysburg address---AND the preamble to the constitution----I think----do not test me-----its been a LONG TIME

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