Okay so during the Vietnam War George W. Bush used his father's influence to skip a 100+ man waiting list to enter into the Texas National Guard. That's fine, it happens in University Admissions, whatever (except the people who don't get into the universities don't have to risk getting drafted and sent to vietnam where 300+ people are dying a week, at some points). After completing training, Bush requested and immediately recieved a transfer to an Alabama Guard unity in May, 1972. But he never showed up for duty, according to Dannelly Air Force Base commander and the commander's assistant. Military records show that Bush's commanding officers back in Texas reported he did not show up for duty there either for a year. Officially, the period between May 72 and May 73 remains unaccounted for because of missing records.
So here's why I posted this in the War on Terror thread: shouldn't a war-time president be scrutinized when there is LOTS of reason to believe he deserted during a time of war? I mean, AT LEAST find SOMEONE, a pilot, officer, janitor, ANYONE, who corroborates this claim. But he and the RNC haven't been able to do that. Why can't he address this issue difinitively.
Where were you in 72? Apparently the pres doesn't remember.