Awesome Newt comment, welcoming being vetted


Feb 14, 2011
Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team" | RealClearPolitics

He's almost a gotcha-proof candidate. When people give him a chance to get one sentence past whatever soundbite/nutshell/pigeonhole anyone tries to put him in, he generally has a great answer.

Gingrich says he is confident that after the media vets him that the American people will be satisfied.

"In the next three weeks, I predict to you we will have all sorts of questions about me. And it's fine. You can not ask the people of the United States to loan you the most powerful governmental job in the world, particularly in a campaign that's promising very dramatic change, and not have them vet you carefully and thoroughly," Gingrich said.
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Gingrich Defends Shifting Statements on Climate Change

Mitt Romney may be the GOP presidential candidate that is most often criticized for flip-flopping, but as Newt Gingrich rises to challenge him at the top of the polls, the former House speaker may also be giving him a run for his money on that label of inconsistency.

When it comes to global warming, Gingrich’s position seems to have changed faster than the climate.

“I don’t know if he’s just being opportunistic or of he’s had a real change of heart, but it is a bit disconcerting,” said Jim DiPeso, the policy director for Republicans for Environmental Protection.

In the more than 30 years since Gingrich was first elected to the House, he has said there is both sufficient evidence to prove the climate is changing and also that there is no conclusive proof. He supported a cap-and-trade program to limit carbon emissions and then later testified against it before a Congressional committee.

And while in the House he co-sponsored a bill that said climate change was “resulting from human activities,” but he later said he did not know if humans were to blame.
Gingrich's record is now coming under the same intense scrutiny as any other Republican "frontrunner" which means he will have alot of explaining to do!
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Every frontrunner has answers to make and observations to endure.

Newt's major obstacles are his mouth at times and what may be real trouble with connections to the health industry.

If he is the front runner in June for the GOP, and SCOTUS affirms the health insurance reform act (which will most likely be the outcome), he will be in a super position for taking the nomination and a full run at the campaign.
Gingrich Defends Shifting Statements on Climate Change

Mitt Romney may be the GOP presidential candidate that is most often criticized for flip-flopping, but as Newt Gingrich rises to challenge him at the top of the polls, the former House speaker may also be giving him a run for his money on that label of inconsistency.

When it comes to global warming, Gingrich’s position seems to have changed faster than the climate.

“I don’t know if he’s just being opportunistic or of he’s had a real change of heart, but it is a bit disconcerting,” said Jim DiPeso, the policy director for Republicans for Environmental Protection.

In the more than 30 years since Gingrich was first elected to the House, he has said there is both sufficient evidence to prove the climate is changing and also that there is no conclusive proof. He supported a cap-and-trade program to limit carbon emissions and then later testified against it before a Congressional committee.

And while in the House he co-sponsored a bill that said climate change was “resulting from human activities,” but he later said he did not know if humans were to blame.
Gingrich's record is now coming under the same intense scrutiny as any other Republican "frontrunner" which means he will have alot of explaining to do!

We shouldn't expect any less from a presidential candidate. I have faith in him. I think he will do fine. I sincerely believe he is the most qualified.
He is very smart.

Its a nice change from the other candidates

Uh... huh huh.... she said change :lol:

Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team" | RealClearPolitics

He's almost a gotcha-proof candidate. When people give him a chance to get one sentence past whatever soundbite/nutshell/pigeonhole anyone tries to put him in, he generally has a great answer.

Gingrich says he is confident that after the media vets him that the American people will be satisfied.

"In the next three weeks, I predict to you we will have all sorts of questions about me. And it's fine. You can not ask the people of the United States to loan you the most powerful governmental job in the world, particularly in a campaign that's promising very dramatic change, and not have them vet you carefully and thoroughly," Gingrich said.

Good for him. This recent notion by other candidates, Cain for example, that candidates shouldn't be vetted in the media is ridiculous. It won't make me vote for him, but kudos to him for not being a coward.
What is 'awesome' about it?

I'm not overly interested in what politicians say... It is what they do that counts.
What is 'awesome' about it?

I'm not overly interested in what politicians say... It is what they do that counts.

How do you know what they do unless you know it through words?

I wasn't a witness to what Newt did after he left Congress. I have to rely on words from someone.

He ably describes what he has done, and ably counteracts the impression that I receive about him from other sources.

That's a great skill to have.
Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team" | RealClearPolitics

He's almost a gotcha-proof candidate. When people give him a chance to get one sentence past whatever soundbite/nutshell/pigeonhole anyone tries to put him in, he generally has a great answer.

Gingrich says he is confident that after the media vets him that the American people will be satisfied.

"In the next three weeks, I predict to you we will have all sorts of questions about me. And it's fine. You can not ask the people of the United States to loan you the most powerful governmental job in the world, particularly in a campaign that's promising very dramatic change, and not have them vet you carefully and thoroughly," Gingrich said.

Newt could very well be the best president we've had in decades. I really hope he gets the chance.
Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team" | RealClearPolitics

He's almost a gotcha-proof candidate. When people give him a chance to get one sentence past whatever soundbite/nutshell/pigeonhole anyone tries to put him in, he generally has a great answer.

Gingrich says he is confident that after the media vets him that the American people will be satisfied.

"In the next three weeks, I predict to you we will have all sorts of questions about me. And it's fine. You can not ask the people of the United States to loan you the most powerful governmental job in the world, particularly in a campaign that's promising very dramatic change, and not have them vet you carefully and thoroughly," Gingrich said.

This sure doesn't sound like a candidate that has anything to hide--does it? Gingrich is just telling the media in this country to--"bring it on"---:lol::lol:

First time ever I have seen a candidate welcoming the media to investigate their past--and Gingrich just did it.
He ably describes what he has done, and ably counteracts the impression that I receive about him from other sources.

That's a great skill to have.

I disagree. Gingrich only counteracts stories about him when one takes his word on faith. Consider for example his press release about his relationship with Freddie Mac (News | Newt Gingrich 2012

Today’s Bloomberg article confirms that Gingrich and his firm did no lobbying for Freddie Mac.

Well, that should be the end of it, no? Gingrich cites an easily available independent source saying he was not a lobbyist. Of course, if you read the article, Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg, it says nothing of the kind:

What he did for the money is a subject of disagreement.

The article does quote Gingrich and the lobbyist to whom Gingrich reported as saying that Gingrich was not himself a lobbyist, but it is demonstrably true that the article does not repeat this unsubstantiated claim as fact. Indeed, if you check politifact,, it is clear that Gingrich makes demonstrably counterfactual statements with some regularity.

Gingrich's explanation of his relationship with Freddie Mac, incidentally, is absurd. He claims that Freddie Mac hired him because he was a "historian". How fortunate that a historian who was denied tenure and left the profession would still be able to earn millions of dollars through his historical acumen.
Who cares?

Newt has been up front and center for so long that whatever he has lurking in his deep dark past has already made the rounds and then some.

Go Newt! I was afraid he wouldn't run, and I don't think he would have if there was anybody else more qualified. Which honestly...I'd rather have a president who is president because he doesn't see any way around it, instead of a president who has been groomed for the presidency for decades, and for whom the presidency has been a lifelong goal.
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What makes him more qualified in your opinion?

Thank you for asking. I believe he has shown his qualifications with his Contract for America 1994 and working with both parties. His solutions are common sense and not playing politics. Just catch up on his website for solutions for todays problems in his most recent Contract for America. There's a lot to like.

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