Avoid Black hoods because.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
I have a friend from Pleasant valley, a Black kid he went to school with was walking around Poughkeepsie, when some Black guys standing on a porch yelled something fresh to him, he yelled something fresh back, and they shot him, and killed him.
I have a friend from Pleasant valley, a Black kid he went to school with was walking around Poughkeepsie, when some Black guys standing on a porch yelled something fresh to him, he yelled something fresh back, and they shot him, and killed him.

When there's a dozen or more on a porch and they say something, keep walking. If they come off the porch, duck somewhere and hope you have/find a weapon.
When there's a dozen or more on a porch and they say something, keep walking. If they come off the porch, duck somewhere and hope you have/find a weapon.
I ALWAYS have a weapon (.380 semiautomatic pistol) in my pocket. I'm amazed that most people don't.

I have a friend from Pleasant valley, a Black kid he went to school with was walking around Poughkeepsie, when some Black guys standing on a porch yelled something fresh to him, he yelled something fresh back, and they shot him, and killed him.

When there's a dozen or more on a porch and they say something, keep walking. If they come off the porch, duck somewhere and hope you have/find a weapon.
See black people are going to get sore at us for pointing out the extreme dysfunction in these black communities. They need to realize we aren’t saying all black communities are highly dysfunctional. We are only talking about the most extreme cases. Problem is there are hundreds of these bad neighborhoods in America.

I will even give them that whites created these ghettos. It’s true. But it’s up to the people in these ghettos to change their behavior. As it is right now things are bad. Bad for blacks especially. So as far as listening to what us whites have to say, what have they got to lose?

I’m watching the first 48. All they are are blacks killing blacks. It’s so clearly obvious the people in these communities are ghetto trash. They are trapped there because they could never move and get a job. Not because they are black but because they are ignorant blacks. That’s not racist that’s reality
Man if we all took a pledge to have no children and snip snip, I bet we'd all live like Kings. Ridiculous. First I decided to live free off government prices then another and another smart decision. I don't let these people get all mystifying, the Other, there's nothing out there man, go outside, you know. Hey I'd take government housing.
Lesson, do not yell at negroids. Mind your business. Only if they surround you, assault you, etc., then you unload.
Avoiding black hoods is just sort of GPSd into me. I sometimes know how to get from point A to point B by more than one route and always the one I choose is the one that avoids the hood(s). It’s common sense if you live around here because you know where 90-some percent of the entire year’s shootings are gonna take place, so best leave that turf to the native population to deal with.

Okay, let’s hear from the usual race pimps about how chickenshit that is...LOL
Ya Ya OK but only if you stalk Muslims for reporting their activities on the internet FBI. That's jst reasonable racial behavior, 50 feet, 4 hours, then you turn the stalking over to another citizen.

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