nakedemperor said:
I said "the aritcle that kathianne recommended". Its in her post, right before mine.

I see that now, look at the example kathianne provided for future use. that will help alleviate some confusion. You'll pick it up soon enough.
nakedemperor said:
Okay so during the Vietnam War George W. Bush used his father's influence to skip a 100+ man waiting list to enter into the Texas National Guard. That's fine, it happens in University Admissions, whatever (except the people who don't get into the universities don't have to risk getting drafted and sent to vietnam where 300+ people are dying a week, at some points). After completing training, Bush requested and immediately recieved a transfer to an Alabama Guard unity in May, 1972. But he never showed up for duty, according to Dannelly Air Force Base commander and the commander's assistant. Military records show that Bush's commanding officers back in Texas reported he did not show up for duty there either for a year. Officially, the period between May 72 and May 73 remains unaccounted for because of missing records.

So here's why I posted this in the War on Terror thread: shouldn't a war-time president be scrutinized when there is LOTS of reason to believe he deserted during a time of war? I mean, AT LEAST find SOMEONE, a pilot, officer, janitor, ANYONE, who corroborates this claim. But he and the RNC haven't been able to do that. Why can't he address this issue difinitively.

Where were you in 72? Apparently the pres doesn't remember.

So you are asking for proof but do you haveany to back your self

everything I posted is commonly accepted and would require linking you to dozens of articles to "prove", but, as its truth is self-evident in lieu of bipartisan acceptance, I don't think its necessary. What is at issue are if Bush fulfilled his duties elsewhere, etc. no if he fulfilled them at Dannelly airforce base. The information regarding his acceptance into the Air Nation Guard is also common knowledge and is currently self-evident.

But you post begs the question, in order to disprove someone saying you WEREN'T somewhere, you have to be able to prove that you WERE there. That's how alibies work. Imagine: "Where were you on the night of the robbery?" "I was at home." "Can you prove it?" "No, but can you prove I WASN'T?"

Doesn't that sound a little ludicrous?
nakedemperor said:

everything I posted is commonly accepted and would require linking you to dozens of articles to "prove", but, as its truth is self-evident in lieu of bipartisan acceptance, I don't think its necessary. What is at issue are if Bush fulfilled his duties elsewhere, etc. no if he fulfilled them at Dannelly airforce base. The information regarding his acceptance into the Air Nation Guard is also common knowledge and is currently self-evident.

But you post begs the question, in order to disprove someone saying you WEREN'T somewhere, you have to be able to prove that you WERE there. That's how alibies work. Imagine: "Where were you on the night of the robbery?" "I was at home." "Can you prove it?" "No, but can you prove I WASN'T?"

Doesn't that sound a little ludicrous?

can't take the medicine of the left? they always say that if you can't prove it, it isn't so. Right? I mean listen to them now....

The Swift-boat vets that ACTUALLY served with Kerry have come out against him in detail and all the Kerry campaign can say is, "liar, liar pants on fire, stop it is all lies! - whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
nakedemperor said:

everything I posted is commonly accepted and would require linking you to dozens of articles to "prove", but, as its truth is self-evident in lieu of bipartisan acceptance, I don't think its necessary. What is at issue are if Bush fulfilled his duties elsewhere, etc. no if he fulfilled them at Dannelly airforce base. The information regarding his acceptance into the Air Nation Guard is also common knowledge and is currently self-evident.

But you post begs the question, in order to disprove someone saying you WEREN'T somewhere, you have to be able to prove that you WERE there. That's how alibies work. Imagine: "Where were you on the night of the robbery?" "I was at home." "Can you prove it?" "No, but can you prove I WASN'T?"

Doesn't that sound a little ludicrous?
Ok for example I have a friend in army intelligence he cannot talk about any thing he dose and about were he has been so do you think that maybe that info may be confidential
nakedemperor said:

everything I posted is commonly accepted and would require linking you to dozens of articles to "prove", but, as its truth is self-evident in lieu of bipartisan acceptance, I don't think its necessary. What is at issue are if Bush fulfilled his duties elsewhere, etc. no if he fulfilled them at Dannelly airforce base. The information regarding his acceptance into the Air Nation Guard is also common knowledge and is currently self-evident.

But you post begs the question, in order to disprove someone saying you WEREN'T somewhere, you have to be able to prove that you WERE there. That's how alibies work. Imagine: "Where were you on the night of the robbery?" "I was at home." "Can you prove it?" "No, but can you prove I WASN'T?"

Doesn't that sound a little ludicrous?

This wins the prize for post of the day! :banana: Commonly accepted? I don't think so. I referred you twice to a non-partisan site that totally repudiates them. Lies told over and over again. :trolls:
And twice I pointed out that your article proves none of the points you were trying to make, and in essence, strengthens my argument. The points heretofore mentioned ARE commonly accepted, and your article did not ADDRESS the points that I made about non-flight duties given to Bush after he handed in his wings 2 years early and PROOF of Bush fulfilling missed drill duties in texas. Your article said the PROOF is, sadly, "unaccounted for".
nakedemperor said:
And twice I pointed out that your article proves none of the points you were trying to make, and in essence, strengthens my argument. The points heretofore mentioned ARE commonly accepted, and your article did not ADDRESS the points that I made about non-flight duties given to Bush after he handed in his wings 2 years early and PROOF of Bush fulfilling missed drill duties in texas. Your article said the PROOF is, sadly, "unaccounted for".

I experienced something like this in the late 90's. I called marcia clark and told her that there was no way that OJ could have killed nicole and ronald because I saw OJ in O'hare airport having a cappucino with elvis presley. Since she could not prove that OJ wasn't at O'hare with elvis I should have been allowed to testify, it would only have made OJ's innocence more clear and, in essence, strengthened the defense. but alas, they didn't believe me. :poke:
DKSuddeth said:
I experienced something like this in the late 90's. I called marcia clark and told her that there was no way that OJ could have killed nicole and ronald because I saw OJ in O'hare airport having a cappucino with elvis presley. Since she could not prove that OJ wasn't at O'hare with elvis I should have been allowed to testify, it would only have made OJ's innocence more clear and, in essence, strengthened the defense. but alas, they didn't believe me. :poke:
I saw him to but it was Jimmy Hoffa not Elvis.
Scorio said:
I saw him to but it was Jimmy Hoffa not Elvis.

Damit you guys, it was Bugs, who escaped the clutches of Michael Jordan, trying to force him to make another movie! :funnyface
Kathianne said:
Damit you guys, it was Bugs, who escaped the clutches of Michael Jordan, trying to force him to make another movie! :funnyface

can you prove that? DOH, guess not. I must be right then. :thup:
DKSuddeth said:
can you prove that? DOH, guess not. I must be right then. :thup:

Actually, Rumsfeld met OJ at Chicago to discuss setting up "The OSP".
freeandfun1 said:
Actually, Rumsfeld met OJ at Chicago to discuss setting up "The OSP".

Well I KNOW that Bugs came and told them all to, "Shove it"!
Kathianne said:
Well I KNOW that Bugs came and told them all to, "Shove it"!

he then went off and had a beer with wolfowitz and OBL.
DKSuddeth said:
I experienced something like this in the late 90's. I called marcia clark and told her that there was no way that OJ could have killed nicole and ronald because I saw OJ in O'hare airport having a cappucino with elvis presley. Since she could not prove that OJ wasn't at O'hare with elvis I should have been allowed to testify, it would only have made OJ's innocence more clear and, in essence, strengthened the defense. but alas, they didn't believe me. :poke:
we are all wrong it was homer dressed as elvis
freeandfun1 said:
he then went off and had a beer with wolfowitz and OBL.

:mm: Well I thought they had had enough problems for one day! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
AWOL Bush???

Hmmm, this matter is very simple. Fact, George W. Bush was never charged with AWOL from the National Gaurd (prove otherwise nakedemperor). Fact, John F. Kerry was awarded medals in Vietnam. If someone trusts the military enough to accept the medals that were awarded to Kerry, they should also accept that fact that Bush was honorably discharged. End of story.
MtnBiker said:
AWOL Bush???

Hmmm, this matter is very simple. Fact, George W. Bush was never charged with AWOL from the National Gaurd (prove otherwise nakedemperor). Fact, John F. Kerry was awarded medals in Vietnam. If someone trusts the military enough to accept the medals that were awarded to Kerry, they should also accept that fact that Bush was honorably discharged. End of story.

Couldn't have said it better!!!
Well, the extended joke about seeing O.J. having coffee is very appropriate. It describes how crazy it would be if someone came forward saying thay say bush at Dannelly Airforce Base. If you want to though, because he has said he was there on several occasions, you can win 10,000 dollars at But if you want to go ahead and ignore the GLARING open ends of this case, as I pointed out in Kathianne's article, then keep talking about Bugs and Hoffa and whatever.
nakedemperor said:
Well, the extended joke about seeing O.J. having coffee is very appropriate. It describes how crazy it would be if someone came forward saying thay say bush at Dannelly Airforce Base. If you want to though, because he has said he was there on several occasions, you can win 10,000 dollars at But if you want to go ahead and ignore the GLARING open ends of this case, as I pointed out in Kathianne's article, then keep talking about Bugs and Hoffa and whatever.

We wouldnt have to joke about anything if you actually bothered to provide any sort of evidence other than stating your opinion and declaring that everyone accepts it despite the obvious fact that the Bush campaign answered all these accusations back in Febuary.

But ill play alittle. lets say despite all the evidence, Bush did go AWOL. Which would be better as a President: An AWOL National Guarde member, Or a Navy swift boat captian who confesses to committing war crimes and atrocities?
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